Journal Article (382)

Journal Article
Junker, A.; Krumbholz, M.; Eisele, S.; Mohan, H.; Augstein, F.; Bittner, R.; Lassmann, H.; Wekerle, H.; Hohlfeld, R.; Meinl, E.: MicroRNA profiling of multiple sclerosis lesions identifies modulators of the regulatory protein CD47. Brain 132, pp. 3342 - 3352 (2009)
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Kerschensteiner, M.; Meinl, E.; Hohlfeld, R.: Neuro-immune crosstalk in CNS. Neuroscience 158 (3), pp. 1122 - 1132 (2009)
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Kessenbrock, K.; Krumbholz, M.; Schönermarck, U.; Back, W.; Gross, W. L.; Werb, Z.; Gröne, H. J.; Brinkmann, V.; Jenne, D. E.: Netting neutrophils in autoimmune small-vessel vasculitis. Nature Medicine 15 (6), pp. 623 - 625 (2009)
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Krishnamoorthy, G.; Saxena, A.; Mars, L. T.; Domingues, H. S.; Ben-Nun, A.; Lassmann, H.; Dornmair, K.; Mentele, R.; Kurschus, F. C.; Liblau, R. S. et al.; Wekerle, H.: Myelin-specific T cells also recognize neuronal autoantigen in a transgenic mouse model of multiple sclerosis. Nature Medicine 15 (6), pp. 626 - 632 (2009)
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Krishnamoorthy, G.; Wekerle, H.: EAE: An immunologist's magic eye. European Journal of Immunology 39 (8), pp. 2031 - 2035 (2009)
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Kurschus, F. C.; Pal, P. P.; Bäumler, P.; Jenne, D. E.; Wiltschi, B.; Budisa, N.: Gold Fluorescent Annexin A5 as a Novel Apoptosis Detection Tool. Cytometry Part A 75A (7), pp. 626 - 633 (2009)
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Lahl, K.; Mayer, C. T.; Bopp, T.; Huehn, J.; Loddenkemper, C.; Eberl, G.; Wirnsberger, G.; Dornmair, K.; Geffers, R.; Schmitt, E. et al.; Buer, J.; Sparwasser, T.: Nonfunctional Regulatory T Cells and Defective Control of Th2 Cytokine Production in Natural Scurfy Mutant Mice. Journal of Immunology 183 (9), pp. 5662 - 5672 (2009)
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Meilinger, D.; Fellinger, K.; Bultmann, S.; Rothbauer, U.; Bonapace, I. M.; Klinkert, W. E. F.; Spada, F.; Leonhardt, H.: Np95 interacts with de novo DNA methyltransferases, Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b, and mediates epigenetic silencing of the viral CMV promoter in embryonic stem cells. EMBO Reports 10 (11), pp. 1259 - 1264 (2009)
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Pellkofer, H. L.; Voltz, R.; Goebels, N.; Hohlfeld, R.; Dornmair, K.: Cross-reactive T-Cell Receptors in Tumor and Paraneoplastic Target Tissue. Archives of Neurology 66 (5), pp. 655 - 658 (2009)
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Pöllinger, B.; Krishnamoorthy, G.; Berer, K.; Lassmann, H.; Bösl, M. R.; Dunn, R.; Domingues, H. S.; Holz, A.; Kurschus, F. C.; Wekerle, H.: Spontaneous relapsing-remitting EAE in the SJL/J mouse: MOG-reactive transgenic T cells recruit endogenous MOG-specific B cells. Journal of Experimental Medicine 206 (6), pp. 1303 - 1316 (2009)
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Romero, V.; Fellows, E.; Jenne, D. E.; Andrade, F.: Cleavage of La protein by granzyme H induces cytoplasmic translocation and interferes with La-mediated HCV-IRES translational activity. Cell Death and Differentiation 16 (2), pp. 340 - 348 (2009)
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Schwab, N.; Bien, C.G.; Waschbisch, A.; Becker, A.; Vince, G.H.; Dornmair, K.; Wiendl, H.: CD8+ T-cell clones dominate brain infiltrates in Rasmussen encephalitis and persist in the periphery. Brain 132 (5), pp. 1236 - 1246 (2009)
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Berzi, A.; Ayata, C. K.; Cavalcante, P.; Falcone, C.; Candiago, E.; Motta, T.; Bernasconi, P.; Hohlfeld, R.; Mantegazza, R.; Meinl, E. et al.; Farina, C.: BDNF and its receptors in human myasthenic thymus: Implications for cell fate in thymic pathology. Journal of Neuroimmunology 197 (2), pp. 128 - 139 (2008)
