Publications of Petra Quillfeldt
All genres
Journal Article (98)
Journal Article
6 (13), pp. 4488 - 4501 (2016)
Is individual consistency in body mass and reproductive decisions linked to individual specialization in foraging behavior in a long-lived seabird? Ecology and Evolution
Journal Article
39 (9), pp. 1627 - 1641 (2016)
Plasticity in foraging behaviour and diet buffers effects of inter-annual environmental differences on chick growth and survival in southern rockhopper penguins Eudyptes chrysocome chrysocome. Polar Biology 2015
Journal Article
10 (6), e0128776 (2015)
Individual consistency and phenotypic plasticity in rockhopper penguins: Female but not male body mass links environmental conditions to reproductive investment. PLoS One
Journal Article
524, pp. 269 - 281 (2015)
Limited individual phenotypic plasticity in the timing of and investment into egg laying in southern rockhopper penguins under climate change. Marine Ecology-Progress Series
Journal Article
5 (14), pp. 2827 - 2838 (2015)
Two eggs, two different constraints: A potential explanation for the puzzling intraclutch egg size dimorphism in Eudyptes penguins. Ecology and Evolution
Journal Article
29 (7), pp. 667 - 674 (2015)
Variability of higher trophic level stable isotope data in space and time - A case study in a marine ecosystem. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 2014
Journal Article
156 (3), pp. 548 - 560 (2014)
High juvenile annual survival probabilities in Southern Rockhopper Penguins Eudyptes chrysocome are independent of individual fledging traits. Ibis
Journal Article
15 (1), pp. 69 - 76 (2014)
Macrophyte-associated macroinvertebrates as an important food source for wintering waterbirds at Lake Constance. Limnology 2013
Journal Article
8 (11), e79487 (2013)
Good days, bad days: Wind as a driver of foraging success in a flightless seabird, the southern rockhopper penguin. PLoS One
Journal Article
23 (5), pp. 777 - 789 (2013)
Survival of rockhopper penguins in times of global climate change. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems
Journal Article
85 (1), pp. 255 - 267 (2013)
Sexual segregation in rockhopper penguins during incubation. Animal Behaviour
Journal Article
8 (7), e67714 (2013)
Distribution patterns predict individual specialization in the diet of dolphin gulls. PLoS One
Journal Article
154 (1), pp. 239 - 249 (2013)
Stable isotopes reveal variable foraging behaviour in a colony of the Imperial Shag Phalacrocorax atriceps: Differences between ages, sexes and years. Journal of Ornithology
Journal Article
8 (8), e72136 (2013)
Females paired with new and heavy mates reduce intra-clutch differences in resource allocation. PLoS One
Journal Article
36 (2), pp. 177 - 183 (2013)
Sex-biased disruptive behaviour in breeding crested penguins. Polar Biology
Journal Article
101 (1), pp. 39 - 44 (2013)
Hatching vocalisations in free-living Rockhopper Penguins. Ardea
Journal Article
40 (3), pp. 430 - 441 (2013)
Year-round distribution suggests spatial segregation of two small petrel species in the South Atlantic. Journal of Biogeography 2012
Journal Article
8 (6), pp. 1055 - 1058 (2012)
Migratory constraints on yolk precursors limit yolk androgen deposition and underlie a brood reduction strategy in rockhopper penguins. Biology Letters
Journal Article
90 (3), pp. 352 - 360 (2012)
The biogeography of Gentoo Penguins (Pygoscelis papua). Canadian Journal of Zoology-Revue Canadienne de Zoologie
Journal Article
7 (11), e50429 (2012)
Evaluating the impact of handling and logger attachment on foraging parameters and physiology in southern rockhopper penguins. PLoS One
Journal Article
697 (1), pp. 31 - 44 (2012)
Exclosure study on the exploitation of macrophytes by summering and moulting waterbirds at Lower Lake Constance. Hydrobiologia
Journal Article
459, pp. 109 - 120 (2012)
Population genetic structure and colonisation of the western Antarctic Peninsula by the seabird tick Ixodes uriae. Marine Ecology-Progress Series
Journal Article
153 (2), pp. 367 - 373 (2012)
Extra-pair paternity in seabirds: A review and case study of Thin-billed prions Pachyptila belcheri. Journal of Ornithology
Journal Article
159 (8), pp. 1809 - 1816 (2012)
Impact of miniature geolocation loggers on a small petrel, the thin-billed prion Pachyptila belcheri. Marine Biology 2011
Journal Article
181 (1), pp. 83 - 90 (2011)
Leucocyte profiles and corticosterone in chicks of southern rockhopper penguins. Journal of Comparative Physiology B-Biochemical Systemic and Environmental Physiology
Journal Article
152 (3), pp. 759 - 768 (2011)
Do leucocyte profiles reflect temporal and sexual variation in body condition over the breeding cycle in Southern Rockhopper Penguins? Journal of Ornithology
Journal Article
