Publications of Pieter Goltstein

Journal Article (20)

Journal Article
Goltstein, P.; Laubender, D.; Bonhoeffer, T.; Hübener, M.: A column-like organization for ocular dominance in mouse visual cortex. Nature Communications 16, 1926 (2025)
Journal Article
Glas, A.; Hübener, M.; Bonhoeffer, T.; Goltstein, P. M.: Spaced training enhances memory and prefrontal ensemble stability in mice. Current Biology 31 (18), pp. 4052 - 4061.e6 (2021)
Journal Article
Goltstein, P. M.; Reinert, S.; Bonhoeffer, T.; Hübener, M.: Mouse visual cortex areas represent perceptual and semantic features of learned visual categories. Nature Neuroscience 24 (10), pp. 1441 - 1451 (2021)
Journal Article
Korzhova, V.; Marinkovic, P.; Njavro, J. R.; Goltstein, P. M.; Sun, F.; Tahirovic, S.; Herms, J.; Liebscher, S.: Long-term dynamics of aberrant neuronal activity in awake Alzheimer's disease transgenic mice. Communications Biology 4 (1), 1368 (2021)
Journal Article
Reinert, S.; Hübener, M.; Bonhoeffer, T.; Goltstein, P. M.: Mouse prefrontal cortex represents learned rules for categorization. Nature 593 (7859), pp. 411 - 417 (2021)
Journal Article
Glas, A.; Hübener, M.; Bonhoeffer, T.; Goltstein, P. M.: Benchmarking miniaturized microscopy against two-photon calcium imaging using single-cell orientation tuning in mouse visual cortex. PLoS One 14 (4), e0214954 (2019)
Journal Article
Marinkovic, P.; Blumenstock, S.; Goltstein, P. M.; Korzhova, V.; Peters, F.; Knebl, A.; Herms, J.: In vivo imaging reveals reduced activity of neuronal circuits in a mouse tauopathy model. Brain 142 (4), pp. 1051 - 1062 (2019)
Journal Article
Goltstein, P.; Meijer, G. T.; Pennartz, C. M. A.: Conditioning sharpens the spatial representation of rewarded stimuli in mouse primary visual cortex. eLife 7, e37683 (2018)
Journal Article
Goltstein, P. M.; Reinert, S.; Glas, A.; Bonhoeffer, T.; Hübener, M.: Food and water restriction lead to differential learning behaviors in a head-fixed two-choice visual discrimination task for mice. PLoS One 13 (9), e0204066 (2018)
Journal Article
Liebscher, S.; Keller, G. B.; Goltstein, P. M.; Bonhoeffer, T.; Hübener, M.: Selective persistence of sensorimotor mismatch signals in visual cortex of behaving Alzheimer's disease mice. Current Biology 26 (7), pp. 956 - 964 (2016)
Journal Article
Goltstein, P.; Montijn, J. S.; Pennartz, C. M. A.: Effects of isoflurane anesthesia on ensemble patterns of Ca2+ activity in mouse V1: Reduced direction selectivity independent of increased correlations in cellular activity. PLoS One 10 (2), e0118277 (2015)
Journal Article
Montijn, J. S.; Goltstein, P. M.; Pennartz, C. M. A.: Mouse V1 population correlates of visual detection rely on heterogeneity within neuronal response patterns. eLife 4, e10163 (2015)
Journal Article
Rose, T.; Goltstein, P. M.; Portugues, R.; Griesbeck, O.: Putting a finishing touch on GECIs. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience 7, 88 (2014)
Journal Article
Goltstein, P.; Coffey, E. B. J.; Roelfsema, P. R.; Pennartz, C. M. A.: In vivo two-photon Ca2+ imaging reveals selective reward effects on stimulus-specific assemblies in mouse visual cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience 33 (28), pp. 11540 - 11555 (2013)
Journal Article
Daselaar, S. M.; Huijbers, W.; de Jonge, M.; Goltstein, P.; Pennartz, C. M. A.: Experience-dependent alterations in conscious resting state activity following perceptuomotor learning. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 93 (3), pp. 422 - 427 (2010)
Journal Article
Lansink, C. S.; Goltstein, P.; Lankelma, J. V.; Pennartz, C. M. A.: Fast-spiking interneurons of the rat ventral striatum: Temporal coordination of activity with principal cells and responsiveness to reward. European Journal of Neuroscience 32 (3), pp. 494 - 508 (2010)
Journal Article
Lansink, C. S.; Goltstein, P.; Lankelma, J. V.; McNaughton, B. L.; Pennartz, C. M. A.: Hippocampus leads ventral striatum in replay of place-reward information. PLoS Biology 7 (8), e1000173 (2009)
Journal Article
Lansink, C. S.; Goltstein, P.; Lankelma, J. V.; Joosten, R.; McNaughton, B. L.; Pennartz, C. M. A.: Preferential reactivation of motivationally relevant information in the ventral striatum. The Journal of Neuroscience 28 (25), pp. 6372 - 6382 (2008)
Journal Article
van der Does, H. C.; Duyvesteijn, R. G. E.; Goltstein, P.; van Schie, C. C. N.; Manders, E. M. M.; Cornelissen, B. J. C.; Rep, M.: Expression of effector gene SIX1 of Fusarium oxysporum requires living plant cells. Fungal Genetics and Biology 45 (9), pp. 1257 - 1264 (2008)
Journal Article
Krugers, H. J.; Goltstein, P.; van der Linden, S.; Joëls, M.: Blockade of glucocorticoid receptors rapidly restores hippocampal CA1 synaptic plasticity after exposure to chronic stress. European Journal of Neuroscience 23 (11), pp. 3051 - 3055 (2006)

Editorial (2)

Goltstein, P. M.: Visual neuroscience: A shrewd look at perceptual learning. Current Biology 32 (15), pp. R839 - R841 (2022)
Goltstein, P. M.; Hübener, M.: A division of light and dark in the visual cortex. Neuron 88 (4), pp. 624 - 626 (2015)
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