Journal Article (382)

Journal Article
Wekerle, H.; Fluegel, A.; Fugger, L.; Schett, G.; Serreze, D.: Autoimmunity's next top models. Nature Medicine 18 (1), pp. 66 - 70 (2012)
Journal Article
Wekerle, H.; Krishnamoorthy, G.: Brain Autoimmunity: The CD8 Question(s). Immunity 37 (1), pp. 8 - 10 (2012)
Journal Article
Berer, K.; Mues, M.; Koutrolos, M.; Al Rasbi, Z.; Boziki, M.; Johner, C.; Wekerle, H.; Krishnamoorthy, G.: Commensal microbiota and myelin autoantigen cooperate to trigger autoimmune demyelination. Nature 479 (7374), pp. 538 - 541 (2011)
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Berer, K.; Wekerle, H.; Krishnamoorthy, G.: B cells in spontaneous autoimmune diseases of the central nervous system. Molecular Immunology 48 (11), pp. 1332 - 1337 (2011)
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Binschik, J.; Zettler, J.; Mootz, H. D.: Photocontrol of Protein Activity Mediated by the Cleavage Reaction of a Split Intein. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 50 (14), pp. 3249 - 3252 (2011)
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Croker, B. A.; Lewis, R. S.; Babon, J. J.; Mintern, J. D.; Jenne, D. E.; Metcalf, D.; Zhang, J. G.; Cengia, L. H.; O'Donnell, J. A.; Roberts, A. W.: Neutrophils require SHP1 to regulate IL-1β production and prevent inflammatory skin disease. Journal of Immunology 186 (2), pp. 1131 - 1139 (2011)
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Fitzner, D.; Schnaars, M.; van Rossum, D.; Krishnamoorthy, G.; Dibaj, P.; Bakhti, M.; Regen, T.; Hanisch, U. K.; Simons, M.: Selective transfer of exosomes from oligodendrocytes to microglia by macropinocytosis. Journal of Cell Science 124 (3), pp. 447 - 458 (2011)
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Held, K.; Derfuss, T.: Control of HSV-1 latency in human trigeminal ganglia-current overview. Journal of NeuroVirology 17 (6 Special Issue), pp. 518 - 527 (2011)
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Held, K.; Junker, A.; Dornmair, K.; Meinl, E.; Sinicina, I.; Brandt, T.; Theil, D.; Derfuss, T.: Expression of herpes simplex virus 1-encoded microRNAs in human trigeminal ganglia and their relation to local T-cell infiltrates. Journal of Virology 85 (19), pp. 9680 - 9685 (2011)
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Ivanidze, J.; Hoffmann, R.; Lochmueller, H.; Engel, A. G.; Hohlfeld, R.; Dornmair, K.: Inclusion body myositis laser microdissection reveals differential up-regulation of IFN-gamma signaling cascade in attacked versus nonattacked myofibers. American Journal of Pathology 179 (3), pp. 1347 - 1359 (2011)
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Junker, A.; Hohlfeld, R.; Meinl, E.: The emerging role of microRNAs in multiple sclerosis. Nature Reviews Neurology 7 (1), pp. 56 - 59 (2011)
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Kessenbrock, K.; Dau, T.; Jenne, D. E.: Tailor-made inflammation: How neutrophil serine proteases modulate the inflammatory response. Journal of Molecular Medicine 89 (1), pp. 23 - 28 (2011)
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Kümpfel, T.; Gerdes, L.; Flaig, M.; Hohlfeld, R.; Wollenberg, A.: Drug-induced Sweet's syndrome after mitoxantrone therapy in a patient with multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis Journal 17 (4), pp. 495 - 497 (2011)
Journal Article
Meinl, E.: Untapped targets in multiple sclerosis. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 311 (Suppl. 1), pp. S12 - S15 (2011)
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Meinl, E.; Derfuss, T.; Krumbholz, M.; Pröbstel, A. K.; Hohlfeld, R.: Humoral autoimmunity in multiple sclerosis. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 306 (1-2), pp. 180 - 182 (2011)
