Publications of the research group "Animal Communication and Urban Ecology"

Publications of Frederic E. Theunissen

Journal Article (65)

Journal Article
Robotka, H.; Thomas, L.; Yu, K.; Wood, W.; Elie, J.E.; Gahr, M.; Theunissen, F. E.: Sparse ensemble neural code for a complete vocal repertoire. Cell Reports 42 (2), 112034 (2023)
Journal Article
Elie, J. E.; Theunissen, F. E.: Invariant neural responses for sensory categories revealed by the time-varying information for communication calls. PLoS Computational Biology 15 (9), e1006698 (2019)
Journal Article
Elie, J. E.; Theunissen, F. E.: Zebra finches identify individuals using vocal signatures unique to each call type. Nature Communications 9, 4026 (2018)
Journal Article
Piazza, E. A.; Theunissen, F. E.; Wessel, D.; Whitney, D.: Rapid adaptation to the timbre of natural sounds. Scientific Reports 8, 13826 (2018)
Journal Article
de Heer, W. A.; Huth, A. G.; Griffiths, T. L.; Gallant, J. L.; Theunissen, F. E.: The hierarchical cortical organization of human speech processing. The Journal of Neuroscience 37 (27), pp. 6539 - 6557 (2017)
Journal Article
Holdgraf, C. R.; Rieger, J. W.; Micheli, C.; Martin, S.; Knight, R. T.; Theunissen, F. E.: Encoding and decoding models in cognitive electrophysiology. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 11, 61 (2017)
Journal Article
Kaardal, J. T.; Theunissen, F. E.; Sharpee, T. O.: A low-rank method for characterizing high-level neural computations. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 11, 68 (2017)
Journal Article
Mouterde, S. C.; Elie, J. E.; Mathevon, N.; Theunissen, F. E.: Single neurons in the avian auditory cortex encode individual identity and propagation distance in naturally degraded communication calls. The Journal of Neuroscience 37 (13), pp. 3491 - 3510 (2017)
Journal Article
Elie, J. E.; Theunissen, F. E.: The vocal repertoire of the domesticated zebra finch: A data-driven approach to decipher the information-bearing acoustic features of communication signals. Animal Cognition 19 (2), pp. 285 - 315 (2016)
Journal Article
Holdgraf, C. R.; de Heer, W.; Pasley, B.; Rieger, J.; Crone, N.; Lin, J. J.; Knight, R. T.; Theunissen, F. E.: Rapid tuning shifts in human auditory cortex enhance speech intelligibility. Nature Communications 7, 13654 (2016)
Journal Article
Huth, A. G.; de Heer, W. A.; Griffiths, T. L.; Theunissen, F. E.; Gallant, J. L.: Natural speech reveals the semantic maps that tile human cerebral cortex. Nature 532 (7600), pp. 453 - 458 (2016)
Journal Article
Elie, J. E.; Theunissen, F. E.: Meaning in the avian auditory cortex: Neural representation of communication calls. European Journal of Neuroscience: European Neuroscience Association 41 (5), pp. 546 - 567 (2015)
Journal Article
Lee, T.; Theunissen, F. E.: A single microphone noise reduction algorithm based on the detection and reconstruction of spectro-temporal features. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 471 (2184), 20150309 (2015)
Journal Article
Perez, E. C.; Elie, J. E.; Boucaud, I. C.; Crouchet, T.; Soulage, C. O.; Soula, H. A.; Theunissen, F. E.; Vignal, C.: Physiological resonance between mates through calls as possible evidence of empathic processes in songbirds. Hormones and Behavior 75, pp. 130 - 141 (2015)
Journal Article
Dahl, A.; Sherlock, B. R.; Campos, J. J.; Theunissen, F. E.: Mothers' tone of voice depends on the nature of infants' transgressions. Emotion 14 (4), pp. 651 - 665 (2014)
Journal Article
Mouterde, S. C.; Elie, J. E.; Theunissen, F. E.; Mathevon, N.: Learning to cope with degraded sounds: Female zebra finches can improve their expertise in discriminating between male voices at long distances. The Journal of Experimental Biology 217, pp. 3169 - 3177 (2014)
Journal Article
Mouterde, S. C.; Theunissen, F. E.; Elie, J. E.; Vignal, C.; Mathevon, N.: Acoustic communication and sound degradation: How do the individual signatures of male and female zebra finch calls transmit over distance? PLoS One 9 (7), e102842 (2014)
Journal Article
Theunissen, F. E.; Elie, J. E.: Neural processing of natural sounds. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 15 (6), pp. 355 - 366 (2014)
Journal Article
Amin, N.; Gastpar, M.; Theunissen, F. E.: Selective and efficient neural coding of communication signals depends on early acoustic and social environment. PLoS One 8 (4), e61417 (2013)
Journal Article
Elliott, T. M.; Hamilton, L. S.; Theunissen, F. E.: Acoustic structure of the five perceptual dimensions of timbre in orchestral instrument tones. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 133 (1), pp. 389 - 404 (2013)
Journal Article
Hauber, M. E.; Woolley, S. M.; Cassey, P.; Theunissen, F. E.: Experience dependence of neural responses to different classes of male songs in the primary auditory forebrain of female songbirds. Behavioural Brain Research 243, pp. 184 - 190 (2013)
Journal Article
Moore, R. C.; Lee, T.; Theunissen, F. E.: Noise-invariant neurons in the avian auditory cortex: Hearing the song in noise. PLoS Computational Biology 9 (3), e1002942 (2013)
Journal Article
Theunissen, F. E.; Elie, J. E.: Population code, noise correlations, and memory. Neuron 78 (2), pp. 209 - 210 (2013)
Journal Article
Goll, J. C.; Ridgway, G. R.; Crutch, S. J.; Theunissen, F. E.; Warren, J. D.: Nonverbal sound processing in semantic dementia: A functional MRI study. NeuroImage 61 (1), pp. 170 - 180 (2012)
Journal Article
Amin, N.; Gill, P.; Theunissen, F. E.: Role of the zebra finch auditory thalamus in generating complex representations for natural sounds. Journal of Neurophysiology 104 (2), pp. 784 - 798 (2010)
Journal Article
Gastpar, M. C.; Gill, P. R.; Huth, A. G.; Theunissen, F. E.: Anthropic correction of information estimates and its application to neural coding. IEEE transactions on information theory 56 (2), pp. 890 - 900 (2010)
Journal Article
Mathevon, N.; Koralek, A.; Weldele, M.; Glickman, S. E.; Theunissen, F. E.: What the hyena's laugh tells: Sex, age, dominance and individual signature in the giggling call of Crocuta crocuta. BMC Ecology 10, 9 (2010)
Journal Article
Woolley, S. M.; Hauber, M. E.; Theunissen, F. E.: Developmental experience alters information coding in auditory midbrain and forebrain neurons. Developmental neurobiology 70 (4), pp. 235 - 252 (2010)
Journal Article
Elliott, T. M.; Theunissen, F. E.: The modulation transfer function for speech intelligibility. PLoS Computational Biology 5 (3), e1000302 (2009)
Journal Article
Woolley, S. M.; Gill, P. R.; Fremouw, T.; Theunissen, F. E.: Functional groups in the avian auditory system. The Journal of Neuroscience 29 (9), pp. 2780 - 2793 (2009)
Journal Article
Boumans, T.; Gobes, S. M.; Poirier, C.; Theunissen, F. E.; Vandersmissen, L.; Pintjens, W.; Verhoye, M.; Bolhuis, J. J.; Van der Linden, A.: Functional MRI of auditory responses in the zebra finch forebrain reveals a hierarchical organisation based on signal strength but not selectivity. PLoS One 3 (9), e3184 (2008)
Journal Article
Gill, P.; Woolley, S. M.; Fremouw, T.; Theunissen, F. E.: What's that sound? Auditory area CLM encodes stimulus surprise, not intensity or intensity changes. Journal of Neurophysiology 99 (6), pp. 2809 - 2820 (2008)
Journal Article
Amin, N.; Doupe, A.; Theunissen, F. E.: Development of selectivity for natural sounds in the songbird auditory forebrain. Journal of Neurophysiology 97 (5), pp. 3517 - 3531 (2007)
Journal Article
Boumans, T.; Theunissen, F. E.; Poirier, C.; van der Linden, A.: Neural representation of spectral and temporal features of song in the auditory forebrain of zebra finches as revealed by functional MRI. European Journal of Neuroscience: European Neuroscience Association 26 (9), pp. 2613 - 2626 (2007)
