Publications of the MPI of Neurobiology

Journal Article (68)

Journal Article
Andrade, F.; Fellows, E.; Jenne, D. E.; Rosen, A.; Young, C. S.: Granzyme H destroys the function of critical adenoviral proteins required for viral DNA replication and granzyme B inhibition. The EMBO Journal 26 (8), pp. 2148 - 2157 (2007)
Journal Article
Boeda, B.; Briggs, D. C.; Higgins, T.; Garvalov, B. K.; Fadden, A. J.; McDonald, N. Q.; Way, M.: Tes, a specific Mena interacting partner, breaks the rules for EVH1 binding. Molecular Cell 28 (6), pp. 1071 - 1082 (2007)
Journal Article
Borst, A.: The broader, the better? Drosophila olfactory interneurons are found to respond to a wider range of odorants than their immediate sensory input. Neuron 54, pp. 6 - 8 (2007)
Journal Article
Borst, A.: Correlation versus gradient type motion detectors: The pros and cons. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 362 (1479), pp. 369 - 374 (2007)
Journal Article
Borst, A.; Abarbanel, H.: Relating a calcium indicator signal to the unperturbed calcium concentration time-course. Theoretical Biology and Medical Modeling 4, 7 (2007)
Journal Article
Bouzioukh, F.; Wilkinson, G. A.; Adelmann, G.; Frotscher, M.; Stein, V.; Klein, R.: Tyrosine phosphorylation sites in ephrinB2 are required for hippocampal long-term potentiation but not long-term depression. The Journal of Neuroscience 27 (42), pp. 11279 - 11288 (2007)
Journal Article
Cull-Candy, S.; Klein, R.: Signalling mechanisms. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 17 (3), pp. 277 - 280 (2007)
Journal Article
Cuntz, H.; Borst, A.; Segev, I.: Optimization principles of dendritic structure. Theoretical Biology and Medical Modeling 4, p. 28 - 28 (2007)
Journal Article
Cuntz, H.; Haag, J.; Förstner, F.; Segev, I.; Borst, A.: Robust coding of flow-field parameters by axo-axonal gap junctions between fly visual interneurons. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104 (24), pp. 10229 - 10233 (2007)
Journal Article
Derfuss, T.; Segerer, S.; Herberger, S.; Sinicina, I.; Hufner, K.; Ebelt, K.; Knaus, H. G.; Steiner, I.; Meinl, E.; Dornmair, K. et al.; Arbusow, V.; Strupp, M.; Brandt, T.; Theil, D.: Presence of HSV-1 immediate early genes and clonally expanded T-cells with a memory effector phenotype in human trigeminal ganglia. Brain Pathology 17 (4), pp. 389 - 398 (2007)
Journal Article
Dorn, T.; Kuhn, U.; Bungartz, G.; Stiller, S.; Bauer, M.; Ellwart, J.; Peters, T.; Scharffetter-Kochanek, K.; Semmrich, M.; Laschinger, M. et al.; Holzmann, B.; Klinkert, W. E. F.; Straten, P. T.; Kollgaard, T.; Sixt, M.; Brakebusch, C.: RhoH is important for positive thymocyte selection and T-cell receptor signaling. Blood 109 (6), pp. 2346 - 2355 (2007)
Journal Article
Dorn, T.; Kuhn, U.; Bungartz, G.; Stiller, S.; Bauer, M.; Ellwart, J.; Peters, T.; Scharffetter-Kochanek, K.; Semmrich, M.; Laschinger, M. et al.; Holzmann, B.; Klinkert, W. E. F.; Straten, P. T.; Kollgaard, T.; Sixt, M.; Brakebusch, C.: RhoH and T cell development. RhoH is important for mouse thymocyte selection and T-cell receptor signaling. Blood 6, pp. 2346 - 2355 (2007)
Journal Article
