Publications of Wolfgang Forstmeier

Journal Article (118)

Journal Article
Gould, E.; Fraser, H. S.; Parker, T. H.; Nakagawa, S.; Griffith, S. C.; Vesk, P. A.; Fidler, F.; Hamilton, D. G.; Abbey-Lee, R. N.; Abbott, J. K. et al.; Aguirre, L. A.; Alcaraz, C.; Aloni, I.; Altschul, D.; Arekar, K.; Atkins, J. W.; Atkinson, J.; Baker, C.; Barrett, M.; Bell, K.; Bello, S. K.; Beltrán, I.; Berauer, B. J.; Bertram, M. G.; Billman, P. D.; Blake, C. K.; Blake, S.; Bliard, L.; Bonisoli-Alquati, A.; Bonnet, T.; Bordes, C. N. M.; Bose, A. P. H.; Botterill-James, T.; Boyd, M. A.; Boyle, S. A.; Bradfer-Lawrence, T.; Bradham, J.; Brand, J. A.; Brengdahl, M. I.; Bulla, M.; Bussière, L.; Camerlenghi, E.; Campbell, S. E.; Campos, L. L. F.; Caravaggi, A.; Cardoso, P.; Carroll, C. J. W.; Catanach, T. A.; Chen, X.; Chik, H. Y. J.; Choy, E. S.; Christie, A. P.; Chuang, A.; Chunco, A. J.; Clark, B. L.; Contina, A.; Covernton, G. A.; Cox, M. P.; Cressman, K. A.; Crotti, M.; Crouch, C. D.; D'Amelio, P. B.; de Sousa, A. A.; Döbert, T. F.; Dobler, R.; Dobson, A. J.; Doherty, T. S.; Drobniak, S. M.; Duffy, A. G.; Duncan, A. B.; Dunn, R. P.; Dunning, J.; Dutta, T.; Eberhart-Hertel, L. J.; Elmore, J. A.; Elsherif, M. M.; English, H. M.; Ensminger, D. C.; Ernst, U. R.; Ferguson, S. M.; Fernández-Juricic, E.; Ferreira-Arruda, T.; Fieberg, J.; Finch, E. A.; Fiorenza, E. A.; Fisher, D. N.; Fontaine, A.; Forstmeier, W.; Fourcade, Y.; Frank, G. S.; Freund, C. A.; Fuentes-Lillo, E.; Gandy, S. L.; Gannon, D. G.; García-Cervigón, A. I.; Garretson, A. C.; Ge, X.; Geary, W. L.; Géron, C.; Gilles, M.; Girndt, A.; Gliksman, D.; Goldspiel, H. B.; Gomes, D. G. E.; Good, M. K.; Goslee, S. C.; Gosnell, J. S.; Grames, E. M.; Gratton, P.; Grebe, N. M.; Greenler, S. M.; Griffioen, M.; Griffith, D. M.; Griffith, F. J.; Grossman, J. J.; Güncan, A.; Haesen, S.; Hagan, J. G.; Hager, H. A.; Harris, J. P.; Harrison, N. D.; Hasnain, S. S.; Havird, J. C.; Heaton, A. J.; Herrera-Chaustre, M. L.; Howard, T. J.; Hsu, B.-Y.; Iannarilli, F.; Iranzo, E. C.; Iverson, E. N. K.; Jimoh, S. O.; Johnson, D. H.; Johnsson, M.; Jorna, J.; Jucker, T.; Jung, M.; Kačergytė, I.; Kaltz, O.; Ke, A.; Kelly, C. D.; Keogan, K.; Keppeler, F. W.; Killion, A. K.; Kim, D.; Kochan, D. P.; Korsten, P.; Kothari, S.; Kuppler, J.; Kusch, J. M.; Lagisz, M.; Lalla, K. M.; Larkin, D. J.; Larson, C. L.; Lauck, K. S.; Lauterbur, M. E.; Law, A.; Léandri-Breton, D.-J.; Lembrechts, J. J.; L'Herpiniere, K.; Lievens, E. J. P.; de Lima, D. O.; Lindsay, S.; Luquet, M.; MacLeod, R.; Macphie, K. H.; Magellan, K.; Mair, M. M.; Malm, L. E.; Mammola, S.; Mandeville, C. P.; Manhart, M.; Manrique-Garzon, L. M.; Mäntylä, E.; Marchand, P.; Marshall, B. M.; Martin, C. A.; Martin, D. A.; Martin, J. M.; Martinig, A. R.; McCallum, E. S.; McCauley, M.; McNew, S. M.; Meiners, S. J.; Merkling, T.; Michelangeli, M.; Moiron, M.; Moreira, B.; Mortensen, J.; Mos, B.; Muraina, T. O.; Murphy, P. W.; Nelli, L.; Niemelä, P.; Nightingale, J.; Nilsonne, G.; Nolazco, S.; Nooten, S. S.; Novotny, J. L.; Olin, A. B.; Organ, C. L.; Ostevik, K. L.; Palacio, F. X.; Paquet, M.; Parker, D. J.; Pascall