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Motta, J. P.; Magne, L.; Descamps, D.; Rolland, C.; Squarzoni-Dale, C.; Rousset, P.; Martin, L.; Cenac, N.; Balloy, V.; Huerre, M. et al.; Frohlich, L. F.; Jenne, D. E.; Wartelle, J.; Belaaouaj, A.; Mas, E.; Vinel, J. P.; Alric, L.; Chignard, M.; Vergnolle, N.; Sallenave, J. M.: Modifying the protease, antiprotease pattern by elafin overexpression protects mice from colitis. Gastroenterology 140 (4), pp. 1272 - 1282 (2011)
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Obermeier, B.; Lovato, L.; Bruck, W.; Forne, I.; Imhof, A.; Mentele, R.; Lottspeich, F.; Turk, K. W.; Willis, S. N.; Wekerle, H. et al.; Hohlfeld, R.; Hafler, D. A.; O'Connor, K. C.; Dornmair, K.: Related B cell clones that populate the CSF and CNS of patients with multiple sclerosis produce CSF immunoglobulin. Journal of Neuroimmunology 233 (1-2), pp. 245 - 248 (2011)
Journal Article
Pellkofer, H. L.; Krumbholz, M.; Berthele, A.; Hemmer, B.; Gerdes, L. A.; Havla, J.; Bittner, R.; Canis, M.; Meinl, E.; Hohlfeld, R. et al.; Kuempfel, T.: Long-term follow-up of patients with neuromyelitis optica after repeated therapy with rituximab. Neurology 76 (15), pp. 1310 - 1315 (2011)
Journal Article
Pröbstel, A.-K.; Dornmair, K.; Bittner, R.; Sperl, P.; Jenne, D. E.; Magalhaes, S.; Villalobos, A.; Breithaupt, C.; Weissert, R.; Jacob, U. et al.; Krumbholz, M.; Kuempfel, T.; Blaschek, A.; Stark, W.; Gaertner, J.; Pohl, D.; Rostasy, K.; Weber, F.; Forne, I.; Khademi, M.; Olsson, T.; Brilot, F.; Tantsis, E.; Dale, R. C.; Wekerle, H.; Hohlfeld, R.; Banwell, B.; Bar-Or, A.; Meinl, E.; Derfuss, T.: Antibodies to MOG are transient in childhood acute disseminated encephalomyelitis. Neurology 77 (6), pp. 580 - 588 (2011)
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Schuster, F. R.; Hubner, B.; Fuehrer, M.; Eckermann, O.; Gombert, M.; Dornmair, K.; Binder, V.; Reuther, S.; Krell, P.; Keller, T. et al.; Borkhardt, A.: Highly skewed T-cell receptor V-beta chain repertoire in the bone marrow is associated with response to immunosuppressive drug therapy in children with very severe aplastic anemia. Blood Cancer Journal 1, e8 (2011)
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Varadarajulu, J.; Lebar, M.; Krishnamoorthy, G.; Habelt, S.; Lu, J.; Weinstein, I. B.; Li, H. Y.; Holsboer, F.; Turck, C. W.; Touma, C.: Increased anxiety-related behaviour in Hint1 knockout mice. Behavioural Brain Research 220 (2), pp. 305 - 311 (2011)
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Blaschek, A.; Lohse, P.; Huss, K.; Borggraefe, I.; Mueller-Felber, W.; Heinen, F.; Hohlfeld, R.; Kümpfel, T.: Concurrent TNFRSF1A R92Q and pyrin E230K mutations in a child with multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis 16 (12), pp. 1517 - 1520 (2010)
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Cordiglieri, C.; Odoardi, F.; Zhang, B.; Nebel, M.; Kawakami, N.; Klinkert, W. E. F.; Lodygin, D.; Luhder, F.; Breunig, E.; Schild, D. et al.; Ulaganathan, V. K.; Dornmair, K.; Dammermann, W.; Potter, B. V. L.; Guse, A. H.; Flügel, A.: Nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate-mediated calcium signalling in effector T cells regulates autoimmunity of the central nervous system. Brain 133, pp. 1930 - 1943 (2010)
Journal Article
Derfuss, T.; Linington, C.; Hohlfeld, R.; Meinl, E.: Axo-glial antigens as targets in multiple sclerosis: Implications for axonal and grey matter injury. Journal of Molecular Medicine 88 (8), pp. 753 - 761 (2010)
Journal Article
Domingues, H. S.; Mues, M.; Lassmann, H.; Wekerle, H.; Krishnamoorthy, G.: Functional and pathogenic differences of Th1 and Th17 cells in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. PLoS One 5 (11), e15531 (2010)
