Publications of Winfried Denk

Journal Article (110)

Journal Article
Helmchen, F.; Denk, W.: Deep tissue two-photon microscopy. Nature Methods 2 (12), pp. 932 - 940 (2005)
Journal Article
Denk, W.; Horstmann, H.: Serial block−face scanning electron microscopy to reconstruct three−dimensional tissue nanostructure. PLoS Biology 2 (11), pp. 1900 - 1909 (2004)
Journal Article
Dittgen, T.; Nimmerjahn, A.; Komai, S.; Licznerski, P.; Waters, D. J.; Margrie, T. W.; Helmchen, F.; Denk, W.; Brecht, M.; Osten, P.: Lentivirus−based genetic manipulations of cortical neurons and their optical and electrophysiological monitoring in vivo. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 101 (52), pp. 18206 - 18211 (2004)
Journal Article
Feierabend, M.; Rückel, M.; Denk, W.: Coherence−gated wave−front sensing in strongly scattering samples. Optics Letters 29 (19), pp. 2255 - 2257 (2004)
Journal Article
Haag, J.; Denk, W.; Borst, A.: Fly motion vision is based on Reichardt detectors regardless of the signal-to-noise ratio. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 101 (46), pp. 16333 - 16338 (2004)
Journal Article
Hasan, M. T.; Friedrich, R. W.; Euler, T.; Larkum, M. E.; Giese, G.; Both, M.; Dübel, J.; Waters, D. J.; Bujard, H.; Griesbeck, O. et al.; Tsien, R. Y.; Nagai, T.; Miyawaki, A.; Denk, W.: Functional fluorescent Ca2+ indicator proteins in transgenic mice under TET control. PLoS Biology 2 (6), e163, pp. 763 - 775 (2004)
Journal Article
Haubensak, W.; Attardo, A.; Denk, W.; Huttner, W. B.: Neurons arise in the basal neuroepithelium of the early mammalian telencephalon: A major site of neurogenesis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 101 (9), pp. 3196 - 3201 (2004)
Journal Article
Kuhn, B.; Fromherz, P.; Denk, W.: High sensitivity of Stark-shift voltage-sensing dyes by one- or two-photon excitation near the red spectral edge. Biophysical Journal 87 (1), pp. 631 - 639 (2004)
Journal Article
Wachowiak, M.; Denk, W.; Friedrich, R. W.: Functional organization of sensory input to the olfactory bulb glomerulus analyzed by two−photon calcium imaging. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 101 (24), pp. 9097 - 9102 (2004)
Journal Article
Denk, W.: You can't teach a middle−aged ganglion new tricks. Nature Neuroscience 6 (9), pp. 908 - 909 (2003)
Journal Article
Gilland, E.; Baker, R.; Denk, W.: Long duration three−dimensional imaging of calcium waves in zebrafish using multiphoton fluorescence microscopy. Biological Bulletin 205 (2), pp. 176 - 177 (2003)
Journal Article
Margrie, T. W.; Meyer, A. H.; Caputi, A.; Monyer, H.; Hasan, M. T.; Schaefer, A. T.; Denk, W.; Brecht, M.: Targeted whole−cell recordings in the mammalian brain in vivo. Neuron 39 (6), pp. 911 - 918 (2003)
Journal Article
Theer, P.; Hasan, M. T.; Denk, W.: Two-photon imaging to a depth of 1000 µm microm in living brains by use of a Ti:Al2O3 regenerative amplifier. Optics Letters 28 (12), pp. 1022 - 1024 (2003)
Journal Article
Euler, T.; Detwiler, P. B.; Denk, W.: Directionally selective calcium signals in dendrites of starburst amacrine cells. Nature 418 (6900), pp. 845 - 852 (2002)
Journal Article
Helmchen, F.; Denk, W.: New developments in multiphoton microscopy. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 12 (5), pp. 593 - 601 (2002)
Journal Article
Helmchen, F.; Tank, D. W.; Denk, W.: Enhanced two−photon excitation through optical fiber by single−mode propagation in a large core. Applied Optics 41 (15), pp. 2930 - 2934 (2002)
Journal Article