, D. J.; Pasquarella, V. J.; Paterson, J. H.; Payo-Payo, A.; Pedersen, K. M.; Perez, G.; Perry, K. I.; Pottier, P.; Proulx, M. J.; Proulx, R.; Pruett, J. L.; Ramananjato, V.; Randimbiarison, F. T.; Razafindratsima, O. H.; Rennison, D. J.; Riva, F.; Riyahi, S.; Roast, M. J.; Rocha, F. P.; Roche, D. G.; Román-Palacios, C.; Rosenberg, M. S.; Ross, J.; Rowland, F. E.; Rugemalila, D.; Russell, A. L.; Ruuskanen, S.; Saccone, P.; Sadeh, A.; Salazar, S. M.; Sales, K.; Salmón, P.; Sánchez-Tójar, A.; Santos, L. P.; Santostefano, F.; Schilling, H. T.; Schmidt, M.; Schmoll, T.; Schneider, A. C.; Schrock, A. E.; Schroeder, J.; Schtickzelle, N.; Schultz, N. L.; Scott, D. A.; Scroggie, M. P.; Shapiro, J. T.; Sharma, N.; Shearer, C. L.; Simón, D.; Sitvarin, M. I.; Skupien, F. L.; Slinn, H. L.; Smith, G. P.; Smith, J. A.; Sollmann, R.; Whitney, K. S.; Still, S. M.; Stuber, E. F.; Sutton, G. F.; Swallow, B.; Taff, C. C.; Takola, E.; Tanentzap, A. J.; Tarjuelo, R.; Telford, R. J.; Thawley, C. J.; Thierry, H.; Thomson, J.; Tidau, S.; Tompkins, E. M.; Tortorelli, C. M.; Trlica, A.; Turnell, B. R.; Urban, L.; de Vondel, S. V.; van der Wal, J. E. M.; Eeckhoven, J. V.; van Oordt, F.; Vanderwel, K. M.; Vanderwel, M. C.; Vanderwolf, K. J.; Vélez, J.; Vergara-Florez, D. C.; Verrelli, B. C.; Vieira, M. V.; Villamil, N.; Vitali, V.; Vollering, J.; Walker, J.; Walker, X. J.; Walter, J. A.; Waryszak, P.; Weaver, R. J.; Wedegärtner, R. E. M.; Weller, D. L.; Whelan, S.; White, R. L.; Wolfson, D. W.; Wood, A.; Yanco, S. W.; Yen, J. D. L.; Youngflesh, C.; Zilio, G.; Zimmer, C.; Zimmerman, G. M.; Zitomer, R. A.: Same data, different analysts: Variation in effect sizes due to analytical decisions in ecology and evolutionary biology. BMC Biology 23, 35 (2025)
Journal Article
Rohr‑Bender, V. A.; Kupan, K.; Lopez-Nava, G.; Forstmeier, W.; Hertel, A.; Razumov, V.; Martin, K.; Kempenaers, B.; Küpper, C.: Sex and morph variation in activity from early ontogeny to maturity in ruffs (Calidris pugnax). Ethology 131 (3), e13543 (2025)
Journal Article
Bulla, M.; Küpper, C.; Lank, D. B.; Albrechtová, J.; Loveland, J. L.; Martin, K.; Teltscher, K. L.; Cragnolini, M.; Lierz, M.; Albrecht, T. et al.; Forstmeier, W.; Kempenaers, B.: Sperm swimming speed and morphology differ slightly among the three genetic morphs of ruff sandpiper (Calidris pugnax), but show no clear polymorphism. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 12, 1476254 (2024)
Journal Article
Krietsch, J.; Valcu, M.; Cragnolini, M.; Forstmeier, W.; Kempenaers, B.: Mutual mate guarding with limited sexual conflict in a sex-role-reversed shorebird. Behavioral Ecology 35 (1), arad084 (2024)
Journal Article
Santema, P.; Forstmeier, W.; Kempenaers, B.: Variance partitioning of nest provisioning rates in blue tits: Individual repeatability, heritability, and partner interactions. Evolution: International Journal of Organic Evolution 78 (11), pp. 1751 - 1760 (2024)
Journal Article
Mueller, J. C.; Schlebusch, S. A.; Pei, Y.; Poignet, M.; Vontzou, N.; Ruiz-Ruano, F. J.; Albrecht, T.; Reifova, R.; Forstmeier, W.; Suh, A. et al.; Kempenaers, B.: Micro germline-restricted chromosome in blue tits: Evidence for meiotic functions. Molecular Biology and Evolution 40 (5), msad096 (2023)
