Publications of Franz Huber
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Journal Article (97)
Journal Article
19 (2), pp. 63 - 66 (2013)
Warum nicht Reduktionist und Holist gleichermaßen? Neuroforum 2007
Journal Article
Experiences and highlights during my time in Seewiesen 1973-1993. International Society for Neuroethology Newsletter, pp. 3 - 6 (2007)
Journal Article
2003, pp. 19 - 31 (2003)
Erlebnisse und Prägungen im Kreis der Zoologen. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft 2000
Journal Article
1998, pp. 1 - 31 (2000)
50 Jahre Forschung über akustische Kommunikation bei Grillen: Verhalten und Neurobiologie. Verhandlungen Westdeutscher Entomologentag, Löbbecke-Museum, Düsseldorf 1997
Journal Article
11, pp. 1 - 2 (1997)
Cricket-neuroethology and how it began. International Society for Neuroethology Newsletter 1996
Journal Article
47, pp. 227 - 230 (1996)
A new approach for measuring juvenile hormone production. Farmacevtski Vestnik 1995
Journal Article
25 (1), pp. 1 - 7 (1995)
40 Jahre Ethologie aus der Sicht eines Insekten-Neuroethologen. Biologie in unserer Zeit
Journal Article
Konzepte der Ethologie auf dem Prüfstand der Insekten-Neuroethologie. Sitzungsberichte der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse (1995)
Journal Article
81 (1), pp. 40 - 41 (1994)
Correlation between the rate of juvenile hormone biosynthesis in vitro and sexual behavior patterns in Gomphocerus rufus females. Die Naturwissenschaften
Journal Article
87, p. 85 - 85 (1994)
Comparative investigation of the role of the tensor muscle during cicada sound production. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft
Journal Article
187 (1), pp. 45 - 55 (1994)
Auditory threshold change in singing cicadas. The Journal of Experimental Biology
Journal Article
187 (1), pp. 33 - 44 (1994)
Function of the tensor muscle in the cicada Tibicen Linnei. The Journal of Experimental Biology
Journal Article
91 (8), pp. 2960 - 2964 (1994)
Nervous control of juvenile hormone biosynthesis in Locusta migratoria. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Journal Article
175 (4), pp. 389 - 398 (1994)
Sound localisation in crickets. I. Contralateral inhibition of an ascending auditory interneuron (AN1) in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology
Journal Article
175 (4), pp. 399 - 413 (1994)
Sound localisation in crickets. II. Modelling the role of a simple neural network in the prothoracic ganglion. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology
Journal Article
87 (2), pp. 3 - 4 (1994)
Begrüßungsworte des Präsidenten der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft anläßlich der Verleihung des 8. Wissenschaftspreises der DZG, verbunden mit der Karl Ritter von Frisch-Medaille an Herrn Professor Rüdiger Wehner, Zürich. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft
Journal Article
277 (1), pp. 39 - 50 (1994)
Neurons projecting from the brain to the corpora allata in orthopteroid insects: Anatomy and physiology. Cell and Tissue Research 1993
Journal Article
80 (7), pp. 324 - 326 (1993)
A new function for an old structure: The "timbal muscle" in cicada females. Die Naturwissenschaften
Journal Article
86, pp. 31 - 41 (1993)
Zoologie der Zukunft: Eine persönliche Betrachtung. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft
Journal Article
18 (1), pp. 57 - 66 (1993)
The effect of mating on phonotactic behaviour in Gryllus bimaculatus (de Geer). Physiological Entomology
Journal Article
26 (3), pp. 199 - 221 (1993)
Interaction between visual and phonotactic orientation during fight in Magicicada cassini (Homoptera: Cicadidae). Great Lakes Entomologist 1992
Journal Article
79 (9), pp. 393 - 406 (1992)
Verhalten und Neurobiologie von stimmbegabten Insekten. Die Naturwissenschaften
Journal Article
171 (3), pp. 325 - 341 (1992)
Persistence of phonotaxis in females of four species of crickets following allatectomy. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 1991
Journal Article
159 (1), pp. 235 - 248 (1991)
Visual and acoustic course control in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. The Journal of Experimental Biology
Journal Article
1991, pp. 9 - 21 (1991)
Akustische Verständigung im Tierreich, Studien aus der Welt der Vögel und Insekten. Sitzungsberichte der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Journal Article
34, pp. 167 - 171 (1991)
