Publications of Jakob C. Mueller

Journal Article (116)

Journal Article
Koch, W.; Ehrenhaft, A.; Griesser, K.; Pfeufer, A.; Mueller, J. C.; Schömig, A.; Kastrati, A.: TaqMan systems for genotyping of disease-related polymorphisms present in the gene encoding Apolipoprotein E. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 40 (11), pp. 1123 - 1131 (2002)
Journal Article
Mueller, J. C.; Hidde, D.; Seitz, A.: Canal construction destroys barrier between major European invasion lineages of the zebra mussel. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 269 (1496), pp. 1139 - 1142 (2002)
Journal Article
Mueller, J. C.; Schramm, S.; Seitz, A.: Genetic and morphological differentiation of Dikerogammarus invaders and their invasion history in Central Europe. Freshwater Biology 47 (11), pp. 2039 - 2048 (2002)
Journal Article
Mueller, J. C.: Invasion history and genetic population structure of riverine macrozoobenthos. Zoology 104 (3-4), pp. 346 - 355 (2001)
Journal Article
Mueller, J. C.; Schramm, S.: Genetic evidence for a third Dikerogammarus invader of the upper Danube. Lauterbornia 41, pp. 49 - 52 (2001)
Journal Article
Mueller, J. C.; Wöll, S.; Fuchs, U.; Seitz, A.: Genetic interchange of Dreissena polymorpha populations across a canal. Heredity 86 (1), pp. 103 - 109 (2001)
Journal Article
Ulrich, I.; Mueller, J. C.; Buchholz, F.; Schütt, C.: A study of population genetics in the European lobster, Homarus gammarus. Crustaceana 74 (9), pp. 825 - 837 (2001)
Journal Article
Mueller, J. C.: Mitochondrial DNA variation and the evolutionary history of cryptic Gammarus fossarum types. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 15 (2), pp. 260 - 268 (2000)
Journal Article
Mueller, J. C.; Partsch, E.; Link, A.: Differentiation in morphology and habitat partitioning of genetically characterized Gammarus fossarum forms (Amphipoda) across a contact zone. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 69 (1), pp. 41 - 53 (2000)
Journal Article
Mueller, J. C.: Genetic population structure of two cryptic Gammarus fossarum types across a contact zone. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 11 (1), pp. 79 - 101 (1998)
Journal Article
Mueller, J. C.; Seitz, A.: Differences in genetic structure and ecological diversity between parental forms and hybrids in a Daphnia species complex. Hydrobiologia 307 (1), pp. 25 - 32 (1995)
Journal Article
Mueller, J. C.; Seitz, A.: Differences in allozyme patterns between Diaphanosoma brachyurum and Diaphanosoma mongolianum, as revealed in Central European populations. Hydrobiologia 312 (2), pp. 107 - 114 (1995)
Journal Article
Mueller, J. C.; Stürzbecher, C.; Martin, S.: Genetische Populationsstruktur einer Übergangszone zweier Gammarus fossarum - Formen. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 24, pp. 139 - 143 (1995)
Journal Article
Mueller, J. C.; Seitz, A.: Habitat partitioning and differential vertical migration of some Daphnia genotypes in a lake. Ergebnisse der Limnologie/Advances in Limnology 39, pp. 167 - 174 (1993)
Journal Article
Mueller, J. C.; Menne, B.; Seitz, A.: Die räumlich-zeitliche Verteilung der genetischen Struktur von Zooplanktonpopulationen in Seen unterschiedlichen Trophiegrades. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 20 (2), pp. 601 - 607 (1991)
Journal Article
Siegismund, H. R.; Mueller, J. C.: Genetic structure of Gammarus fossarum populations. Heredity 66 (3), pp. 419 - 436 (1991)

Book Chapter (5)

Book Chapter
Mueller, J. C.; Griebeler, E.: Genetics on invasive species. In: Invasive aquatic species in Europe: Distribution, impacts and management (Eds. Leppäkoski, E.; Gollasch, S.; Olenin, S.). Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2002)
Book Chapter
Mueller, J. C.; Partsch, E.; Link, A.; Seitz, A.: Differentiation of two cryptic Gammarus fossarum types in a contact area: Morphology, habitat preference, and genetics. In: Crustaceans and the biodiversity crisis, Vol. I, pp. 279 - 286 (Eds. Schram, F. R.; von Vaupel Klein, J. C.). Brill, Leiden (1999)
Book Chapter
Stürzbecher, C.; Mueller, J. C.; Seitz, A.: Coexisting Gammarus fossarum types (Amphipoda) in Central Europe: Regular patterns of population dynamics and microdistribution. In: Crustaceans and the biodiversity crisis, Vol. I, pp. 287 - 293. Brill, Leiden (1999)
Book Chapter
Seitz, A.; Mueller, J. C.; Veith, M.: Gentechnische und molekularbiologische Arbeitstechniken in der Populationsbiologie. In: Biochemie / Biotechnologie im Dienste der Umweltforschung: Ökosystemanalyse und Umweltforschung, Vol. 5, pp. 107 - 134 (Eds. Schaefer, M.; Servatius, C.). G. Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart (1998)
Book Chapter
Mueller, J. C.; Seitz, A.: Influence of differential natality and mortality on temporal fluctuations of Daphnia genotypes in natural populations. In: Genetics and evolution of aquatic organisms, pp. 342 - 350 (Ed. Beaumont, A. R.). Chapman and Hall, London (1994)

Conference Paper (1)

Conference Paper
Hanus, P.; Dingel, J.; Zech, J.; Hagenauer, J.; Mueller, J. C.: Information theoretic distance measures in phylogenomics. In: 2007 Information Theory and Applications Workshop, pp. 421 - 425 (Ed. IEEE). 2007 Information Theory and Applications Workshop, La Jolla, California, USA, January 29, 2007 - February 02, 2007. IEEE Operations Center, Piscataway, NJ (2007)
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