Publications of Qiaoyi Liang

Journal Article (6)

Journal Article
Allard, C. A. H.; Herbert, A. L.; Krueger, S. P.; Liang, Q.; Walsh, B. L.; Rhyne, A. L.; Gourlay, A. N.; Seminara, A.; Baldwin, M. W.; Kingsley, D. M. et al.; Bellono, N. W.: Evolution of novel sensory organs in fish with legs. Current Biology 34 (19), pp. 4349 - 4356.e7 (2024)
Journal Article
Cramer, J. F.; Miller, E. T.; Ko, M.-C.; Liang, Q.; Cockburn, G.; Nakagita, T.; Cardinale, M.; Fusani, L.; Toda, Y.; Baldwin, M. W.: A single residue confers selective loss of sugar sensing in wrynecks. Current Biology 32 (19), pp. 4270 - 4278.e5 (2022)
Journal Article
Guo, L.; Dai, W.; Xu, Z.; Liang, Q.; Miller, E. T.; Li, S.; Gao, X.; Baldwin, M. W.; Chai, R.; Li, Q.: Evolution of brain-expressed biogenic amine receptors into olfactory trace amine-associated receptors. Molecular Biology and Evolution 39 (3), msac006 (2022)
Journal Article
Liang, Q.; Ko, M.-C.; Ng, N. S. R.; Reh, B.; Lee, J. G. H.; Yamashita, A.; Nishihara, H.; Toda, Y.; Baldwin, M. W.: T1R2-mediated sweet sensing in a lizard. Current Biology 32 (23), pp. R1302 - R1303 (2022)
Journal Article
Varkevisser, J. M.; Simon, R.; Mendoza, E.; How, M.; van Hijlkema, I.; Jin, R.; Liang, Q.; Scharff, C.; Halfwerk, W. H.; Riebel, K.: Adding colour-realistic video images to audio playbacks increases stimulus engagement but does not enhance vocal learning in zebra finches. Animal Cognition 25 (2), pp. 249 - 274 (2022)
Journal Article
Toda, Y.; Ko, M.-C.; Liang, Q.; Miller, E. T.; Rico-Guevara, A.; Nakagita, T.; Sakakibara, A.; Uemura, K.; Sackton, T.; Hayakawa, T. et al.; Sin, S. Y. W.; Ishimaru, Y.; Misaka, T.; Oteiza, P.; Crall, J.; Edwards, S. V.; Buttemer, W.; Matsumura, S.; Baldwin, M. W.: Early origin of sweet perception in the songbird radiation. Science 373 (6551), pp. 226 - 231 (2021)
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