Egea, J.; Klein, R.: Bidirectional Eph-ephrin signaling during axon guidance. Trends in Cell Biology 17 (5), pp. 230 - 238 (2007)
Journal Article
Erturk, A.; Hellal, F.; Enes, J.; Bradke, F.: Disorganized microtubules underlie the formation of retraction bulbs and the failure of axonal regeneration. Journal of Neuroscience 27 (34), pp. 9169 - 9180 (2007)
Journal Article
Farina, C.; Aloisi, F.; Meinl, E.: Astrocytes are active players in cerebral innate immunity. Trends in Immunology 28 (3), pp. 138 - 145 (2007)
Journal Article
Fellows, E.; Gil-Parrado, S.; Jenne, D. E.; Kurschus, F. C.: Natural killer cell-derived human granzyme H induces an alternative, caspase-independent cell-death program. Blood 110 (2), pp. 544 - 552 (2007)
Journal Article
Flügel, A.; Odoardi, F.; Nosov, M.; Kawakami, N.: Autoaggressive effector T cells in the course of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis visualized in the light of two-photon microscopy. Journal of Neuroimmunology 191 (1-2), pp. 86 - 97 (2007)
Journal Article
Fogel, A. I.; Akins, M. R.; Krupp, A. J.; Stagi, M.; Stein, V.; Biederer, T.: SynCAMs organize synapses through heterophilic adhesion. Journal of Neuroscience 27 (46), pp. 12516 - 12530 (2007)
Journal Article
Garaschuk, O.; Griesbeck, O.; Konnerth, A.: Troponin C-based biosensors: A new family of genetically encoded indicators for in vivo calcium imaging in the nervous system. Cell Calcium 42 (4-5), pp. 351 - 361 (2007)
Journal Article
Garvalov, B. K.; Flynn, K. C.; Neukirchen, D.; Meyn, L.; Teusch, N.; Wu, X. W.; Brakebusch, C.; Bamburg, J. R.; Bradke, F.: Cdc42 regulates cofilin during the establishment of neuronal polarity. Journal of Neuroscience 27 (48), pp. 13117 - 13129 (2007)
Journal Article
Gong, N.; Pleyer, U.; Vogt, K.; Anegon, I.; Flügel, A.; Volk, H.-D.; Ritter, T.: Local overexpression of nerve growth factor in rat corneal transplants improves allograft survival. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 48 (3), pp. 1043 - 1052 (2007)
Journal Article
Grundtner, R.; Dornmair, K.; Dahm, R.; Flügel, A.; Kawakami, N.; Zeitelhofer, M.; Schoderboeck, L.; Nosov, M.; Selzer, E.; Willheim, M. et al.; Kiebler, M.; Wekerle, H.; Lassmann, H.; Bradl, M.: Transition from enhanced T cell infiltration to inflammation in the myelin-degenerative central nervous system. Neurobiology of Disease 28 (3), pp. 261 - 275 (2007)
Journal Article
Haag, J.; Borst, A.: Reciprocal inhibitory connections within a neural network for rotational optic-flow processing. Frontiers in Neuroscience 1, pp. 111 - 121 (2007)
Journal Article
Haag, J.; Wertz, A.; Borst, A.: Integration of lobula plate output signals by DNOVS1, an identified premotor descending neuron. The Journal of Neuroscience 27 (8), pp. 1992 - 2000 (2007)
Journal Article
Hajjar, E.; Korkmaz, B.; Reuter, N.: Differences in the substrate binding sites of murine and human proteinase 3 and neutrophil elastase. FEBS Letters 581 (29), pp. 5685 - 5690 (2007)
Journal Article
Heim, N.; Garaschuk, O.; Friedrich, M. W.; Mank, M.; Milos, R. I.; Kovalchuk, Y.; Konnerth, A.; Griesbeck, O.: Improved calcium imaging in transgenic mice expressing a troponin C-based biosensor. Nature Methods 4 (2), pp. 127 - 129 (2007)