Journal Article
Pei, Y.; Forstmeier, W.; Knief, U.; Kempenaers, B.: Weak antagonistic fitness effects can maintain an inversion polymorphism. Molecular Ecology 32 (13), pp. 3575 - 3585 (2023)
Journal Article
Borodin, P.; Chen, A.; Forstmeier, W.; Fouché, S.; Malinovskaya, L.; Pei, Y.; Reifová, R.; Ruiz‑Ruano, F. J.; Schlebusch, S. A.; Sotelo‑Muñoz, M. et al.; Torgasheva, A.; Vontzou, N.; Suh, A.: Mendelian nightmares: The germline‑restricted chromosome of songbirds. Chromosome Research 30, pp. 255 - 272 (2022)
Journal Article
Pei, Y.; Forstmeier, W.; Ruiz-Ruano, F. J.; Mueller, J. C.; Cabrero, J.; Camacho, J. P. M.; Alché, J. D.; Franke, A.; Hoeppner, M.; Börno, S. et al.; Gessara, I.; Hertel, M.; Teltscher, K. L.; Knief, U.; Suh, A.; Kempenaers, B.: Occasional paternal inheritance of the germline-restricted chromosome in songbirds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119 (4), e2103960119 (2022)
Journal Article
Wang, D.; Forstmeier, W.; Farine, D. R.; Maldonado-Chaparro, A. A.; Martin, K.; Pei, Y.; Alarcon-Nieto, G.; Klarevas-Irby, J. A.; Ma, S.; Aplin, L. M. et al.; Kempenaers, B.: Machine learning reveals cryptic dialects that explain mate choice in a songbird. Nature Communications 13, 1630 (2022)
Journal Article
Forstmeier, W.; Wang, D.; Martin, K.; Kempenaers, B.: Fitness costs of female choosiness are low in a socially monogamous songbird. PLoS Biology 19 (11), e3001257 (2021)
Journal Article
Knief, U.; Forstmeier, W.: Violating the normality assumption may be the lesser of two evils. Behavior Research Methods 53 (6), pp. 2576 - 2590 (2021)
Journal Article
Knief, U.; Forstmeier, W.; Kempenaers, B.; Wolf, J. B. W.: A sex chromosome inversion is associated with copy number variation of mitochondrial DNA in zebra finch sperm. Royal Society Open Science 8 (9), 211025 (2021)
Journal Article
Maldonado-Chaparro, A. A.; Forstmeier, W.; Farine, D. R.: Relationship quality underpins pair bond formation and subsequent reproductive performance. Animal Behaviour 182, pp. 43 - 58 (2021)
Journal Article
Mikula, P.; Valcu, M.; Brumm, H.; Bulla, M.; Forstmeier, W.; Petrusková, T.; Kempenaers, B.; Albrecht, T.: A global analysis of song frequency in passerines provides no support for the acoustic adaptation hypothesis but suggests a role for sexual selection. Ecology Letters 24 (3), pp. 477 - 486 (2021)
Journal Article
Wang, D.; Forstmeier, W.; D'Amelio, P. B.; Martin, K.; Kempenaers, B.: Is female mate choice repeatable across males with nearly identical songs? Animal Behaviour 181, pp. 137 - 149 (2021)
Journal Article
Knief, U.; Forstmeier, W.; Pei, Y.; Wolf, J. B. W.; Kempenaers, B.: A test for meiotic drive in hybrids between Australian and Timor zebra finches. Ecology and Evolution 10 (23), pp. 13464 - 13475 (2020)
Journal Article
Pei, Y.; Forstmeier, W.; Kempenaers, B.: Offspring performance is well buffered against stress experienced by ancestors. Evolution: International journal of organic evolution 74 (7), pp. 1525 - 1539 (2020)
