Publications of Bryson Voirin
All genres
Journal Article (9)
Journal Article
27 (6), pp. 1291 - 1308 (2018)
The curious case of Bradypus variegatus sloths: Populations in threatened habitats are biodiversity components needing protection. Biodiversity and Conservation 2016
Journal Article
7, 12468 (2016)
Evidence that birds sleep in mid-flight. Nature Communications
Journal Article
8 (3), pp. 607 - 621 (2016)
Evolutionary relationships among extinct and extant sloths: The evidence of mitogenomes and retroviruses. Genome biology and evolution 2015
Journal Article
96 (4), pp. 703 - 707 (2015)
Biology and conservation of the pygmy sloth, Bradypus pygmaeus. Journal of Mammalogy 2014
Journal Article
37 (4), pp. 753 - 761 (2014)
Ecology and neurophysiology of sleep in two wild sloth species. Sleep 2012
Journal Article
23 (Suppl.), pp. 9 - 24 (2012)
Seed dispersal by neotropical birds: Emerging patterns and underlying processes. Ornitologia Neotropical 2010
Journal Article
10, 86 (2010)
Molecular evidence for a diverse green algal community growing in the hair of sloths and a specific association with Trichophilus welckeri (Chlorophyta, Ulvophyceae). BMC Evolutionary Biology 2009
Journal Article
10, pp. 15 - 20 (2009)
Evidence of three-toed sloth predation by spectacled owl. Edentata 2008
Journal Article
4 (4), pp. 402 - 405 (2008)
Sleeping outside the box: Electroencephalographic measures of sleep in sloths inhabiting a rainforest. Biology Letters Book Chapter (1)
Book Chapter
Why do sloths poop on the ground? In: Treetops at risk. Challenges of global canopy ecology and conservation, pp. 195 - 199 (Eds. Lowman, M.; Devy, S.; Ganesh, T.). Springer-Verlag, New York (2013)