Publications of the MPI of Neurobiology

Journal Article (37)

Journal Article
Abbott, L. F.; Bock, D. D.; Callaway, E. M.; Denk, W.; Dulac, C.; Fairhall, A. L.; Fiete, I.; Harris, K. M.; Helmstaedter, M.; Jain, V. et al.; Kasthuri, N.; LeCun, Y.; Lichtman, J. W.; Littlewood, P. B.; Luo, L.; Maunsell, J. H. R.; Reid, R. C.; Rosen, B. R.; Rubin, G. M.; Sejnowski, T. J.; Seung, H. S.; Svoboda, K.; Tank, D. W.; Tsao, D.; Van Essen, D. C.: The mind of a mouse. Cell 182 (6), pp. 1372 - 1376 (2020)
Journal Article
Antinucci, P.; Dumitrescu, A.; Deleuze, C.; Morley, H. J.; Leung, K.; Hagley, T.; Kubo, F.; Baier, H.; Bianco, I. H.; Wyart, C.: A calibrated optogenetic toolbox of stable zebrafish opsin lines. eLife 9, e54937 (2020)
Journal Article
Barykina, N. V.; Sotskov, V. P.; Gruzdeva, A. M.; Wu, Y. K.; Portugues, R.; Subach, O. M.; Chefanova, E. S.; Plusnin, V. V.; Ivashkina, O. I.; Anokhin, K. V. et al.; Vlaskina, A. V.; Korzhenevskiy, D. A.; Nikolaeva, A. Y.; Boyko, K. M.; Rakitina, T. V.; Varizhuk, A. M.; Pozmogova, G. E.; Subach, F. V.: FGCaMP7, an improved version of fungi-based ratiometric calcium indicator for in vivo visualization of neuronal activity. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (8), 3012 (2020)
Journal Article
Blumenreich, S.; Barav, O. B.; Jenkins, B. J.; Futerman, A. H.: Lysosomal storage disorders shed light on lysosomal dysfunction in Parkinson's disease. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (14), 4966 (2020)
Journal Article
Blumenstock, S.; Dudanova, I.: Cortical and striatal circuits in Huntington's disease. Frontiers in Neuroscience 14, 82 (2020)
Journal Article
Borst, A.; Drews, M.; Meier, M.: The neural network behind the eyes of a fly. Current Opinion in Physiology 16, pp. 33 - 42 (2020)
Journal Article
Borst, A.; Haag, J.; Mauss, A. S.: How fly neurons compute the direction of visual motion. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 206, pp. 109 - 124 (2020)
Journal Article
Brunner, C.; Grillet, M.; Sans-Dublanc, A.; Farrow, K.; Lambert, T.; Macé, E.; Montaldo, G.; Urban, A.: A platform for brain-wide volumetric functional ultrasound imaging and analysis of circuit dynamics in awake mice. Neuron 108 (5), pp. 861 - 875.e7 (2020)
Journal Article
Claudi, F.; Petrucco, L.; Tyson, A. L.; Branco, T.; Margrie, T. W.; Portugues, R.: BrainGlobe Atlas API: A common interface for neuroanatomical atlases. The Journal of Open Source Software 5 (54), 2668 (2020)
Journal Article
del Toro, D.; Carrasquero-Ordaz, M. A.; Chu, A.; Ruff, T.; Shahin, M.; Jackson, V. A.; Chavent, M.; Berbeira-Santana, M.; Seyit-Bremer, G.; Brignani, S. et al.; Kaufmann, R.; Lowe, E.; Klein, R.; Seiradake, E.: Structural basis of Teneurin-Latrophilin interaction in repulsive guidance of migrating neurons. Cell 180 (2), pp. 323 - 339.e19 (2020)
Journal Article
DeMarco, E.; Xu, N.; Baier, H.; Robles, E.: Neuron types in the zebrafish optic tectum labeled by an id2b transgene. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 528 (7), pp. 1173 - 1188 (2020)
Journal Article
Dolensek, N.; Gehrlach, D. A.; Klein, A. S.; Gogolla, N.: Facial expressions of emotion states and their neuronal correlates in mice. Science 368 (6486), pp. 89 - 94 (2020)
Journal Article
Dragomir, E. I.; Štih, V.; Portugues, R.: Evidence accumulation during a sensorimotor decision task revealed by whole-brain imaging. Nature Neuroscience 23 (1), pp. 85 - 93 (2020)
Journal Article
Drews, M. S.; Leonhardt, A.; Pirogova, N.; Richter, F. G.; Schuetzenberger, A.; Braun, L.; Serbe, E.; Borst, A.: Dynamic signal compression for robust motion vision in flies. Current Biology 30 (2), pp. 209 - 221.e8 (2020)
Journal Article
Egger, R.; Tupikov, Y.; Elmaleh, M.; Katlowitz, K. A.; Benezra, S. E.; Picardo, M. A.; Moll, F.; Kornfeld, J.; Jin, D. Z.; Long, M. A.: Local axonal conduction shapes the spatiotemporal properties of neural sequences. Cell 183 (2), pp. 537 - 548.e12 (2020)
Journal Article
Erdogan, M.; Fabritius, A.; Basquin, J.; Griesbeck, O.: Targeted in situ protein diversification and intra-organelle validation in mammalian cells. Cell Chemical Biology 27 (5), pp. 610 - 621.e5 (2020)
Journal Article
Escalante, A.; Klein, R.: Spinal inhibitory Ptf1a-derived neurons prevent self-generated itch. Cell Reports 33 (8), 108422 (2020)
Journal Article
Fendl, S.; Viera, R. M.; Borst, A.: Conditional protein tagging methods reveal highly specific subcellular distribution of ion channels in motion-sensing neurons. eLife 9, e62953 (2020)
Journal Article
Förster, D.; Helmbrecht, T. O.; Mearns, D. S.; Jordan, L.; Mokayes, N.; Baier, H.: Retinotectal circuitry of larval zebrafish is adapted to detection and pursuit of prey. eLife 9, e58596 (2020)
Journal Article
Gehrlach, D. A.; Gaitanos, T. N.; Klein, A. S.; Weiand, C.; Hennrich, A. A.; Conzelmann, K.-K.; Gogolla, N.: A whole-brain connectivity map of mouse insular cortex. eLife 9, e55585 (2020)
Journal Article
Goedel, C.; Kunkel, B.; Kashani, A.; Lassmann, H.; Arumugam, M.; Krishnamoorthy, G.: Perturbation of gut microbiota decreases susceptibility but does not modulate ongoing autoimmune neurological disease. Journal of Neuroinflammation 17 (1), 79 (2020)
Journal Article
Hörmann, N.; Schilling, T.; Ali, A. H.; Serbe, E.; Mayer, C.; Borst, A.; Pujol-Marti, J.: A combinatorial code of transcription factors specifies subtypes of visual motion-sensing neurons in Drosophila. Development 147 (9), dev186296 (2020)
Journal Article
Huang, K.-H.; Rupprecht, P.; Frank, T.; Kawakami, K.; Bouwmeester, T.; Friedrich, R. W.: A virtual reality system to analyze neural activity and behavior in adult zebrafish. Nature Methods 17 (3), pp. 343 - 351 (2020)
Journal Article
Korkmaz, B.; Lesner, A.; Marchand-Adam, S.; Moss, C.; Jenne, D. E.: Lung protection by cathepsin C inhibition: A new hope for COVID-19 and ARDS? Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 63 (22), pp. 13258 - 13265 (2020)
Journal Article
La Chioma, A.; Bonhoeffer, T.; Hübener, M.: Disparity sensitivity and binocular integration in mouse visual cortex areas. The Journal of Neuroscience 40 (46), pp. 8883 - 8899 (2020)
Journal Article
