Publications of Juergen Haag
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Book Chapter (4)
Book Chapter
In vivo dendritic calcium imaging in the fly visual system. In: Imaging in Neuroscience: A Laboratory Manual, pp. 777 - 781 (Ed. Helmchen, F.). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor (2011)
Book Chapter
Optic flow processing in the cockpit of the fly. In: Invertebrate Neurobiology, pp. 101 - 122 (Eds. North, G.; Greenspan, R.J.). CSHL-Press (2007)
Book Chapter
A practical guide: In vivo calcium imaging in the fly visual system. In: Imaging in Neuroscience and Development: A Laboratory Manual, pp. 649 - 653 (Eds. Yuste, R.; Konnerth, A.). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor (2005)