Publications of Albertine Leitao

Journal Article (10)

Journal Article
Leitao, A.; Gahr, M.: Babbling opens the sensory phase for imitative vocal learning. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 121 (18), e2312323121 (2024)
Journal Article
Lengyel, K.; Rudra, M.; Berghof, T. V. L.; Leitao, A.; Frankl-Vilches, C.; Dittrich, F.; Duda, D.; Klinger, R.; Schleibinger, S.; Sid, H. et al.; Trost, L.; Vikkula, H.; Schusser, B.; Gahr, M.: Unveiling the critical role of androgen receptor signaling in avian sexual development. Nature Communications 15, 8970 (2024)
Journal Article
Monte, A.; Leitao, A.; Frankl-Vilches, C.; da Matos, R. S.; Trappschuh, M.; da Silva, M. L.; Gahr, M.: Testosterone treatment unveils testosterone-insensitive song in an early-branched hummingbird. Ethology, Ecology & Evolution 36 (1), pp. 41 - 69 (2024)
Journal Article
George, J. M.; Bell, Z. W.; Condliffe, D.; Dohrer, K.; Abaurrea, T.; Spencer, K.; Leitao, A.; Gahr, M.; Hurd, P. J.; Clayton, D. F.: Acute social isolation alters neurogenomic state in songbird forebrain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117 (38), pp. 23311 - 23316 (2020)
Journal Article
Lobato, M.; Vellema, M.; Gahr, C.; Leitao, A.; de Lima, S.; Geberzahn, N.; Gahr, M.: Mismatch in sexual dimorphism of developing song and song control system in blue-capped cordon-bleus, a songbird species with singing females and males. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 3, 117 (2015)
Journal Article
Leitao, A.; Ten Cate, C.; Riebel, K.: Within-song complexity in a songbird is meaningful to both male and female receivers. Animal Behaviour 71 (6), pp. 1289 - 1296 (2006)
Journal Article
Leitao, A.; van Dooren, T. J. M.; Riebel, K.: Temporal variation in chaffinch Fringilla coelebs song: Interrelations between the trill and flourish. Journal of Avian Biology 35 (3), pp. 199 - 203 (2004)
Journal Article
Leitao, A.; Riebel, K.: Are good ornaments bad armaments? Male chaffinch perception of songs with varying flourish length. Animal Behaviour 66 (1), pp. 161 - 167 (2003)
Journal Article
Doutrelant, C.; Leitao, A.; Otter, K.; Lambrechts, M. M.: Effect of blue tit song syntax on great tit territorial responsiveness – an experimental test of the character shift hypothesis. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 48 (2), pp. 119 - 124 (2000)
Journal Article
Doutrelant, C.; Leitao, A.; Giorgi, M.; Lambrechts, M. M.: Geographical variation in blue tit song, the result of an adjustement to vegetation type? Behaviour 136 (4), pp. 481 - 493 (1999)

Book Chapter (1)

Book Chapter
Boulinier, T.; Charmantier, A.; Doligez, B.; Doutrelant, C.; Ganem, G.; Grégoire, A.; Leitao, A.; Monnin, T.: Écologie comportementale: Une approche évolutive du comportement. In: Biologie évolutive, pp. 491 - 532 (Eds. Thomas, F.; Lefèvre, T.; Raymond, M.). De Boeck Université, Bruxelles (2010)
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