Publications of the MPI of Neurobiology

Journal Article (45)

Journal Article
Bauer, K. E.; Segura, I.; Gaspar, I.; Scheuss, V.; IIlig, C.; Ammer, G.; Hutten, S.; Basyuk, E.; Fernandez-Moya, S. M.; Ehses, J. et al.; Bertrand, E.; Kiebler, M. A.: Live cell imaging reveals 3′-UTR dependent mRNA sorting to synapses. Nature Communications 10, 3178 (2019)
Journal Article
Betolngar, D. B.; Mota, E.; Fabritius, A.; Nielsen, J.; Hougaard, C.; Christoffersen, C. T.; Yang, J.; Kehler, J.; Griesbeck, O.; Castro V, L. R. et al.; Vincent, P.: Phosphodiesterase 1 bridges glutamate inputs with NO- and dopamine-induced cyclic nucleotide signals in the striatum. Cerebral Cortex 29 (12), pp. 5022 - 5036 (2019)
Journal Article
Burgold, J.; Schulz-Trieglaff, E. K.; Voelkl, K.; Gutierrez-Angel, S.; Bader, J. M.; Hosp, F.; Mann, M.; Arzberger, T.; Klein, R.; Liebscher, S. et al.; Dudanova, I.: Cortical circuit alterations precede motor impairments in Huntington's disease mice. Scientific Reports 9, 6634 (2019)
Journal Article
Cohen, I. R.; Wekerle, H.: Avraham Ben-Nun - Pioneer, fighter, friend. European Journal of Immunology 49 (4), pp. 521 - 522 (2019)
Journal Article
Contreras, R.; Porcile, V.; Guggiana-Nilo, D.; Aguayo, F.: An efficient protocol to perform genetic traceability of tissue and foods from Geoffroea decorticans. Chilean journal of agricultural and animal sciences 35 (3), pp. 224 - 237 (2019)
Journal Article
Cramer, K.; Bolender, A.-L.; Stockmar, I.; Jungmann, R.; Kasper, R.; Shin, J. Y.: Visualization of bacterial protein complexes labeled with fluorescent proteins and nanobody binders for STED microscopy. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (14), 3376 (2019)
Journal Article
Egbert, J. R.; Fahey, P. G.; Reimer, J.; Owen, C. M.; Evsikov, A. V.; Nikolaev, V. O.; Griesbeck, O.; Ray, R. S.; Tolias, A. S.; Jaffe, L. A.: Follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone increase Ca2+ in the granulosa cells of mouse ovarian follicles. Biology of Reproduction 101 (2), pp. 433 - 444 (2019)
Journal Article
Enzmann, G.; Adelfio, R.; Godel, A.; Jahromi, N. H.; Tietz, S.; Burgener, S. S.; Deutsch, U.; Wekerle, H.; Benarafa, C.; Engelhardt, B.: The genetic background of mice influences the effects of cigarette smoke on onset and severity of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (6), 1433 (2019)
Journal Article
Feingold, D.; Knogler, L.; Starc, T.; Drapeau, P.; O'Donnell, M. J.; Nilson, L. A.; Dent, J. A.: secCl is a cys-loop ion channel necessary for the chloride conductance that mediates hormone-induced fluid secretion in Drosophila. Scientific Reports 9, 7464 (2019)
Journal Article
Fernandez, I. M.; Macrini, C.; Krumbholz, M.; Hensbergen, P. J.; Ederveen, A. L. H.; Winklmeier, S.; Vural, A.; Kurne, A.; Jenne, D. E.; Kamp, F. et al.; Gerdes, L. A.; Hohlfeld, R.; Wuhrer, M.; Kümpfel, T.; Meinl, E.: The glycosylation site of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein affects autoantibody recognition in a large proportion of patients. Frontiers in immunology 10, 1189 (2019)
Journal Article
Gehrlach, D.; Dolensek, N.; Klein, A.; Chowdhury, R. R.; Matthys, A.; Junghänel, M.; Gaitanos, T. N.; Podgornik, A.; Black, T. D.; Vaka, N. R. et al.; Conzelmann , K.-K.; Gogolla, N.: Aversive state processing in the posterior insular cortex. Nature Neuroscience 22 (9), pp. 1424 - 1437 (2019)
Journal Article
Glas, A.; Hübener, M.; Bonhoeffer, T.; Goltstein, P. M.: Benchmarking miniaturized microscopy against two-photon calcium imaging using single-cell orientation tuning in mouse visual cortex. PLoS One 14 (4), e0214954 (2019)