181 (5), pp. 641 - 648 (2011)
Leucocyte profiles and H/L ratios in chicks of Red-tailed Tropicbirds reflect the ontogeny of the immune system. Journal of Comparative Physiology B-Biochemical Systemic and Environmental Physiology
Journal Article
34 (11), pp. 1763 - 1773 (2011)
Stable isotopes in southern rockhopper penguins: Foraging areas and sexual diVerences in the non-breeding period. Polar Biology
Journal Article
65 (7), pp. 1491 - 1498 (2011)
Can faecal glucocorticoid metabolites be used to monitor body condition in wild Upland geese Chloephaga picta leucoptera? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
Journal Article
29 (2), pp. 243 - 249 (2011)
Male achromatic wing colouration is related to body condition and female reproductive investment in a dichromatic species, the upland goose. Journal of Ethology
Journal Article
7 (6), pp. 782 - 797 (2011)
Birds from the endangered Monte, the Steppes and Coastal biomes of the province of Rio Negro, northern Patagonia, Argentina. Check List
Journal Article
8, 16 (2011)
The High Andes, gene flow and a stable hybrid zone shape the genetic structure of a wide-ranging South American parrot. Frontiers in Zoology
Journal Article
25 (14), pp. 2089 - 2094 (2011)
Depth-specific and spatiotemporal variation of delta C-13 and delta N-15 in Charophytes of Lake Constance: Implications for food web studies. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry
Journal Article
7 (4), pp. 605 - 607 (2011)
Yolk androgen deposition without an energetic cost for female rockhopper penguins: A compensatory strategy to accelerate brood reduction? Biology Letters
Journal Article
170 (3), pp. 622 - 628 (2011)
Yolk androgen deposition in rockhopper penguins, a species with reversed hatching asynchrony. General and Comparative Endocrinology
Journal Article
152 (1), pp. 137 - 142 (2011)
Is the reduced incubation time for B-eggs in Rockhopper Penguins Eudyptes chrysocome linked to egg density variation? Journal of Ornithology
Journal Article
8, 26 (2011)
Prevalence of blood parasites in seabirds - a review. Frontiers in Zoology
Journal Article
158 (8), pp. 1805 - 1813 (2011)
Fatty acid signatures of stomach contents reflect inter- and intra-annual changes in diet of a small pelagic seabird, the Thin-billed prion Pachyptila belcheri. Marine Biology
Journal Article
173 (1), pp. 11 - 14 (2011)
Measuring corticosterone in seabird egg yolk and the presence of high yolk gestagen concentrations. General and Comparative Endocrinology
Journal Article
428, pp. 271 - 287 (2011)
Flexible foraging behaviour of a sexually dimorphic seabird: Large males do not always dive deep. Marine Ecology-Progress Series
Journal Article
422, pp. 105 - 112 (2011)
Recent impacts of anthropogenic climate change on a higher marine predator in western Britain. Marine Ecology-Progress Series
Journal Article
409 (14), pp. 2838 - 2844 (2011)
Organohalogenated contaminants in eggs of rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome) and imperial shags (Phalacrocorax atriceps) from the Falkland Islands. Science of the Total Environment 2010
Journal Article
33 (4), pp. 469 - 476 (2010)
Geographical variation in egg size dimorphism in rockhopper penguins. Polar Biology
Journal Article
21 (3), pp. 439 - 443 (2010)
Effects of severe rains on the mortality of southern rockhopper penguin (eudyptes chrysocome) chicks and its impact on breeding success. Ornitologia Neotropical
Journal Article
64 (11), pp. 1779 - 1789 (2010)
Female-specific colouration, carotenoids and reproductive investment in a dichromatic species, the upland goose Chloephaga picta leucoptera. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
Journal Article
151 (4), pp. 817 - 825 (2010)
Seasonal clutch size decline and individual variation in the timing of breeding are related to female body condition in a non-migratory species, the Upland Goose Chloephaga picta leucoptera. Journal of Ornithology
Journal Article
156 (2), pp. 269 - 277 (2010)
Variations in leucocyte profiles and plasma biochemistry are related to different aspects of parental investment in male and female Upland geese Chloephaga picta leucoptera. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A-Molecular & Integrative Physiology
Journal Article
10, 325 (2010)
House mouse colonization patterns on the sub-Antarctic Kerguelen Archipelago suggest singular primary invasions and resilience against re-invasion. BMC Evolutionary Biology
Journal Article
1 (6), 19 (2010)
Diving seabirds share foraging space and time within and among species. Ecosphere
Journal Article
24 (7), pp. 875 - 878 (2010)
Black and white - does melanin change the bulk carbon and nitrogen isotope values of feathers? Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry