Publications of Klaus Schildberger
All genres
Journal Article (3)
Journal Article
159 (1), pp. 235 - 248 (1991)
Visual and acoustic course control in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. The Journal of Experimental Biology 1988
Journal Article
162 (6), pp. 715 - 728 (1988)
Acoustic orientation in adult, female crickets (Gryllus bimaculatus de Geer) after unilateral foreleg amputation in the larva. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 1986
Journal Article
158 (3), pp. 291 - 300 (1986)
Morphological and physiological changes in central auditory neurons following unilateral foreleg amputation in larval crickets. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology Book Chapter (2)
Book Chapter
Huber, F.; Moore, T. E.; Loher, W.). Cornell University Press, Ithaca (N. Y.), London (1989)
Central auditory pathway: Neuronal correlates and phonotactic behavior. In: Cricket behavior and neurobiology, pp. 423 - 458 (Eds. 1988
Book Chapter
VIII, pp. 565 - 575 (Ed. Flohr, H.). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (1988)
Post-lesion plasticity in the auditory system of the cricket. In: Post-lesion neural plasticity, Vol. Conference Paper (2)
Conference Paper
Acoustic communication in periodical cicadas: Neuronal responses to songs of sympatric species. In: Sensory systems and communication in arthropods: Including the first comprehensive collection of contributions by Soviet scientists, pp. 217 - 228 (Eds. Gribakin, F. G.; Wiese, K.; Popov, A. V.). Sensory Systems and Communication in Arthropods, Leningrad, October 08, 1989 - October 15, 1989. Birkhäuser, Basel (1990)
Conference Paper
Sound localization in intact and one-eared crickets. In: Sensory systems and communication in arthropods: Including the first comprehensive collection of contributions by Soviet scientists, pp. 254 - 258 (Eds. Gribakin, F. G.; Wiese, K.; Popov, A. V.). Sensory Systems and Communication in Arthropods, Leningrad, October 08, 1989 - October 15, 1989. Birkhäuser, Basel (1990)