Publications of Tobias Ruff

Journal Article (4)

Journal Article
Ruff, T.; Peters, C.; Matsumoto, A.; Ihle, S. J.; Alcala Morales, P. L.; Gaitanos, L.; Yonehara, K.; del Toro, D.; Klein, R.: FLRT3 marks direction-selective retinal ganglion cells that project to the medial terminal nucleus. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience 14, 790466 (2021)
Journal Article
del Toro, D.; Carrasquero-Ordaz, M. A.; Chu, A.; Ruff, T.; Shahin, M.; Jackson, V. A.; Chavent, M.; Berbeira-Santana, M.; Seyit-Bremer, G.; Brignani, S. et al.: Structural basis of Teneurin-Latrophilin interaction in repulsive guidance of migrating neurons. Cell 180 (2), pp. 323 - 339.e19 (2020)
Journal Article
del Toro, D.; Ruff, T.; Cederfjäll, E.; Villalb, A.; Seyit-Bremer, G.; Borrell, V.; Klein, R.: Regulation of cerebral cortex folding by controlling neuronal migration via FLRT adhesion molecules. Cell 169 (4), pp. 621 - 635 (2017)
Journal Article
Seiradake, E.; del Toro, D.; Nagel, D.; Cop, F.; Härtl, R.; Ruff, T.; Seyit-Bremer, G.; Harlos, K.; Border, E. C.; Acker-Palmer, A. et al.: FLRT structure: Balancing repulsion and cell adhesion in cortical and vascular development. Neuron 84 (2), pp. 370 - 385 (2014)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Ruff, T.: FLRTs: Regulator of cerebral cortex folding and a potential RGC marker in the mouse retina. Dissertation, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München (2018)

Thesis - Master (1)

Thesis - Master
Ruff, T.: Genetic analysis of FLRT proteins in cortex development Establishing CLARITY to study intact brain. Master, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München (2014)