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Hohlfeld, R.: 'Gimme five': Future challenges in multiple sclerosis. ECTRIMS Lecture 2009. Multiple Sclerosis Journal 16 (1), pp. 3 - 14 (2010)
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Kappos, L.; Radue, E. W.; O'Connor, P.; Polman, C.; Hohlfeld, R.; Calabresi, P.; Selmaj, K.; Agoropoulou, C.; Leyk, M.; Zhang-Auberson, L. et al.; Burtin, P.: A Placebo-Controlled Trial of Oral Fingolimod in Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis. New England Journal of Medicine 362 (5), pp. 387 - 401 (2010)
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Kawakami, N.: Intravital imaging of autoreactive T cells in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis as animal model of multiple sclerosis. Igaku no Ayumi 232 (13), pp. 92 - 96 (2010)
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Kawakami, N.; Flügel, A.: Knocking at the brain's door: Intravital two-photon imaging of autoreactive T cell interactions with CNS structures. Springer Seminars in Immunopathology 32 (3), pp. 275 - 287 (2010)
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Kienast, Y.; von Baumgarten, L.; Fuhrmann, M.; Klinkert, W. E. F.; Goldbrunner, R.; Herms, J.; Winkler, F.: Real-time imaging reveals the single steps of brain metastasis formation. Nature Medicine 16 (1), pp. 116 - 122 (2010)
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Korkmaz, B.; Horwitz, M. S.; Jenne, D. E.; Gauthier, F.: Neutrophil Elastase, Proteinase 3, and Cathepsin G as Therapeutic Targets in Human Diseases. Pharmacological Reviews 62 (4), pp. 726 - 759 (2010)
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Kuhl, A.; Korkmaz, B.; Utecht, B.; Kniepert, A.; Schonermarck, U.; Specks, U.; Jenne, D. E.: Mapping of Conformational Epitopes on Human Proteinase 3, the Autoantigen of Wegener's Granulomatosis. Journal of Immunology 185 (1), pp. 387 - 399 (2010)
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Kurschus, F. C.; Jenne, D. E.: Delivery and therapeutic potential of human granzyme B. Immunological Reviews 235, pp. 159 - 171 (2010)
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Meinl, E.; Derfuss, T.; Linington, C.: Identifying targets for autoantibodies in CNS inflammation: Strategies and achievements. Clinical and Experimental Neuroimmunology 1 (2), pp. 47 - 60 (2010)
Journal Article
Mohan, H.; Krumbholz, M.; Sharma, R.; Eisele, S.; Junker, A.; Sixt, M.; Newcombe, J.; Wekerle, H.; Hohlfeld, R.; Lassmann, H. et al.; Meinl, E.: Extracellular matrix in multiple sclerosis lesions: Fibrillar collagens, biglycan and decorin are upregulated and associated with infiltrating immune cells. Brain Pathology 20 (5), pp. 966 - 975 (2010)
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Schankin, C. J.; Krumbholz, M.; Sostak, P.; Reinisch, V. M.; Goldbrunner, R.; Straube, A.: Headache in patients with a meningioma correlates with a bone-invasive growth pattern but not with cytokine expression. Cephalalgia 30 (4), pp. 413 - 424 (2010)
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Siffrin, V.; Radbruch, H.; Glumm, R.; Niesner, R.; Paterka, M.; Herz, J.; Leuenberger, T.; Lehmann, S. M.; Luenstedt, S.; Rinnenthal, J. L. et al.; Laube, G.; Luche, H.; Lehnardt, S.; Fehling, H. J.; Griesbeck, O.; Zipp, F.: In vivo imaging of partially reversible Th17 cell-induced neuronal dysfunction in the course of encephalomyelitis. Immunity 33 (3), pp. 424 - 436 (2010)
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Silva, F.; Hummel, A. M.; Jenne, D. E.; Specks, U.: Discrimination and variable impact of ANCA binding to different surface epitopes on proteinase 3, the Wegener's autoantigen. Journal of Autoimmunity 35 (4), pp. 299 - 308 (2010)