Journal Article
Pei, Y.; Forstmeier, W.; Wang, D.; Martin, K.; Rutkowska, J.; Kempenaers, B.: Proximate causes of infertility and embryo mortality in captive zebra finches. American Naturalist 196 (5), pp. 577 - 596 (2020)
Journal Article
Voelkl, B.; Altman, N. S.; Forsman, A.; Forstmeier, W.; Gurevitch, J.; Jaric, I.; Karp, N. A.; Kas, M. J.; Schielzeth, H.; de Casteele, T. V. et al.; Würbel, H.: Reproducibility of animal research in light of biological variation. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 21, pp. 384 - 393 (2020)
Journal Article
Wang, D.; Forstmeier, W.; Martin, K.; Wilson, A.; Kempenaers, B.: The role of genetic constraints and social environment in explaining female extra‐pair mating. Evolution: International journal of organic evolution 74 (3), pp. 544 - 558 (2020)
Journal Article
Würbel, H.; Voelkl, B.; Altman, N. S.; Forsman, A.; Forstmeier, W.; Gurevitch, J.; Jaric, I.; Karp, N. A.; Kas, M. J.; Schielzeth, H. et al.; van de Casteele, T.: Reply to: "It is time for an empirically informed paradigm shift in animal research". Nature Reviews Neuroscience 21, pp. 661 - 662 (2020)
Journal Article
Kinsella, C. M.; Ruiz-Ruano, F. J.; Dion-Côté, A.-M.; Charles, A. J.; Gossmann, T. I.; Cabrero, J.; Kappei, D.; Hemmings, N.; Simons, M. J.P.; Camacho, J. P. M. et al.; Forstmeier, W.; Suh, A.: Programmed DNA elimination of germline development genes in songbirds. Nature Communications 10, 5468 (2019)
Journal Article
Wang, D.; Forstmeier, W.; Valcu, M.; Dingemanse, N. J.; Bulla, M.; Both, C.; Duckworth, R. A.; Kiere, L. M.; Karell, P.; Albrecht, T. et al.; Kempenaers, B.: Scrutinizing assortative mating in birds. PLoS Biology 17 (2), e3000156 (2019)
Journal Article
Zollinger, S. A.; Dorado-Correa, A. M.; Goymann, W.; Forstmeier, W.; Knief, U.; Bastidas-Urrutia, A. M.; Brumm, H.: Traffic noise exposure depresses plasma corticosterone and delays offspring growth in breeding zebra finches. Conservation Physiology 7 (1), coz056 (2019)
Journal Article
Jeronimo, S.; Khadraoui, M.; Wang, D.; Martin, K.; Lesku, J. A.; Robert, K. A.; Schlicht, E.; Forstmeier, W.; Kempenaers, B.: Plumage color manipulation has no effect on social dominance or fitness in zebra finches. Behavioral Ecology 29 (2), pp. 459 - 467 (2018)
Journal Article
Kappers, E. F.; de Vries, C.; Alberda, A.; Forstmeier, W.; Both, C.; Kempenaers, B.: Inheritance patterns of plumage coloration in common buzzards Buteo buteo do not support a one-locus two-allele model. Biology Letters 14 (4), 20180007 (2018)
Journal Article
Maldonado-Chaparro, A. A.; Montiglio, P.-O.; Forstmeier, W.; Kempenaers, B.; Farine, D. R.: Linking the fine-scale social environment to mating decisions: A future direction for the study of extra-pair paternity. Biological Reviews 93 (3), pp. 1558 - 1577 (2018)
Journal Article
Mendonca, T.; Birkhead, T. R.; Cadby, A. J.; Forstmeier, W.; Hemmings, N.: A trade-off between thickness and length in the zebra finch sperm mid-piece. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285 (1883), 20180865 (2018)
Journal Article