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Bourquin, C.; van der Haar, M. E.; Anz, D.; Sandholzer, N.; Neumaier, I.; Endres, S.; Skerra, A.; Schwab, M. E.; Linington, C.: DNA vaccination efficiently induces antibodies to Nogo-A and does not exacerbate experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. European Journal of Pharmacology 588 (1), pp. 99 - 105 (2008)
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Breithaupt, C.; Schäfer, B.; Pellkofer, H.; Huber, R.; Linington, C.; Jacob, U.: Demyelinating myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein-specific autoantibody response is focused on one dominant conformational epitope region in rodents. Journal of Immunology 181 (2), pp. 1255 - 1263 (2008)
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Deininger, K.; Eder, M.; Kramer, E. R.; Zieglgänsberger, W.; Dodt, H. U.; Dornmair, K.; Colicelli, J.; Klein, R.: The Rab5 guanylate exchange factor Rin1 regulates endocytosis of the EphA4 receptor in mature excitatory neurons. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105 (34), pp. 12539 - 12544 (2008)
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Derfuss, T.; Direskeneli, G. S.; Hohlfeld, R.; Meinl, E.: Autoantigen- und erregerspezifische T- und B-Zellreaktionen bei multipler Sklerose: „Eine unendliche Geschichte”? Aktuelle Neurologie 35 (7), pp. 345 - 355 (2008)
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Haghikia, A.; Fischer, M.; Hellwig, K.; Linker, R.; Chan, A.; Hohlfeld, R.; Gold, R.: Open use of natalizumab. Neutralising antibodies and clinical data. Nervenarzt 79 (6), pp. 716 - 719 (2008)
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Hoffmann, L. A.; Lohse, P.; König, F. B.; Feneberg, W.; Hohlfeld, R.; Kümpfel, T.: TNFRSF1A R92Q mutation in association with a multiple sclerosis-like demyelinating syndrome. Neurology 70 (13 Pt 2), pp. 1155 - 1156 (2008)
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Hohlfeld, R.: Neurotrophic cross-talk between the nervous and immune systems: Relevance for repair strategies in multiple sclerosis? Journal of the Neurological Sciences 265 (1-2), pp. 93 - 96 (2008)
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Hohlfeld, R.; Meinl, E.; Dornmair, K.: B- and T-cell responses in multiple sclerosis: Novel approaches offer new insights. Journal of Neurological Sciences 274 (1-2), pp. 5 - 8 (2008)
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Hohlfeld, R.; Wekerle, H.: Reflections on the "intrathymic pathogenesis" of myasthenia gravis. Journal of Neuroimmunology 201-202, pp. 21 - 27 (2008)
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Jarius, S.; Paul, F.; Franciotta, D.; Waters, P.; Zipp, F.; Hohlfeld, R.; Vincent, A.; Wildemann, B.: Mechanisms of disease: Aquaporin-4 antibodies in neuromyelitis optica. Nature Clinical Practice Neurology 4 (4), pp. 202 - 214 (2008)
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Jarius, S.; Stich, O.; Rasiah, C.; Voltz, R.; Rauer, S.: Qualitative evidence of Ri specific IgG-synthesis in the cerebrospinal fluid from patients with paraneoplastic neurological syndromes. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 268 (1-2), pp. 65 - 68 (2008)
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Kessenbrock, K.; Fröhlich, L.; Sixt, M.; Lämmermann, T.; Pfister, H.; Bateman, A.; Belaaouaj, A.; Ring, J.; Ollert, M.; Fässler, R. et al.; Jenne, D. E.: Proteinase 3 and neutrophil elastase enhance inflammation in mice by inactivating antiinflammatory progranulin. Journal of Clinical Investigation 118 (7), pp. 2438 - 2447 (2008)
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Korkmaz, B.; Kuhl, A.; Bayat, B.; Santoso, S.; Jenne, D. E.: A Hydrophobic Patch on Proteinase 3, the Target of Autoantibodies in Wegener Granulomatosis, Mediates Membrane Binding via NB1 Receptors. Journal of Biological Chemistry 283 (51), pp. 35976 - 35982 (2008)
