Publications of Tabea Schilling

Journal Article (6)

Journal Article
Samara, E.; Schilling, T.; Ribeiro, I. M. A.; Haag, J.; Leonte, M.-B.; Borst, A.: Columnar cholinergic neurotransmission onto T5 cells of Drosophila. Current Biology (2025)
Journal Article
Hörmann, N.; Schilling, T.; Ali, A. H.; Serbe, E.; Mayer, C.; Borst, A.; Pujol-Marti, J.: A combinatorial code of transcription factors specifies subtypes of visual motion-sensing neurons in Drosophila. Development 147 (9), dev186296 (2020)
Journal Article
Schilling, T.; Ali, A. H.; Leonhardt, A.; Borst, A.; Pujol-Marti, J.: Transcriptional control of morphological properties of direction-selective T4/T5 neurons in Drosophila. Development 146 (2), dev169763 (2019)
Journal Article
Schilling, T.; Borst, A.: Local motion detectors are required for the computation of expansion flow-fields. Biology Open 4 (9), pp. 1105 - 1108 (2015)
Journal Article
Bahl, A.; Ammer, G.; Schilling, T.; Borst, A.: Object tracking in motion-blind flies. Nature Neuroscience 16 (6), pp. 730 - 738 (2013)
Journal Article
Maisak, M. S.; Haag, J.; Ammer, G.; Serbe, E.; Meier, M.; Leonhardt, A.; Schilling, T.; Bahl, A.; Rubin, G. M.; Nern, A. et al.; Dickson, B. J.; Reiff, D. F.; Hopp, E.; Borst, A.: A directional tuning map of Drosophila elementary motion detectors. Nature 500 (7461), pp. 212 - 216 (2013)
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