Journal Article
Hoffmann, L. A.; Krumbholz, M.; Faber, H.; Kuempfel, T.; Starck, M.; Pöllmann, W.; Meinl, E.; Hohlfeld, R.: Multiple sclerosis: Relating MxA transcription to anti-interferon-β-neutralizing antibodies. Neurology 68 (12), pp. 958 - 959 (2007)
Journal Article
Hohlfeld, R.; Dornmair, K.: Revisiting the immunopathogenesis of the inflammatory myopathies. Neurology 69 (21), pp. 1966 - 1967 (2007)
Journal Article
Hohlfeld, R.; Kerschensteiner, M.; Meinl, E.: Dual role of inflammation in CNS disease. Neurology 68 (3), pp. 58 - 63 (2007)
Journal Article
Hoser, M.; Baader, S. L.; Bösl, M. R.; Ihmer, A.; Wegner, M.; Sock, E.: Prolonged glial expression of Sox4 in the CNS leads to architectural cerebellar defects and ataxia. The Journal of Neuroscience 27 (20), pp. 5495 - 5505 (2007)
Journal Article
Hüfner, K.; Arbusow, V.; Himmelein, S.; Derfuss, T.; Sinicina, I.; Strupp, M.; Brandt, T.; Theil, D.: The prevalence of human herpesvirus 6 in human sensory ganglia and its co-occurrence with alpha-herpesvirus. Journal of Neurovirology 13 (5), pp. 462 - 467 (2007)
Journal Article
Jarius, S.; Eichhorn, P.; Albert, M. H.; Wagenpfeil, S.; Wick, M.; Belohradsky, B. H.; Hohlfeld, R.; Jenne, D. E.; Voltz, R.: Intravenous immunoglobulins contain naturally occurring antibodies that mimic antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies and activate neutrophils in a TNFα-dependent and Fc-receptor-independent way. Blood 109 (10), pp. 4376 - 4382 (2007)
Journal Article
Jarius, S.; Franciotta, D.; Bergamaschi, R.; Wright, H.; Littleton, E.; Palace, J.; Hohlfeld, R.; Vincent, A.: NMO-IgG in the diagnosis of neuromyelitis optica. Neurology 68 (13), pp. 1076 - 1077 (2007)
Journal Article
Jarius, S.; Friedemann, P.; Franciotta, D.; Aktas, O.; Hohlfeld, R.; Zipp, F.; Vincent, A.: Revised diagnostic criteria for neuromyelitis optica-incorporation of NMO-IgG status. Nature Clinical Practise Neurology 5, pp. 2774 - 2783 (2007)
Journal Article
Jenne, D. E.; Aries, P. M.; Einwächter, S.; Akkad, A. D.; Wieczorek, S.; Lamprecht, P.; Gross, W. L.: The low-penetrance R92Q mutation of the tumour necrosis factor superfamily 1A gene is neither a major risk factor for Wegener's granulomatosis nor multiple sclerosis. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 66 (9), pp. 1266 - 1267 (2007)
Journal Article
Junker, A.; Ivanidze, J.; Malotka, J.; Eiglmeier, I.; Lassmann, H.; Wekerle, H.; Meinl, E.; Hohlfeld, R.; Dornmair, K.: Multiple sclerosis: T-cell receptor expression in distinct brain regions. Brain 130, pp. 2789 - 2799 (2007)
Journal Article
Ke, Y. H.; Zhang, E. E.; Hagihara, K.; Wu, D. M.; Pang, Y. H.; Klein, R.; Curran, T.; Ranscht, B.; Feng, G. S.: Deletion of Shp2 in the brain leads to defective proliferation and differentiation in neural stem cells and early postnatal lethality. Molecular and Cellular Biology (Washington, DC) 27 (19), pp. 6706 - 6717 (2007)
Journal Article
Kessenbrock, K.; Raijmakers, R.; Fritzler, M. J.; Mahler, M.: Synthetic peptides: The future of patient management in systemic rheumatic diseases? Current Medicinal Chemistry 14 (26), pp. 2831 - 2838 (2007)