Journal Article
Cohen, Y. E.; Theunissen, F. E.; Russ, B. E.; Gill, P.: Acoustic features of Rhesus vocalizations and their representation in the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology 97 (2), pp. 1470 - 1484 (2007)
Journal Article
Hauber, M. E.; Cassey, P.; Woolley, S. M.; Theunissen, F. E.: Neurophysiological response selectivity for conspecific songs over synthetic sounds in the auditory forebrain of non-singing female songbirds. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 193 (7), pp. 765 - 774 (2007)
Journal Article
Hauber, M. E.; Woolley, S. M. N.; Theunissen, F. E.: Experience-dependence of neural responses to social versus isolate conspecific songs in the forebrain of female zebra finches. Journal of Ornithology 148 (2), pp. 231 - 239 (2007)
Journal Article
Shaevitz, S. S.; Theunissen, F. E.: Functional connectivity between auditory areas field L and CLM and song system nucleus HVC in anesthetized zebra finches. Journal of Neurophysiology 98 (5), pp. 2747 - 2764 (2007)
Journal Article
Gill, P.; Zhang, J.; Woolley, S. M.; Fremouw, T.; Theunissen, F. E.: Sound representation methods for spectro-temporal receptive field estimation. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 21 (1), pp. 5 - 20 (2006)
Journal Article
Theunissen, F. E.; Shaevitz, S. S.: Auditory processing of vocal sounds in birds. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 16 (4), pp. 400 - 407 (2006)
Journal Article
Woolley, S. M.; Gill, P. R.; Theunissen, F. E.: Stimulus-dependent auditory tuning results in synchronous population coding of vocalizations in the songbird midbrain. The Journal of Neuroscience 26 (9), pp. 2499 - 2512 (2006)
Journal Article
Woolley, S. M.; Fremouw, T. E.; Hsu, A.; Theunissen, F. E.: Tuning for spectro-temporal modulations as a mechanism for auditory discrimination of natural sounds. Nature Neuroscience 8 (10), pp. 1371 - 1379 (2005)
Journal Article
Amin, N.; Grace, J. A.; Theunissen, F. E.: Neural response to bird's own song and tutor song in the zebra finch field L and caudal mesopallium. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 190 (6), pp. 469 - 489 (2004)
Journal Article
Hsu, A.; Borst, A.; Theunissen, F. E.: Quantifying variability in neural responses and its application for the validation of model predictions. Network: Computation in Neural Systems 15 (2), pp. 91 - 109 (2004)
Journal Article
Hsu, A.; Woolley, S. M.; Fremouw, T. E.; Theunissen, F. E.: Modulation power and phase spectrum of natural sounds enhance neural encoding performed by single auditory neurons. The Journal of Neuroscience 24 (41), pp. 9201 - 9211 (2004)
Journal Article
Theunissen, F. E.: Use it or lose it. Focus on: "Sequential learning from multiple tutors and serial returning of auditory neurons in a brain area important to birdsong learning". Journal of Neurophysiology 92 (5), pp. 2642 - 2643 (2004)
Journal Article
Theunissen, F. E.; Amin, N.; Shaevitz, S. S.; Woolley, S. M.; Fremouw, T.; Hauber, M. E.: Song selectivity in the song system and in the auditory forebrain. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1016, pp. 222 - 245 (2004)
Journal Article
Theunissen, F. E.; Woolley, S. M.; Hsu, A.; Fremouw, T.: Methods for the analysis of auditory processing in the brain. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1016, pp. 187 - 207 (2004)
Journal Article
Grace, J. A.; Amin, N.; Singh, N. C.; Theunissen, F. E.: Selectivity for conspecific song in the zebra finch auditory forebrain. Journal of Neurophysiology 89 (1), pp. 472 - 487 (2003)
Journal Article
Kimpo, R. R.; Theunissen, F. E.; Doupe, A. J.: Propagation of correlated activity through multiple stages of a neural circuit. The Journal of Neuroscience 23 (13), pp. 5750 - 5761 (2003)
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