Delaney, K. R.; Davidson, I.; Denk, W.: Odour−evoked [Ca2+] transients in mitral cell dendrites of frog olfactory glomeruli. European Journal of Neuroscience 13 (9), pp. 1658 - 1672 (2001)
Journal Article
Euler, T.; Denk, W.: Dendritic processing. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 11 (4), pp. 415 - 422 (2001)
Journal Article
Helmchen, F.; Fee, M. S.; Tank, D. W.; Denk, W.: A miniature head−mounted two−photon microscope: High−resolution brain imaging in freely moving animals. Neuron 31, pp. 903 - 912 (2001)
Journal Article
Wang, J. W.; Denk, W.; Flores, J.; Gelperin, A.: Initiation and propagation of calcium−dependent action potentials in a coupled network of olfactory interneurons. Journal of Neurophysiology 85 (2), pp. 977 - 985 (2001)
Journal Article
Cox, C. L.; Denk, W.; Tank, D. W.; Svoboda, K.: Action potentials reliably invade axonal arbors of rat neocortical neurons. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 97 (17), pp. 9724 - 9728 (2000)
Journal Article
Wang, S. S. H.; Denk, W.; Häusser, M.: Coincidence detection in single dendritic spines mediated by calcium release. Nature Neuroscience 3 (12), pp. 1266 - 1273 (2000)
Journal Article
Denk, W.; Detwiler, P. B.: Optical recording of light-evoked calcium signals in the functionally intact retina. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 96 (12), pp. 7035 - 7040 (1999)
Journal Article
Furuta, T.; Wang, S. S. H.; Dantzker, J. L.; Dore, T. M.; Bybee, W. J.; Callaway, E. M.; Denk, W.; Tsien, R. Y.: Brominated 7-hydroxycoumarin-4-ylmethyls: Photolabile protecting groups with biologically useful cross-sections for two photon photolysis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 96 (4), pp. 1193 - 1200 (1999)
Journal Article
Gray-Keller, M.; Denk, W.; Shraiman, B.; Detwiler, P. B.: Longitudinal spread of second messenger signals in isolated rod outer segments of lizards. Journal of Physiology-London 519 (3), pp. 679 - 692 (1999)
Journal Article
Helmchen, F.; Svoboda, K.; Denk, W.; Tank, D. W.: In vivo dendritic calcium dynamics in deep-layer cortical pyramidal neurons. Nature Neuroscience 2 (11), pp. 989 - 996 (1999)
Journal Article
Kawata, Y.; Xu, C.; Denk, W.: Feasibility of molecular-resolution fluorescence near-field microscopy using multi-photon absorption and field enhancement near a sharp tip. Journal of Applied Physics 85 (3), pp. 1294 - 1301 (1999)
Journal Article
Svoboda, K.; Helmchen, F.; Denk, W.; Tank, D. W.: Spread of dendritic excitation in layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons in rat barrel cortex in vivo. Nature Neuroscience 2 (1), pp. 65 - 73 (1999)
Journal Article
Xu, C.; Denk, W.: Comparison of one- and two-photon optical beam-induced current imaging. Journal of Applied Physics 86 (4), pp. 2226 - 2231 (1999)
Journal Article
Yuste, R.; Majewska, A.; Cash, S. S.; Denk, W.: Mechanisms of calcium influx into hippocampal spines: Heterogeneity among spines, coincidence detection by NMDA receptors, and optical quantal analysis. The Journal of Neuroscience 19 (6), pp. 1976 - 1987 (1999)
Journal Article
Kleinfeld, D.; Mitra, P. P.; Helmchen, F.; Denk, W.: Fluctuations and stimulus−induced changes in blood flow observed in individual capillaries in layers 2 through 4 of rat neocortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 95 (26), pp. 15741 - 15746 (1998)
Journal Article
Denk, W.: Pulsing mercury arc lamps for uncaging and fast imaging. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 72 (1), pp. 39 - 42 (1997)
Journal Article
Denk, W.; Svoboda, K.: Photon upmanship: Why multiphoton imaging is more than a gimmick. Neuron 18 (3), pp. 351 - 357 (1997)