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Krumbholz, M.; Faber, H.; Steinmeyer, F.; Hoffmann, L. A.; Kümpfel, T.; Pellkofer, H.; Derfuss, T.; Ionescu, C.; Starck, M.; Hafner, C. et al.; Hohlfeld, R.; Meinl, E.: Interferon-β increases BAFF levels in multiple sclerosis: Implications for B cell autoimmunity. Brain 131, pp. 1455 - 1463 (2008)
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Krumbholz, M.; Meinl, I.; Kümpfel, T.; Hohlfeld, R.; Meinl, E.: Natalizumab disproportionately increases circulating pre-B and B cells in multiple sclerosis. Neurology 71 (17), pp. 1350 - 1354 (2008)
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Kuhl, A.; Melberg, A.; Meinl, E.; Nürnberg, G.; Nürnberg, P.; Kehrer-Sawatzki, H.; Jenne, D. E.: Myofibrillar myopathy with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy 7: Corroboration and narrowing of the critical region on 10q22.3. European Journal of Human Genetics 16, pp. 367 - 373 (2008)
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Kümpfel, T.; Hoffmann, L. A.; Pellkofer, H.; Pöllmann, W.; Feneberg, W.; Hohlfeld, R.; Lohse, P.: Multiple sclerosis and the TNFRSF1A R92Q mutation: Clinical characteristics of 21 cases. Neurology 71, pp. 1812 - 1820 (2008)
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Kurschus, F. C.; Fellows, E.; Stegmann, E.; Jenne, D. E.: Granzyme B delivery via perforin is restricted by size, but not by heparan sullfate-dependent endocytosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105 (37), pp. 13799 - 13804 (2008)
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Matheu, M. P.; Beeton, C.; Garcia, A.; Chi, V.; Rangaraju, S.; Safrina, O.; Monaghan, K.; Uemura, M. I.; Li, D.; Pal, S. et al.; de la Maza, L. M.; Monuki, E.; Flügel, A.; Pennington, M. W.; Parker, I.; Chandy, K. G.; Cahalan, M. D.: Imaging of effector memory T cells during a delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction and suppression by Kv1.3 channel block. Immunity 29 (4), pp. 602 - 614 (2008)
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Meinl, E.; Krumbholz, M.; Derfuss, T.; Junker, A.; Hohlfeld, R.: Compartmentalization of inflammation in the CNS: A major mechanism driving progressive multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neurological Sciences 274 (1-2), pp. 42 - 44 (2008)
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Müller, N.; van den Brandt, J.; Odoardi, F.; Tischner, D.; Herath, J.; Flügel, A.; Reichardt, H. M.: A CD28 superagonistic antibody elicits 2 functionally distinct waves of T cell activation in rats. Journal of Clinical Investigation 118 (4), pp. 1405 - 1416 (2008)
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Obermeier, B.; Malotka, J.; Dornmair, K.; Mentele, R.: Analysis of patient-specific immunoglobulin proteomes and transcriptomes by PCR cloning and mass spectometry. (2008)
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Obermeier, B.; Malotka, J.; Kellermann, J.; Kümpfel, T.; Wekerle, H.; Lottspeich, F.; Mentele, R.; Hohlfeld, R.; Dornmair, K.: Matching of oligoclonal immunoglobulin transcriptomes and proteomes of cerebrospinal fluid in multiple sclerosis. Nature Medicine 14 (6), pp. 688 - 693 (2008)
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Odoardi, F.; Cordiglieri, C.; Dammermann, W.; Zhang, B.; Hohenegger, M.; Potter, B. V.; Guse, A.; Flügel, A.: NAADP/Ca2+ signaling: A new therapeutic target for T cell mediated autoimmune disease. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 120 (Suppl. Suppl. 1), p. 54 - 54 (2008)
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Riedl, J.; Crevenna, A. H.; Kessenbrock, K.; Yu, J. H.; Neukirchen, D.; Bista, M.; Bradke, F.; Jenne, D. E.; Holak, T. A.; Werb, Z. et al.; Sixt, M.; Wedlich-Söldner, R.: Lifeact: A versatile marker to visualize F-actin. Nature Methods 5 (7), pp. 605 - 607 (2008)