Parker, T. H.; Griffith, S. C.; Bronstein, J. L.; Fidler, F.; Foster, S.; Fraser, H.; Forstmeier, W.; Gurevitch, J.; Koricheva, J.; Seppelt, R. et al.; Tingley, M. W.; Nakagawa, S.: Empowering peer reviewers with a checklist to improve transparency. Nature Ecology & Evolution 2 (6), pp. 929 - 935 (2018)
Journal Article
Wang, D.; Forstmeier, W.; Ihle, M.; Khadraoui, M.; Jeronimo, S.; Martin, K.; Kempenaers, B.: Irreproducible text-book "knowledge": The effects of color bands on zebra finch fitness. Evolution: International journal of organic evolution 72 (4), pp. 961 - 976 (2018)
Journal Article
Forstmeier, W.: Preregister now for an upgrade to Behavioral Ecology 2.0: A comment on Ihle et al. Behavioral Ecology 28 (2), pp. 358 - 359 (2017)
Journal Article
Forstmeier, W.; Ihle, M.; Opatová, P.; Martin, K.; Knief, U.; Albrechtová, J.; Albrecht, T.; Kempenaers, B.: Testing the phenotype-linked fertility hypothesis in the presence and absence of inbreeding. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 30 (5), pp. 968 - 976 (2017)
Journal Article
Forstmeier, W.; Wagenmakers, E.-J.; Parker, T. H.: Detecting and avoiding likely false-positive findings - A practical guide. Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 92 (4), pp. 1941 - 1968 (2017)
Journal Article
Griffith, S. C.; Crino, O. L.; Andrew, S. C.; Nomano, F. Y.; Adkins-Regan, E.; Alonso-Alvarez, C.; Bailey, I. E.; Bittner, S. S.; Bolton, P. E.; Boner, W. et al.; Boogert, N.; Boucaud, I. C. A.; Briga, M.; Buchanan, K. L.; Caspers, B. A.; Cichon, M.; Clayton, D. F.; Deregnaucourt, S.; Forstmeier, W.; Guillette, L. M.; Hartley, I. R.; Healy, S. D.; Hill, D. L.; Holveck, M.-J.; Hurley, L. L.; Ihle, M.; Krause, E. T.; Mainwaring, M. C.; Marasco, V.; Mariette, M. M.; Martin-Wintle, M. S.; McCowan, L. S. C.; McMahon, M.; Monaghan, P.; Nager, R. G.; Naguib, M.; Nord, A.; Potvin, D. A.; Prior, N. H.; Riebel, K.; Romero-Haro, A. A.; Royle, N. J.; Rutkowska, J.; Schuett, W.; Swaddle, J. P.; Tobler, M.; Trompf, L.; Varian-Ramos, C. W.; Vignal, C.; Villain, A. S.; Williams, T. D.: Variation in reproductive success across captive populations: Methodological differences, potential biases and opportunities. Ethology 123 (1), pp. 1 - 29 (2017)
Journal Article
Knief, U.; Forstmeier, W.; Pei, Y.; Ihle, M.; Wang, D.; Martin, K.; Opatová, P.; Albrechtová, J.; Wittig, M.; Franke, A. et al.; Albrecht, T.; Kempenaers, B.: A sex-chromosome inversion causes strong overdominance for sperm traits that affect siring success. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1 (8), pp. 1177 - 1184 (2017)
Journal Article
Knief, U.; Kempenaers, B.; Forstmeier, W.: Meiotic recombination shapes precision of pedigree- and marker-based estimates of inbreeding. Heredity 118 (3), pp. 239 - 248 (2017)
Journal Article
Knief, U.; Schielzeth, H.; Backström, N.; Hemmrich-Stanisak, G.; Wittig, M.; Franke, A.; Griffith, S. C.; Ellegren, H.; Kempenaers, B.; Forstmeier, W.: Association mapping of morphological traits in wild and captive zebra finches: Reliable within, but not between populations. Molecular Ecology 26 (5), pp. 1285 - 1305 (2017)
Journal Article