Journal Article
Kossel, A. H.: Neuronal sandwiches: A method for rapid and controlled initiation of synapses. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 166 (2), pp. 241 - 249 (2007)
Journal Article
Kowsky, S.; Poppelmeyer, C.; Kramer, E. R.; Falkenburger, B. H.; Kruse, A.; Klein, R.; Schulz, J. B.: RET signaling does not modulate MPTP toxicity but is required for regeneration of dopaminergic axon terminals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104 (50), pp. 20049 - 20054 (2007)
Journal Article
Kramer, E. R.; Aron, L.; Ramakers, G. M. J.; Seitz, S.; Zhuang, X. X.; Beyer, K.; Smidt, M. P.; Klein, R.: Absence of ret signaling in mice causes progressive and late degeneration of the nigrostriatal system. PLoS Biology 5 (3), e39, pp. 616 - 628 (2007)
Journal Article
Krishnamoorthy, G.; Holz, A.; Wekerle, H.: Experimental models of spontaneous in the central nervous system. Journal of Molecular Medicine-JMM 85 (11), pp. 1161 - 1173 (2007)
Journal Article
Krumbholz, M.; Pellkofer, H.; Gold, R.; Hoffmann, L.; Hohlfeld, R.; Kümpfel, T.: Delayed allergic reaction to natalizumab associated with early formation of neutralizing antibodies. Archives of Neurology 64, pp. 1331 - 1333 (2007)
Journal Article
Krumbholz, M.; Theil, D.; Steinmeyer, F.; Cepok, S.; Hemmer, B.; Hofbauer, M.; Farina, C.; Derfuss, T.; Junker, A.; Arzberger, T. et al.; Sinicina, I.; Hartle, C.; Newcombe, J.; Hohlfeld, R.; Meinl, E.: CCL19 is constitutively expressed in the CNS, up-regulated in neuroinflammation, active and also inactive multiple sclerosis lesions. Journal of Neuroimmunology 190 (1-2), pp. 72 - 79 (2007)
Journal Article
Krysko, O.; Hulshagen, L.; Janssen, A.; Schutz, G.; Klein, R.; De Bruycker, M.; Espeel, M.; Gressens, P.; Baes, M.: Neocortical and cerebellar developmental abnormalities in conditions of selective elimination of peroxisomes from brain or from liver. Journal of Neuroscience Research 85 (1), pp. 58 - 72 (2007)
Journal Article
Lang, S. B.; Stein, V.; Bonhoeffer, T.; Lohmann, C.: Endogenous brain-derived neurotrophic factor triggers fast calcium transients at synapses in developing dendrites. The Journal of Neuroscience 27 (5), pp. 1097 - 1105 (2007)
Journal Article
Leder, C.; Schwab, N.; Ip, C. W.; Kroner, A.; Nave, K. A.; Dornmair, K.; Martini, R.; Wiendl, H.: Clonal expansions of pathogenic CD8+ effector cells in the CNS of myelin mutant mice. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 36 (3), pp. 416 - 424 (2007)
Journal Article
Lisak, R. P.; Hohlfeld, R.: Neurodegeneration, neuroprotection, glial cells, and myelin in multiple sclerosis. Neurology 68 (Suppl. 3), p. S1 - S1 (2007)
Journal Article
Lucic, V.; Kossel, A. H.; Yang, T.; Bonhoeffer, T.; Baumeister, W.; Sartori, A.: Multiscale imaging of neurons grown in culture: From light microscopy to cryo-electron tomography. Journal of Structural Biology 160 (2), pp. 146 - 156 (2007)
Journal Article
Lyakhovich, A.; Canals, F.; Nosov, M.; Surralles, J.: A DIGE-based approach to study interacting proteins. Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods 70 (4), pp. 693 - 695 (2007)
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