Lempka, S. F.; Capogrosso, M.; Han, X.; Baier, H.; Waddell, S.; Chiel, H. J.; Ganguly, K.: What is the key conceptual or methodological bottleneck to controlling neural biology? Cell Systems 10 (6), pp. 461 - 462 (2020)
Journal Article
Mauss, A. S.; Borst, A.: Optic flow-based course control in insects. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 60, pp. 21 - 27 (2020)
Journal Article
Mearns, D. S.; Donovan, J. C.; Fernandes, A. M.; Semmelhack, J. L.; Baier, H.: Deconstructing hunting behavior reveals a tightly coupled stimulus-response loop. Current Biology 30 (1), pp. 54 - 69.e9 (2020)
Journal Article
Pantoja, C.; Larsch, J.; Laurell, E.; Marquart, G.; Kunst, M.; Baier, H.: Rapid effects of selection on brain-wide activity and behavior. Current Biology 30 (18), pp. 3647 - 3656.e3 (2020)
Journal Article
Peters, C.; Bascunan, D.; Burgos, C. F.; Bobadilla, C.; Gonzalez-Sanmiguel, J.; Boopathi, S.; Riffo, N.; Fernandez-Perez, E. J.; Elena Tarnok, M.; Felipe Aguilar, L. et al.; Gonzalez, W.; Aguayo, L. G.: Characterization of a new molecule capable of inhibiting several steps of the amyloid cascade in Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Disease 141, 104938 (2020)
Journal Article
Ponserre, M.; Peters, C.; Fermani, F.; Conzelmann, K.-K.; Klein, R.: The insula cortex contacts distinct output streams of the central amygdala. The Journal of Neuroscience 40 (46), pp. 8870 - 8882 (2020)
Journal Article
Schuetzenberger, A.; Borst, A.: Seeing natural images through the eye of a fly with remote focusing two-photon microscopy. iScience 23 (6), 101170 (2020)
Journal Article
Siju, K. P.; Štih, V.; Aimon, S.; Gjorgjieva, J.; Portugues, R.; Grunwald Kadow, I. C.: Valence and state-dependent population coding in dopaminergic neurons in the fly mushroom body. Current Biology 30 (11), pp. 2104 - 2115.e4 (2020)
Journal Article
van Staden, C.; de Brouwer, G.; Botha, T. L.; Finger-Baier, K.; Brand, S. J.; Wolmarans, D.: Dopaminergic and serotonergic modulation of social reward appraisal in zebrafish (Danio rerio) under circumstances of motivational conflict: Towards a screening test for anti-compulsive drug action. Behavioural Brain Research 379, 112393 (2020)
Journal Article
Wu, Y.; Dal Maschio, M.; Kubo, F.; Baier, H.: An optical illusion pinpoints an essential circuit node for global motion processing. Neuron 108 (4), pp. 722 - 734.e5 (2020)
Journal Article
Xu, J.; Zeug, A.; Riederer, B.; Yeruva, S.; Griesbeck, O.; Daniel, H.; Tuo, B.; Ponimaskin, E.; Dong, H.; Seidler, U.: Calcium‐sensing receptor regulates intestinal dipeptide absorption via Ca2+ signaling and IKCa activation. Physiological Reports 8 (1), e14337 (2020)
Journal Article
Yildizoglu, T.; Riegler, C.; Fitzgerald, J. E.; Portugues, R.: A neural representation of naturalistic motion-guided behavior in the zebrafish brain. Current Biology 30 (12), pp. 2321 - 2333.e6 (2020)

Book Chapter (1)

Book Chapter
Burkett, P. R.; Pawlak, M.; Peters, A.; Kuchroo, V. K.: T cells and their subsets in autoimmunity. In: The autoimmune diseases, 6 Ed., pp. 91 - 116 (Eds. Rose, N. R.; Mackay, I. R.). Academic Press, London (2020)
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