Wang, D.; Forstmeier, W.; Kempenaers, B.: No mutual mate choice for quality in zebra finches: Time to question a widely-held assumption. Evolution: International journal of organic evolution 71 (11), pp. 2661 - 2676 (2017)
Journal Article
Wang, D.; Kempenaers, N.; Kempenaers, B.; Forstmeier, W.: Male zebra finches have limited ability to identify high-fecundity females. Behavioral Ecology 28 (3), pp. 784 - 792 (2017)
Journal Article
Knief, U.; Forstmeier, W.: Mapping centromeres of microchromosomes in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) using half-tetrad analysis. Chromosoma: Biology of the Nucleus 125 (4), pp. 757 - 768 (2016)
Journal Article
Knief, U.; Hemmrich-Stanisak, G.; Wittig, M.; Franke, A.; Griffith, S. C.; Kempenaers, B.; Forstmeier, W.: Fitness consequences of polymorphic inversions in the zebra finch genome. Genome Biology 17, 199 (2016)
Journal Article
Lindholm, A. K.; Dyer, K. A.; Firman, R. C.; Fishman, L.; Forstmeier, W.; Holman, L.; Johannesson, H.; Knief, U.; Kokko, H.; Larracuente, A. M. et al.; Manser, A.; Montchamp-Moreau, C.; Petrosyan, V. G.; Pomiankowski, A.; Presgraves, D. C.; Safronova, L. D.; Sutter, A.; Unckless, R. L.; Verspoor, R. L.; Wedell, N.; Wilkinson, G. S.; Price, T. A.R.: The ecology and evolutionary dynamics of meiotic drive. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 31 (4), pp. 315 - 326 (2016)
Journal Article
Opatová, P.; Ihle, M.; Albrechtová, J.; Tomásek, O.; Kempenaers, B.; Forstmeier, W.; Albrecht, T.: Inbreeding depression of sperm traits in the zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata. Ecology and Evolution 6 (1), pp. 295 - 304 (2016)
Journal Article
Parker, T. H.; Forstmeier, W.; Koricheva, J.; Fidler, F.; Hadfield, J. D.; Chee, Y. E.; Kelly, C. D.; Gurevitch, J.; Nakagawa, S.: Fraud not a primary cause of irreproducible results: A reply to Clark et al. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 31 (12), p. 900 - 900 (2016)
Journal Article
Parker, T. H.; Forstmeier, W.; Koricheva, J.; Fidler, F.; Hadfield, J. D.; Chee, Y. E.; Kelly, C. D.; Gurevitch, J.; Nakagawa, S.: Transparency in ecology and evolution: Real problems, real solutions. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 31 (9), pp. 711 - 719 (2016)
Journal Article
Forstmeier, W.: Caution is needed when 90% of all possible estimates remain unpublished: A comment on Arct et al. Behavioral Ecology 26 (4), pp. 972 - 973 (2015)
Journal Article
Ihle, M.; Kempenaers, B.; Forstmeier, W.: Fitness benefits of mate choice for compatibility in a socially monogamous species. PLoS Biology 13 (9), e1002248 (2015)
Journal Article
Knief, U.; Hemmrich-Stanisak, G.; Wittig, M.; Franke, A.; Griffith, S. C.; Kempenaers, B.; Forstmeier, W.: Quantifying realized inbreeding in wild and captive animal populations. Heredity 114 (4), pp. 397 - 403 (2015)
Journal Article
Knief, U.; Schielzeth, H.; Ellegren, H.; Kempenaers, B.; Forstmeier, W.: A prezygotic transmission distorter acting equally in female and male zebra finches Taeniopygia guttata. Molecular Ecology 24 (15), pp. 3846 - 3859 (2015)
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