Publications of Susanne Hoffmann

Journal Article (17)

Journal Article
Hoffmann, S.: Shared leadership beneath the waves. Nature Ecology & Evolution 8 (8), pp. 2010 - 2012 (2024)
Journal Article
Hoffmann, S.; Beetz, M. J.; Stöckl, A.; Mesce, K. A.: Naturalistic neuroscience - Towards a full cycle from lab to field. Frontiers in Neural Circuits 17, 1251771 (2023)
Journal Article
Arnold, F.; Staniszewski, M. S.; Pelzl, L.; Ramenda, C.; Gahr, M.; Hoffmann, S.: Vision and vocal communication guide three-dimensional spatial coordination of zebra finches during wind-tunnel flights. Nature Ecology & Evolution 6, pp. 1221 - 1230 (2022)
Journal Article
Lemazina, A.; Trost, L.; Gahr, M.; Hoffmann, S.: The multifaceted vocal duets of white-browed sparrow weavers are based on complex duetting rules. Journal of Avian Biology 52 (9), e02703 (2021)
Journal Article
Elie, J. E.; Hoffmann, S.; Dunning, J. L.; Coleman, M. J.; Fortune, E. S.; Prather, J. F.: From perception to action: The role of auditory input in shaping vocal communication and social behaviors in birds. Brain, behavior and evolution: Official journal of the J. B. Johnston Club 94 (1-4), pp. 51 - 60 (2020)
Journal Article
Hoffmann, S.; Bley, A.; Matthes, M.; Firzlaff, U.; Luksch, H.: The neural basis of dim-light vision in echolocating bats. Brain, behavior and evolution: Official journal of the J. B. Johnston Club 94 (1-4), pp. 61 - 70 (2020)
Journal Article
Hoffmann, S.; Trost, L.; Voigt, C.; Leitner, S.; Lemazina, A.; Sagunsky, H.; Abels, M.; Kollmansperger, S.; Ter Maat, A.; Gahr, M.: Duets recorded in the wild reveal that interindividually coordinated motor control enables cooperative behavior. Nature Communications 10, 2577 (2019)
Journal Article
Hoffmann, S.; Trost, L.; Voigt, C.; Leitner, S.; Lemazina, A.; Sagunsky, H.; Abels, M.; Kollmansperger, S.; Ter Maat, A.; Gahr, M.: Die neuronalen Grundlagen von Duettgesang – eine neurophysiologische Freilandstudie. Jahrbuch - Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (2019)
Journal Article
Hoffmann, S.; Vega-Zuniga, T.; Greiter, W.; Krabichler, Q.; Bley, A.; Matthes, M.; Zimmer, C.; Firzlaff, U.; Luksch, H.: Congruent representation of visual and acoustic space in the superior colliculus of the echolocating bat Phyllostomus discolor. European Journal of Neuroscience: European Neuroscience Association 44 (9), pp. 2685 - 2697 (2016)
Journal Article
Genzel, D.; Hoffmann, S.; Prosch, S.; Firzlaff, U.; Wiegrebe, L.: Biosonar navigation above water II: Exploiting mirror images. Journal of Neurophysiology 113 (4), pp. 1146 - 1155 (2015)
Journal Article
Hoffmann, S.; Genzel, D.; Prosch, S.; Baier, L.; Weser, S.; Wiegrebe, L.; Firzlaff, U.: Biosonar navigation above water I: Estimating flight height. Journal of Neurophysiology 113 (4), pp. 1135 - 1145 (2015)
Journal Article
Hoffmann, S.; Warmbold, A.; Wiegrebe, L.; Firzlaff, U.: Spatiotemporal contrast enhancement and feature extraction in the bat auditory midbrain and cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology 110, pp. 1257 - 1268 (2013)
Journal Article
Heinrich, M.; Warmbold, A.; Hoffmann, S.; Firzlaff, U.; Wiegrebe, L.: The sonar aperture and its neural representation in bats. The Journal of Neuroscience 31 (43), pp. 15618 - 15627 (2011)
Journal Article
Hoffmann, S.; Firzlaff, G.; Schuller, U.: Dynamic stimulation evokes spatially focused receptive fields in bat auditory cortex. European Journal of Neuroscience: European Neuroscience Association 31, pp. 371 - 385 (2010)
Journal Article
Hoffmann, S.; Baier, L.; Borina, F.; Schuller, G.; Wiegrebe, L.; Firzlaff, U.: Psychophysical and neurophysiological hearing thresholds in the bat Phyllostomus discolor. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 194 (1), pp. 39 - 47 (2008)
Journal Article
Hoffmann, S.; Firzlaff, U.; Radtke-Schuller, S.; Schwellnus, B.; Schuller, G.: The auditory cortex of the bat Phyllostomus discolor: Localization and organization of basic response properties. BMC Neuroscience 9, 65 (2008)
Journal Article
Firzlaff, U.; Schörnich, S.; Hoffmann, S.; Schuller, G.; Wiegrebe, L.: A neural correlate of stochastic echo imaging. The Journal of Neuroscience 26 (3), pp. 785 - 791 (2006)

Book (1)

Mesce, K. A.; Stöckl, A. L.; Hoffmann, S.; Beetz, M. J.; Madhav, M. (Eds.): Naturalistic neuroscience - Towards a full cycle from lab to field. Frontiers Media SA (2023)
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