Publications of the research group "Animal Communication and Urban Ecology"

Publications of Anja Gladbach

Journal Article (11)

Journal Article
Gladbach, A.; Gladbach, D. J.; Koch, M.; Kuchar, A.; Möstl, E.; Quillfeldt, P.: Can faecal glucocorticoid metabolites be used to monitor body condition in wild Upland geese Chloephaga picta leucoptera? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65 (7), pp. 1491 - 1498 (2011)
Journal Article
Gladbach, A.; Gladbach, D. J.; Quillfeldt, P.: Male achromatic wing colouration is related to body condition and female reproductive investment in a dichromatic species, the upland goose. Journal of Ethology 29 (2), pp. 243 - 249 (2011)
Journal Article
Gladbach, A.; Gladbach, D. J.; Kempenaers, B.; Quillfeldt, P.: Female-specific colouration, carotenoids and reproductive investment in a dichromatic species, the upland goose Chloephaga picta leucoptera. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 64 (11), pp. 1779 - 1789 (2010)
Journal Article
Gladbach, A.; Gladbach, D. J.; Quillfeldt, P.: Seasonal clutch size decline and individual variation in the timing of breeding are related to female body condition in a non-migratory species, the Upland Goose Chloephaga picta leucoptera. Journal of Ornithology 151 (4), pp. 817 - 825 (2010)
Journal Article
Gladbach, A.; Gladbach, D. J.; Quillfeldt, P.: Variations in leucocyte profiles and plasma biochemistry are related to different aspects of parental investment in male and female Upland geese Chloephaga picta leucoptera. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A-Molecular & Integrative Physiology 156 (2), pp. 269 - 277 (2010)
Journal Article
Quillfeldt, P.; Martinez, J.; Hennicke, J.; Ludynia, K.; Gladbach, A.; Masello, J. F.; Riou, S.; Merino, S.: Hemosporidian blood parasites in seabirds-a comparative genetic study of species from Antarctic to tropical habitats. Die Naturwissenschaften 97 (9), pp. 809 - 817 (2010)
Journal Article
Gladbach, A.; Braun, C.; Nordt, A.; Peter, H.-U.; Quillfeldt, P.: Chick provisioning and nest attendance of male and female Wilson's storm petrels Oceanites oceanicus. Polar Biology 32 (9), pp. 1315 - 1321 (2009)
Journal Article
Gladbach, A.; Braun, C.; Nordt, A.; Peter, H.-U.; Quillfeldt, P.: Estimation of feeding frequencies by periodic weighing of chicks: Evaluation by video-observation of burrow-nesting Wilson's Storm-Petrels (Oceanites oceanicus). Emu 109 (4), pp. 316 - 320 (2009)
Journal Article
Gladbach, A.; Büßer, C.; Mundry, R.; Quillfeldt, P.: Acoustic parameters of begging calls indicate chick body condition in Wilson's storm-petrels Oceanites oceanicus. Journal of Ethology 27 (2), pp. 267 - 274 (2009)
Journal Article
Quillfeldt, P.; Schenk, I.; McGill, R. A. R.; Strange, I. J.; Masello, J. F.; Gladbach, A.; Roesch, V.; Furness, R. W.: Introduced mammals coexist with seabirds at New Island, Falkland Islands: Abundance, habitat preferences, and stable isotope analysis of diet. Polar Biology 31 (3), pp. 333 - 349 (2008)
Journal Article
Gladbach, A.; McGill, R. A. R.; Quillfeldt, P.: Foraging areas of Wilson's storm-petrel Oceanites oceanicus in the breeding and inter-breeding period determined by stable isotope analysis. Polar Biology 30 (8), pp. 1005 - 1012 (2007)