Publications of the research group "Animal Communication and Urban Ecology"

Publications of Marc Immanuel Förschler

Journal Article (13)

Journal Article
Förschler, M. I.; Bense, U.; Berthold, P.; Dietz, C.; Doczkal, D.; Dorka, U.; Ebel, C.; Hessner, W.; Hoefer, H.; Hoelzer, A. et al.; Koeppel, C.; Kolb, A.; Laufer, H.; Lieser, M.; Marx, J.; Meineke, J.-U.; Muench, W.; Murmann-Kristen, L.; Rennwald, E.; Roempp, I.; Roth, K.; Schanowski, A.; Schelkle, E.; Schiel, F.-J.; Schlund, W.; Schroth, K.-E.; Spaeth, V.; Stader, P.; Steiner, A.; Stuebner, S.; Turni, H.; Waldenspuhl, T.; Wolf, T.; Ziegler, J.; Zimmermann, P.: Ökologisches Potenzial eines möglichen Nationalparks im Nordschwarzwald. Chancen in Prozessschutz-, Entwicklungs- und Managementzonen aus naturschutzfachlicher Sicht. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 44 (9), pp. 273 - 281 (2012)
Journal Article
Förschler, M. I.; Carlos Senar, J.; Perret, P.; Bjorklund, M.: The species status of the Corsican finch Carduelis corsicana assessed by three genetic markers with different rates of evolution. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 52 (1), pp. 234 - 240 (2009)
Journal Article
Förschler, M. I.; Siebenrock, K.-H.; Coppack, T.: Corsican finches have less pointed wings than their migratory congeners on the mainland. Vie et Milieu 58 (3-4), pp. 277 - 281 (2008)
Journal Article
Peters, A.; Delhey, K.; Andersson, S.; van Noordwijk, H. J.; Förschler, M. I.: Condition-dependence of multiple carotenoid-based plumage traits: An experimental study. Functional Ecology 22 (5), pp. 831 - 839 (2008)
Journal Article
Förschler, M. I.: Microgeographic variation in citril finch Carduelis citrinella abundance as a consequence of resource availability and ancient landscape cultivation. European Journal of Wildlife Research 53 (1), pp. 29 - 34 (2007)
Journal Article
Förschler, M. I.: Absence of insular density inflation in Corsican Finches Carduelis citrinella corsicanus. Acta Ornithologica 41 (2), pp. 171 - 175 (2006)
Journal Article
Förschler, M. I.: Starker Bestandsrückgang beim Zitronenzeisig Carduelis citrinella an nachbrutzeitlichen Sammelplätzen im Nordschwarzwald. Vogelwarte - Zeitschrift für Vogelkunde 44 (1), pp. 17 - 21 (2006)
Journal Article
Förschler, M. I.; Borras, A.; Kalko, E. K. V.; Cabrera, J.; Cabrera, T.; Carlos Senar, J.: Inter-locality variation in breeding phenology and nesting habitat of the citril finch Carduelis citrinella in the Catalonian Pre-Pyrenees. Ardeola 53 (1), pp. 115 - 126 (2006)
Journal Article
Förschler, M. I.; Foerschler, L.; Dorka, U.: Population fluctuations of siskins Carduelis spinus, common crossbills Loxia curvirostra, and citril finches Carduelis citrinella in relationship to flowering intensity of spruce Picea abies. Ornis Fennica 83 (2), pp. 91 - 96 (2006)
Journal Article
Förschler, M. I.; Kalko, E. K. V.: Breeding ecology and nest site selection in allopatric mainland Citril Finches Carduelis citrinella citrinella and insular Corsican Finches Carduelis citrinella corsicanus. Journal of Ornithology 147 (4), pp. 553 - 564 (2006)
Journal Article
Förschler, M. I.; Kalko, E. K. V.: Macrogeographic variations in food choice of mainland citril finches Carduelis (citrinella) citrinella versus insular Corsican (citril) finches Carduelis (citrinella) corsicanus. Journal of Ornithology 147 (3), pp. 441 - 447 (2006)
Journal Article
Förschler, M. I.; Kalko, E. K. V.: Age-specific reproductive performance in citril finches Carduelis citrinella. Ardea 94 (2), pp. 275 - 279 (2006)
Journal Article
Förschler, M. I.; Borras, A.; Cabrera, J.; Cabrera, T.; Senar, J.: Inter-locality variation in reproductive success of the citril finch Serinus citrinella. Journal of Ornithology 146 (2), pp. 137 - 140 (2005)
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