Verhaltens- und neurobiologische Aspekte zum Gesangserkennen und zur Schallortung bei Grillen. Leopoldina 1990
Journal Article
30, pp. 609 - 627 (1990)
Nerve cells and insect behavior - Studies on crickets. American Zoologist
Journal Article
19, pp. 299 - 356 (1990)
Cricket neuroethology: Neuronal basis of intraspecific acoustic communication. Advances in the Study of Behavior
Journal Article
83, pp. 671 - 672 (1990)
Maximilian Renner *04.11.1919 + 20.03.1990. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft 1988
Journal Article
44, pp. 428 - 431 (1988)
Invertebrate neuroethology: Guiding principles. Experientia: interdisciplinary journal for the life sciences
Journal Article
162 (6), pp. 715 - 728 (1988)
Acoustic orientation in adult, female crickets (Gryllus bimaculatus de Geer) after unilateral foreleg amputation in the larva. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology
Journal Article
75 (6), pp. 317 - 318 (1988)
Cricket phonotaxis: Females with forelegs fixed off the ground can track male song. Die Naturwissenschaften 1987
Journal Article
161 (4), pp. 583 - 604 (1987)
Plasticity in the auditory system of crickets: Phonotaxis with one ear and neuronal reorganization within the auditory pathway. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology
Journal Article
162, pp. 7 - 36 (1987)
Neuroethologie: Vom Verhalten zur einzelnen Nervenzelle. Konstanzer Universitätsreden
Journal Article
12 (2), pp. 135 - 140 (1987)
The effect of visual input on calling song attractiveness for female Acheta domesticus. Physiological Entomology
Journal Article
12 (2), pp. 141 - 147 (1987)
Female Acheta domesticus track acoustical and visual targets with different walking modes. Physiological Entomology 1986
Journal Article
1986, pp. 78 - 87 (1986)
Akustische Verständigung bei Grillen. Spektrum der Wissenschaft
Journal Article
159 (4), pp. 457 - 464 (1986)
Physiology and tonotopic organization of auditory receptors in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus de Geer. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology
Journal Article
158 (3), pp. 291 - 300 (1986)
Morphological and physiological changes in central auditory neurons following unilateral foreleg amputation in larval crickets. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 1985
Journal Article
68 (1), pp. 52 - 78 (1985)
Approaches to insect behavior of interest to both neurobiologists and behavioral ecologists. Florida Entomologist
Journal Article
253 (6), pp. 60 - 68 (1985)
Cricket auditory communication. Scientific American
Journal Article
5 (5), pp. 1283 - 1292 (1985)
Synaptic connectivity between cricket auditory interneurons as studied by selective photoinactivation. The Journal of Neuroscience
Journal Article
239 (3), pp. 555 - 565 (1985)
Topographical organization of the auditory pathway within the prothoracic ganglion of the cricket Gryllus campestris L. Cell and Tissue Research 1984
Journal Article
7 (3), pp. 391 - 392 (1984)
Neuroethology, according to Hoyle. Behavioral and Brain Sciences
Journal Article
43, pp. 24 - 31 (1984)
The world of insects: Periodical cicadas and their behavior. Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung Mitteilungen
Journal Article
155 (6), pp. 725 - 738 (1984)
Auditory behavior of the cricket. III: Tracking of male calling song by surgically and developmentally one-eared females, and the curious role of the anterior tympanum. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology
Journal Article
154 (1), pp. 13 - 26 (1984)
Frequency and temporal pattern-dependent phonotaxis of crickets (Teleogryllus oceanicus) during tethered flight and compensated walking. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 1983
Journal Article
1982 (3), pp. 3 - 40 (1983)
Der Weg vom Verhalten zur einzelnen Nervenzelle. Studien an Grillen. Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz. Abhandlungen der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse 1982
Journal Article
69 (6), pp. 288 - 289 (1982)
Wing movements during cricket stridulation are affected by mechanosensory input from wing hair plates. Die Naturwissenschaften
Journal Article
146 (3), pp. 361 - 378 (1982)
Auditory behavior of the cricket. II: Simplicity of calling-song recognition in Gryllus, and anomalus phonotaxis at abnormal carrier frequencies. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology