Publications of Anna-Lena Bolender

Journal Article (2)

Journal Article
Blumenstock, S.; Schulz-Trieglaff, E. K.; Voelkl, K.; Bolender, A.-L.; Lapios, P.; Lindner, J.; Hipp, M. S.; Hartl, F. U.; Klein, R.; Dudanova, I.: Fluc-EGFP reporter mice reveal differential alterations of neuronal proteostasis in aging and disease. The EMBO Journal 40 (19), e107260 (2021)
Journal Article
Cramer, K.; Bolender, A.-L.; Stockmar, I.; Jungmann, R.; Kasper, R.; Shin, J. Y.: Visualization of bacterial protein complexes labeled with fluorescent proteins and nanobody binders for STED microscopy. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (14), 3376 (2019)