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Volovitz, I.; Marmor, Y.; Mor, F.; Fluegel, A.; Odoardi, F.; Eisenbach, L.; Cohen, I. R.: T cell vaccination induces the elimination of EAE effector T cells: Analysis using GFP-transduced, encephalitogenic T cells. Journal of Autoimmunity 35 (2), pp. 135 - 144 (2010)
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Wekerle, H.; Hohlfeld, R.: Beneficial brain autoimmunity? Brain 133, pp. 2182 - 2184 (2010)
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Wekerle, H.; Hohlfeld, R.: Molecular oracles for multiple sclerosis therapy. Nature Medicine 16 (4), pp. 376 - 377 (2010)
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Wekerle, H.; Hohlfeld, R.: Zero Tolerance (to Acetylcholine Receptor) and Ways to Overcome It. Annals of Neurology 67 (4), pp. 422 - 424 (2010)
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Wekerle, H.; Sun, D. M.: Fragile privileges: Autoimmunity in brain and eye. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 31 (9), pp. 1141 - 1148 (2010)
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Wernicke, A. G.; Sherr, D. L.; Schwartz, T. H.; Pannullo, S. C.; Stieg, P. E.; Boockvar, J. A.; Moliterno, J. A.; Ivanidze, J.; Trichter, S.; Sabbas, A. M. et al.; Parashar, B.; Nori, D.: The role of dose escalation with intracavitary brachytherapy in the treatment of localized CNS malignancies: Outcomes and toxicities of a prospective study. Brachytherapy 9 (1), pp. 91 - 99 (2010)
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Bartholomäus, I.; Kawakami, N.; Odoardi, F.; Schläger, C.; Miljkovic, D.; Ellwart, J. W.; Klinkert, W. E. F.; Flügel-Koch, C.; Issekutz, T. B.; Wekerle, H. et al.; Flügel, A.: Effector T cell interactions with meningeal vascular structures in nascent autoimmune CNS lesions. Nature 462 (7269), pp. 94 - 98 (2009)
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Bauer, M.; Brakebusch, C.; Coisne, C.; Sixt, M.; Wekerle, H.; Engelhardt, B.; Fässler, R.: β1 integrins differentially control extravasation of inflammatory cell subsets into the CNS during autoimmunity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106 (6), pp. 1920 - 1925 (2009)
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Dammermann, W.; Zhang, B.; Nebel, M.; Cordiglieri, C.; Odoardi, F.; Kirchberger, T.; Kawakami, N.; Dowden, J.; Schmid, F.; Dornmair, K. et al.; Hohenegger, M.; Flügel, A.; Guse, A. H.; Potter, B. V. L.: NAADP-mediated Ca2+ signaling via type 1 ryanodine receptor in T cells revealed by a synthetic NAADP antagonist. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106 (26), pp. 10678 - 10683 (2009)
Journal Article
Derfuss, T.; Parikh, K.; Velhin, S.; Braun, M.; Mathey, E.; Krumbholz, M.; Kümpfel, T.; Moldenhauer, A.; Rader, C.; Sonderegger, P. et al.; Pöllmann, W.; Tiefenthaller, C.; Bauer, J.; Lassmann, H.; Wekerle, H.; Karagogeos, D.; Hohlfeld, R.; Linington, C.; Meinl, E.: Contactin-2/TAG-1-directed autoimmunity is identified in multiple sclerosis patients and mediates gray matter pathology in animals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106 (20), pp. 8302 - 8307 (2009)
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Dornmair, K.; Meinl, E.; Hohlfeld, R.: Novel approaches for identifying target antigens of autoreactive human B and T cells. Seminars in Immunopathology 31 (4), pp. 467 - 477 (2009)
Journal Article
Hohlfeld, R.: Multiple sclerosis: Human model for EAE? European Journal of Immunology 39 (8), pp. 2036 - 2039 (2009)
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