Journal Article
Li, H. Y.; Avery, L.; Denk, W.; Hess, G. P.: Identification of chemical synapses in the pharynx of Caenorhabditis elegans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 94 (11), pp. 5912 - 5916 (1997)
Journal Article
Svoboda, K.; Denk, W.; Kleinfeld, D.; Tank, D. W.: In vivo dendritic calcium dynamics in neocortical pyramidal neurons. Nature 385 (6612), pp. 161 - 165 (1997)
Journal Article
Xu, C.; Denk, W.: Two-photon optical beam induced current imaging through the backside of integrated circuits. Applied Physics Letters 71 (18), pp. 2578 - 2580 (1997)
Journal Article
Denk, W.; Yuste, R.; Svoboda, K.; Tank, D. W.: Imaging calcium dynamics in dendritic spines. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 6 (3), pp. 372 - 378 (1996)
Journal Article
Gelperin, A.; Kleinfeld, D.; Denk, W.; Cooke, I. R. C.: Oscillations and gaseous oxides in invertebrate olfaction. Journal of Neurobiology 30 (1), pp. 110 - 122 (1996)
Journal Article
Svoboda, K.; Denk, W.; Knox, W. H.; Tsuda, S.: Two-photon-excitation scanning microscopy of living neurons with a saturable Bragg reflector mode-locked diode-pumped Cr:LiSrAlFl laser. Optics Letters 21 (17), pp. 1411 - 1413 (1996)
Journal Article
Svoboda, K.; Tank, D. W.; Denk, W.: Direct measurement of coupling between dendritic spines and shafts. Science 272 (5262), pp. 716 - 719 (1996)
Journal Article
Denk, W.; Holt, J. R.; Shepherd, G. M. G.; Corey, D. P.: Calcium imaging of single stereocilia in hair cells: Localization of transduction channels at both ends of tip links. Neuron 15 (6), pp. 1311 - 1321 (1995)
Journal Article
Denk, W.; Sugimori, M.; Llinas, R.: Two types of calcium response limited to single spines in cerebellar Purkinje cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 92 (18), pp. 8279 - 8282 (1995)
Journal Article
Xu, C.; Guild, J.; Webb, W. W.; Denk, W.: Determination of absolute two-photon excitation cross sections by in situ second-order autocorrelation. Optics Letters 20 (23), pp. 2372 - 2374 (1995)
Journal Article
Yuste, R.; Denk, W.: Dendritic spines as basic functional units of neuronal integration. Nature 375 (6533), pp. 682 - 684 (1995)
Journal Article
Denk, W.: Two-photon scanning photochemical microscopy: Mapping ligand-gated ion channel distributions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 91 (14), pp. 6629 - 6633 (1994)
Journal Article
Denk, W.; Delaney, K. R.; Gelperin, A.; Kleinfeld, D.; Strowbridge, B. W.; Tank, D. W.; Yuste, R.: Anatomical and functional imaging of neurons using 2−photon laser scanning microscopy. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 54 (2), pp. 151 - 162 (1994)
Journal Article
Denk, W.; Keolian, R. M.; Ogawa, S.; Jelinski, L. W.: Oscillatory flow in the cochlea visualized by a magnetic resonance imaging technique. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 90 (4), pp. 1595 - 1598 (1993)
Journal Article
Denk, W.; Keolian, R. M.; Webb, W. W.: Mechanical response of frog saccular hair bundles to the aminoglycoside block of mechanoelectrical transduction. Journal of Neurophysiology 68 (3), pp. 927 - 932 (1992)
Journal Article
Denk, W.; Webb, W. W.: Forward and reverse transduction at the limit of sensitivity studied by correlating electrical and mechanical fluctuations in frog saccular hair cells. Hearing Research 60 (1), pp. 89 - 102 (1992)
Journal Article
Denk, W.; Pohl, D. W.: Local electrical dissipation imaged by scanning force microscopy. Applied Physics Letters 59 (17), pp. 2171 - 2173 (1991)
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