Publications of Irmgard Teschke
All genres
Journal Article (8)
Journal Article
9 (3), e91718 (2014)
Coping with uncertainty: Woodpecker finches (Cactospiza pallida) from an unpredictable habitat are more flexible than birds from a stable habitat. PLoS One 2013
Journal Article
368 (1630), 20120418 (2013)
Did tool-use evolve with enhanced physical cognitive abilities? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 2012
Journal Article
7 (12), e51881 (2012)
Juvenile Galapagos pelicans increase their foraging success by copying adult behaviour. PLoS One
Journal Article
118 (2), pp. 135 - 146 (2012)
The relationship between foraging, learning abilities and neophobia in two species of Darwin's finches. Ethology
Journal Article
89 (2), pp. 166 - 171 (2012)
Use of a barbed tool by an adult and a juvenile woodpecker finch (Cactospiza pallida). Behavioural Processes 2011
Journal Article
82 (5), pp. 945 - 956 (2011)
Sometimes tool use is not the key: No evidence for cognitive adaptive specializations in tool-using woodpecker finches. Animal Behaviour
Journal Article
14 (4), pp. 555 - 563 (2011)
Physical cognition and tool-use: Performance of Darwin's finches in the two-trap tube task. Animal Cognition 2010
Journal Article
365 (1543), pp. 1099 - 1109 (2010)
The tale of the finch: Adaptive radiation and behavioural flexibility. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences Book Chapter (1)
Book Chapter
Why do woodpecker finches use tools? In: Tool use in animals. Cognition and ecology, pp. 134 - 158 (Eds. Sanz, C. M.; Call, J.; Boesch, C.). Cambridge University Press (2013)