Publications of Alexander Scheuerlein
All genres
Journal Article (6)
Journal Article
148 (3), pp. 468 - 476 (2006)
Reduced nestling growth of East African Stonechats Saxicola torquata axillaris in the presence of a predator. Ibis 2002
Journal Article
17 (2), pp. 171 - 180 (2002)
Is food availability a circannual zeitgeber in tropical birds? A field experiment on stonechats in tropical Africa. Journal of Biological Rhythms 2001
Journal Article
268 (1476), pp. 1575 - 1582 (2001)
Predators as stressors? Physiological and reproductive consequences of predation risk in tropical stonechats (Saxicola torquata axillaris). Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 1999
Journal Article
101 (2), pp. 347 - 359 (1999)
Photoperiodic responsiveness of equatorial and temperate-zone stonechats. The Condor 1998
Journal Article
139 (4), pp. 407 - 412 (1998)
Seasonal changes in day-light intensity as a potential zeitgeber of circannual rhythms in equatorial Stonechats. Journal für Ornithologie 1997
Journal Article
35 (4), pp. 378 - 380 (1997)
Wild dogs in Arusha National Park. African Journal of Ecology Conference Paper (1)
Conference Paper
Proximate and ultimate aspects of photoperiodic sensitivity in equatorial Stonechats Saxicola torquata axillaris. In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Ornithological Congress, pp. 1756 - 1766 (Eds. Adams, N. J.; Slotow, R. H.). 22nd International Ornithological Congress, Durban, August 16, 1998 - August 22, 1998. Birdlife South Africa, Johannesburg (1999)