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Rooney, G. E.; Moran, C.; McMahon, S. S.; Ritter, T.; Maenz, M.; Flügel, A.; Dockery, P.; O'Brien, T.; Howard, L.; Windebank, A. J. et al.; Barry, F. P.: Gene-modified mesenchymal stem cells express functionally active nerve growth factor on an engineered poly lactic glycolic acid (PLGA) substrate. Tissue Engineering Part A 14 (5), pp. 681 - 690 (2008)
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Sommer, N.; Tackenberg, B.; Hohlfeld, R.: The immunopathogenesis of myasthenia gravis. Handb Clin Neurol 91 (Chapter 5), pp. 169 - 212 (2008)
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Theil, D. J.; Libbey, J. E.; Rodriguez, F.; Whitton, J. L.; Tsunoda, I.; Derfuss, T.; Fujinami, R. S.: Targeting myelin proteolipid protein to the MHC class I pathway by ubiquitination modulates the course of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Journal of Neuroimmunology 204 (1-2), pp. 92 - 100 (2008)
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Wiendl, H.; Toyka, K. V.; Rieckmann, P.; Gold, R.; Hartung, H. P.; Hohlfeld, R.: Basic and escalating immunomodulatory treatments in multiple sclerosis: Current therapeutic recommendations. Journal of Neurology 255 (10), pp. 1449 - 1463 (2008)
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Andrade, F.; Fellows, E.; Jenne, D. E.; Rosen, A.; Young, C. S.: Granzyme H destroys the function of critical adenoviral proteins required for viral DNA replication and granzyme B inhibition. The EMBO Journal 26 (8), pp. 2148 - 2157 (2007)
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Derfuss, T.; Segerer, S.; Herberger, S.; Sinicina, I.; Hufner, K.; Ebelt, K.; Knaus, H. G.; Steiner, I.; Meinl, E.; Dornmair, K. et al.; Arbusow, V.; Strupp, M.; Brandt, T.; Theil, D.: Presence of HSV-1 immediate early genes and clonally expanded T-cells with a memory effector phenotype in human trigeminal ganglia. Brain Pathology 17 (4), pp. 389 - 398 (2007)
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Dorn, T.; Kuhn, U.; Bungartz, G.; Stiller, S.; Bauer, M.; Ellwart, J.; Peters, T.; Scharffetter-Kochanek, K.; Semmrich, M.; Laschinger, M. et al.; Holzmann, B.; Klinkert, W. E. F.; Straten, P. T.; Kollgaard, T.; Sixt, M.; Brakebusch, C.: RhoH is important for positive thymocyte selection and T-cell receptor signaling. Blood 109 (6), pp. 2346 - 2355 (2007)
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Dorn, T.; Kuhn, U.; Bungartz, G.; Stiller, S.; Bauer, M.; Ellwart, J.; Peters, T.; Scharffetter-Kochanek, K.; Semmrich, M.; Laschinger, M. et al.; Holzmann, B.; Klinkert, W. E. F.; Straten, P. T.; Kollgaard, T.; Sixt, M.; Brakebusch, C.: RhoH and T cell development. RhoH is important for mouse thymocyte selection and T-cell receptor signaling. Blood 6, pp. 2346 - 2355 (2007)
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Farina, C.; Aloisi, F.; Meinl, E.: Astrocytes are active players in cerebral innate immunity. Trends in Immunology 28 (3), pp. 138 - 145 (2007)
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Fellows, E.; Gil-Parrado, S.; Jenne, D. E.; Kurschus, F. C.: Natural killer cell-derived human granzyme H induces an alternative, caspase-independent cell-death program. Blood 110 (2), pp. 544 - 552 (2007)
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Flügel, A.; Odoardi, F.; Nosov, M.; Kawakami, N.: Autoaggressive effector T cells in the course of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis visualized in the light of two-photon microscopy. Journal of Neuroimmunology 191 (1-2), pp. 86 - 97 (2007)
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Gong, N.; Pleyer, U.; Vogt, K.; Anegon, I.; Flügel, A.; Volk, H.-D.; Ritter, T.: Local overexpression of nerve growth factor in rat corneal transplants improves allograft survival. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 48 (3), pp. 1043 - 1052 (2007)
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