Publications of R. Hohlfeld

Journal Article (119)

Journal Article
Jarius, S.; Franciotta, D.; Bergamaschi, R.; Wright, H.; Littleton, E.; Palace, J.; Hohlfeld, R.; Vincent, A.: NMO-IgG in the diagnosis of neuromyelitis optica. Neurology 68 (13), pp. 1076 - 1077 (2007)
Journal Article
Jarius, S.; Friedemann, P.; Franciotta, D.; Aktas, O.; Hohlfeld, R.; Zipp, F.; Vincent, A.: Revised diagnostic criteria for neuromyelitis optica-incorporation of NMO-IgG status. Nature Clinical Practise Neurology 5, pp. 2774 - 2783 (2007)
Journal Article
Junker, A.; Ivanidze, J.; Malotka, J.; Eiglmeier, I.; Lassmann, H.; Wekerle, H.; Meinl, E.; Hohlfeld, R.; Dornmair, K.: Multiple sclerosis: T-cell receptor expression in distinct brain regions. Brain 130, pp. 2789 - 2799 (2007)
Journal Article
Klatt, J.; Hartung, H.-P.; Hohlfeld, R.: FTY720 (Fingolimod) als neue Therapiemöglichkeit der Multiplen Sklerose. Der Nervenarzt 78, pp. 1200 - 1208 (2007)
Journal Article
Krumbholz, M.; Pellkofer, H.; Gold, R.; Hoffmann, L.; Hohlfeld, R.; Kümpfel, T.: Delayed allergic reaction to natalizumab associated with early formation of neutralizing antibodies. Archives of Neurology 64, pp. 1331 - 1333 (2007)
Journal Article
Krumbholz, M.; Theil, D.; Steinmeyer, F.; Cepok, S.; Hemmer, B.; Hofbauer, M.; Farina, C.; Derfuss, T.; Junker, A.; Arzberger, T. et al.; Sinicina, I.; Hartle, C.; Newcombe, J.; Hohlfeld, R.; Meinl, E.: CCL19 is constitutively expressed in the CNS, up-regulated in neuroinflammation, active and also inactive multiple sclerosis lesions. Journal of Neuroimmunology 190 (1-2), pp. 72 - 79 (2007)
Journal Article
Lisak, R. P.; Hohlfeld, R.: Neurodegeneration, neuroprotection, glial cells, and myelin in multiple sclerosis. Neurology 68 (Suppl. 3), p. S1 - S1 (2007)
Journal Article
Mathey, E. K.; Derfuss, T.; Storch, M. K.; Williams, K. R.; Hales, K.; Woolley, D. R.; Al-Hayani, A.; Davies, S. N.; Rasband, M. N.; Olsson, T. et al.; Moldenhauer, A.; Velhin, S.; Hohlfeld, R.; Meinl, E.; Linington, C.: Neurofascin as a novel target for autoantibody-mediated axonal injury. Journal of Experimental Medicine 204 (10), pp. 2363 - 2372 (2007)
Journal Article
Paul, F.; Jarius, S.; Aktas, O.; Bluthner, M.; Bauer, O.; Appelhans, H.; Franciotta, D.; Bergamaschi, R.; Littleton, E.; Palace, J. et al.; Seelig, H.-P.; Hohlfeld, R.; Vincent, A.; Zipp, F.: Antibody to aquaporin 4 in the diagnosis of neuomyelitis optica. PLoS Medicine 4 (4), e133, pp. 0669 - 0674 (2007)
Journal Article
Weber, M. S.; Hohlfeld, R.; Zamvil, S. S.: Mechanism of action of glatiramer acetate in treatment of multiple sclerosis. Neurotherapeutics 4 (4), pp. 647 - 653 (2007)
Journal Article
Chevrel, G.; Hohlfeld, R.; Sendtner, M.: The role of neurotrophins in muscle under physiological and pathological conditions. Muscle & Nerve 33 (4), pp. 462 - 476 (2006)
Journal Article
Gold, R.; Hartung, H. P.; Hohlfeld, R.: Monoclonal antibodies improve therapy of relapsing multiple sclerosis. Molecular basis and clinical results of anti-VLA4 (natalizumab) therapy. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 131 (1-2), pp. 31 - 34 (2006)
Journal Article
Hoffmann, L. A.; Kümpfel, T.; Heer, I.; Hohlfeld, R.: Pregnancy and immunomodulatory therapy in multiple sclerosis patients. Nervenarzt 6, pp. 663, 666, 670 - 664, 668 (2006)
Journal Article
Hohlfeld, R.; Kerschensteiner, M.; Stadelmann, C.; Lassmann, H.; Wekerle, H.: The neuroprotective effect of inflammation: Implications for the therapy of multiple sclerosis. Neurological Sciences 27, pp. S1 - S7 (2006)
Journal Article
Krumbholz, M.; Theil, D.; Cepok, S.; Hemmer, B.; Kivisakk, P.; Ransohoff, R. M.; Hofbauer, M.; Farina, C.; Derfuss, T.; Hartle, C. et al.; Newcombe, J.; Hohlfeld, R.; Meinl, E.: Chemokines in multiple sclerosis: CXCL12 and CXCL13 up-regulation is differentially linked to CNS immune cell recruitment. Brain 129, pp. 200 - 211 (2006)
Journal Article
Martin, R.; Bielekova, B.; Hohlfeld, R.; Utz, U.: Biomarkers in multiple sclerosis. Disease Markers 22 (4), pp. 183 - 185 (2006)
Journal Article
Meinl, E.; Krumbholz, M.; Hohlfeld, R.: B lineage cells in inflammatory central nervous system - Reply. Annals of Neurology 60 (4), p. 487 - 487 (2006)
Journal Article
Meinl, E.; Krumbholz, M.; Hohlfeld, R.: B lineage cells in the inflammatory central nervous system environment: Migration, maintenance, local antibody production, and therapeutic modulation. Annals of Neurology 59 (6), pp. 880 - 892 (2006)
Journal Article
Seitz, S.; Schneider, C. K.; Malotka, J.; Nong, X.; Engel, A. G.; Wekerle, H.; Hohlfeld, R.; Dornmair, K.: Reconstitution of paired T cell receptor α- and β-chains from microdissected single cells of human inflammatory tissues. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103 (32), pp. 12057 - 12062 (2006)
Journal Article
Wiendl, H.; Kieseier, B. C.; Gold, R.; Hohlfeld, R.; Bendszus, M.; Hartung, H. P.: Revision of McDonald's new diagnostic criteria for multiple sclerosis. Nervenarzt 10, pp. 1235 - 1245 (2006)
Journal Article
Derfuss, T.; Hohlfeld, R.; Meinl, E.: Intrathecal antibody (IgG) production against human herpesvirus type 6 occurs in about 20% of multiple sclerosis patients and might be linked to a polyspecific B-cell response. Journal of Neurology 252 (8), pp. 968 - 971 (2005)
Journal Article
Farina, C.; Weber, M. S.; Meinl, E.; Wekerle, H.; Hohlfeld, R.: Glatiramer acetate in multiple sclerosis: Update on potential mechanisms of action. Lancet Neurology 4 (9), pp. 567 - 575 (2005)
Journal Article
Hohlfeld, R.; Wekerle, H.: Drug insight: Using monoclonal antibodies to treat multiple sclerosis. Nature Clinical Practice Neurology 1, pp. 34 - 44 (2005)
Journal Article
Krumbholz, M.; Theil, D.; Derfuss, T.; Rosenwald, A.; Schrader, F.; Monoranu, C. M.; Kalled, S. L.; Hess, D. M.; Serafini, B.; Aloisi, F. et al.; Wekerle, H.; Hohlfeld, R.; Meinl, E.: BAFF is produced by astrocytes and up-regulated in multiple sclerosis lesions and primary central nervous system lymphoma. Journal of Experimental Medicine 201 (2), pp. 195 - 200 (2005)
Journal Article
Vargas-Leal, V.; Bruno, R.; Derfuss, T.; Krumbholz, M.; Hohlfeld, R.; Meinl, E.: Expression and function of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) family ligands and their receptors on human immune cells. Journal of Immunology 175 (4), pp. 2301 - 2308 (2005)
Journal Article
Wiendl, H.; Hohlfeld, R.; Kieseier, B. C.: Immunobiology of muscle: Advances in understanding an immunological microenvironment. Trends in Immunology 26, pp. 373 - 380 (2005)
Journal Article
Ziemssen, T.; Kümpfel, T.; Schneider, H.; Klinkert, W. E. F.; Neuhaus, O.; Hohlfeld, R.: Secretion of brain-derived neurotrophic factor by glatiramer acetate-reactive T-helper cell lines: Implications for multiple sclerosis therapy. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 233 (1-2), pp. 109 - 112 (2005)
Journal Article
Clanet, M.; Kappos, L.; Hartung, H. P.; Hohlfeld, R.; The European IFNβ-1a Dose Comparison Study Investigators: Interferon β-1a in relapsing multiple sclerosis: Four-year extension of the European IFNβ-1a Dose Comparison Study. Multiple Sclerosis Journal 10, pp. 139 - 144 (2004)
Journal Article
Dornmair, K.; Schneider, C. K.; Malotka, J.; Dechant, G.; Wiendl, H.; Hohlfeld, R.: Antigen recognition properties of a V gamma LW delta 2-T-cell receptor from a rare variant of polymyositis. Journal of Neuroimmunology 152 (1-2), pp. 168 - 175 (2004)
Journal Article
Farina, C.; Theil, D.; Semlinger, B.; Hohlfeld, R.; Meinl, E.: Distinct responses of monocytes to Toll-like receptor ligands and inflammatory cytokines. International Immunology 16 (6), pp. 799 - 809 (2004)
Journal Article
Hohlfeld, R.: Immunologic factors in primary progressive multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis 10, pp. 16 - 22 (2004)
Journal Article
Hohlfeld, R.; Wekerle, H.: Autoimmune concepts of multiple sclerosis as a basis for selective immunotherapy: From pipe dreams to (therapeutic) pipelines. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 101 (Suppl. Suppl. 2), pp. 14599 - 14606 (2004)
Journal Article
Neuhaus, O.; Kieseier, B. C.; Klimke, A.; Gaebel, W.; Hohlfeld, R.; Hartung, H. P.: Cannabinoids in multiple sclerosis. Opportunity or threat? Nervenarzt 75 (10), pp. 1022 - 1026 (2004)
Journal Article
Pellkofer, H.; Schubart, A. S.; Hoftberger, R.; Schutze, N.; Pagany, M.; Schuller, M.; Lassmann, H.; Hohlfeld, R.; Voltz, R.; Linington, C.: Modelling paraneoplastic CNS disease: T-cells specific for the onconeuronal antigen PNMA1 mediate autoimmune encephalomyelitis in the rat. Brain 127, pp. 1822 - 1830 (2004)
Journal Article
Skulina, C.; Schmidt, S.; Dornmair, K.; Babbe, H.; Roers, A.; Rajewsky, K.; Wekerle, H.; Hohlfeld, R.; Goebels, N.: Multiple sclerosis: Brain-infiltrating CD8(+) T cells persist as clonal expansions in the cerebrospinal fluid and blood. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 101 (8), pp. 2428 - 2433 (2004)
Journal Article
Weber, M. S.; Starck, M.; Wagenpfeil, S.; Meinl, E.; Hohlfeld, R.; Farina, C.: Multiple sclerosis: Glatiramer acetate inhibits monocyte reactivity in vitro and in vivo. Brain 127, pp. 1370 - 1378 (2004)
Journal Article
Bradl, M.; Hohlfeld, R.: Neuroscience for Neurologists: Molecular pathogenesis of neuroinflammation. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 74, pp. 1364 - 1370 (2003)
Journal Article
Dalakas, M. C.; Hohlfeld, R.: Diagnostic criteria for polymyositis and dermatomyositis - Reply. Lancet 362 (9397), p. 1763 - 1763 (2003)
Journal Article
Dalakas, M. C.; Hohlfeld, R.: Polymyositis and dermatomyositis. Lancet 362 (9388), pp. 971 - 982 (2003)
Journal Article
Dornmair, K.; Goebels, N.; Weltzien, H. U.; Wekerle, H.; Hohlfeld, R.: T-cell-mediated autoimmunity - Novel techniques to characterize autoreactive T-cell receptors. American Journal of Pathology 163 (4), pp. 1215 - 1226 (2003)
Journal Article
Hohlfeld, R.: Hunting (auto)immune T cells in neuroimmunological diseases. Brain 126, pp. 2 - 4 (2003)
Journal Article
Hohlfeld, R.: The prospects for neuroprotection in MS. International MS Journal 10, pp. 103 - 105 (2003)
Journal Article
Hohlfeld, R.; Dalakas, M.: Basic principles of immunotherapy for neurologic diseases. Seminars in Neurology 23, pp. 121 - 131 (2003)
Journal Article
Kerschensteiner, M.; Hohlfeld, R.: Neurotrophic factors protect myelin from attack. International MS Journal 10 (1), pp. 2 - 4 (2003)
Journal Article
Kerschensteiner, M.; Stadelmann, C.; Dechant, G.; Wekerle, H.; Hohlfeld, R.: Neurotrophic cross-talk between the nervous and immune systems: Implications for neurological diseases. Annals of Neurology 53 (3), pp. 292 - 304 (2003)
Journal Article
Voltz, R.; Albrich, W.; Hohlfeld, R.; Nagel, D.; Wick, M.; Kirchner, T.; Sommer, N.; Illa, I.; Kaminski, H.; Schumm, F.: Anti-titin antibodies are not associatd with a specific thymoma histology. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 74, p. 282 - 282 (2003)
Journal Article
Wekerle, H.; Hohlfeld, R.: Molecular mimicry in multiple sclerosis. New England Journal of Medicine 349 (2), pp. 185 - 186 (2003)
Journal Article
Wiendl, H.; Mitsdörfer, M.; Hofmeister, V.; Wischhusen, J.; Weiss, E. H.; Dichgans, J.; Lochmüller, H.; Hohlfeld, R.; Melms, A.; Weller, M.: The non-classical MHC molecule HLA-G protects human muscle cells from immune-mediated lysis: Implications for myoblast transplnatation and gene therapy. Brain 126, pp. 176 - 185 (2003)
Journal Article
Clanet, M.; Radue, E. W.; Kappos, L.; Hartung, H. P.; Hohlfeld, R.; Sandberg-Wollheim, M.; Kooijmans-Coutinho, M. F.; Tsao, E. C.; Sandrock, A. W.; European IFNß-1a (Avonex) Dose-Comparison Study Investigators: A randomised, double-blind, dose-comparison study of weekly interferon ß-1a in relapsing MS. Neurology 59 (10), pp. 1507 - 1517 (2002)
Journal Article
Farina, C.; Vargas-Leal, V.; Heydari, N.; Kümpfel, T.; Meinl, E.; Hohlfeld, R.: Treatment with glatiramer acetate induces specific IgG4 antibodies in multiple sclerosis patients. Journal of Neuroimmunology 123 (1-2), pp. 188 - 192 (2002)
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