Journal Article
Gong, J.; Gaitanos, T. N.; Luu, O.; Huang, Y.; Gaitanos, L.; Lindner, J.; Winklbauer, R.; Klein, R.: Gulp1 controls Eph/ephrin trogocytosis and is important for cell rearrangements during development. The Journal of Cell Biology 218 (10), pp. 3455 - 3471 (2019)
Journal Article
Hofmann, U. A. T.; Fabritius, A.; Rebling, J.; Estrada, H.; Dean-Ben, X. L.; Griesbeck, O.; Razansky, D.: High-throughput platform for optoacoustic probing of genetically encoded calcium ion indicators. iScience 22, pp. 400 - 408 (2019)
Journal Article
Kist, A. M.; Portugues, R.: Optomotor swimming in larval zebrafish is driven by global whole-field visual motion and local light-dark transitions. Cell Reports 29 (3), pp. 659 - 670.e3 (2019)
Journal Article
Knogler, L. D.; Kist, A. M.; Portugues, R.: Motor context dominates output from purkinje cell functional regions during reflexive visuomotor behaviours. eLife 8, e42138 (2019)
Journal Article
Korkmaz, B.; Lesner, A.; Wysocka, M.; Gieldon, A.; Hakansson, M.; Gauthier, F.; Logan, D. T.; Jenne, D. E.; Lauritzen, C.; Pedersen, J.: Structure-based design and in vivo anti-arthritic activity evaluation of a potent dipeptidyl cyclopropyl nitrile inhibitor of cathepsin C. Biochemical Pharmacology 164, pp. 349 - 367 (2019)
Journal Article
Kramer, A.; Wu, Y.; Baier, H.; Kubo, F.: Neuronal architecture of a visual center that processes optic flow. Neuron 103 (1), pp. 118 - 132.e7 (2019)
Journal Article
Kunst, M.; Laurell, E.; Mokayes, N.; Kramer, A.; Kubo, F.; Fernandes, A. M.; Förster, D.; Dal Maschio, M.; Baier, H.: A cellular-resolution atlas of the larval zebrafish brain. Neuron 103 (1), pp. 21 - 38.e5 (2019)
Journal Article
La Chioma, A.; Bonhoeffer, T.; Hübener, M.: Area-specific mapping of binocular disparity across mouse visual cortex. Current Biology 29 (17), pp. 2954 - 2960.e5 (2019)
Journal Article
Lamort, A.-S.; Hamon, Y.; Czaplewski, C.; Gieldon, A.; Seren, S.; Coquet, L.; Lecaille, F.; Lesner, A.; Lalmanach, G.; Gauthier, F. et al.; Jenne, D. E.; Korkmaz, B.: Processing and maturation of cathepsin C zymogen: A biochemical and molecular modeling analysis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (19), 4747 (2019)
Journal Article
Larsch, J.; Pantoja, C.: Learning: Complexities of habituation in escaping zebrafish larvae. Current Biology 29 (8), pp. R292 - R294 (2019)
Journal Article
Marinkovic, P.; Blumenstock, S.; Goltstein, P. M.; Korzhova, V.; Peters, F.; Knebl, A.; Herms, J.: In vivo imaging reveals reduced activity of neuronal circuits in a mouse tauopathy model. Brain 142 (4), pp. 1051 - 1062 (2019)
Journal Article
Marquart, G. D.; Tabor, K. M.; Bergeron, S. A.; Briggman, K. L.; Burgess, H. A.: Prepontine non-giant neurons drive flexible escape behavior in zebrafish. PLoS Biology 17 (10), e3000480 (2019)
Journal Article
Martins, J. C.; Saxena, R.; Neppl, S.; Alhazmi, A.; Reiner, M.; Veloza, S.; Belka, C.; Parodi, K.: Optimization of phase space files from clinical linear accelerators. Physica Medica 64, pp. 54 - 68 (2019)
Journal Article
Meier, M.; Borst, A.: Extreme compartmentalization in a Drosophila amacrine cell. Current Biology 29 (9), pp. 1545 - 1550.e2 (2019)
Journal Article
Mues, M.; Krishnamoorthy, G.: BReDi mouse: A novel transgenic mouse strain to track and deplete Bcells. European Journal of Immunology 49 (3), pp. 500 - 503 (2019)
Journal Article
Paixao, S.; Loschek, L. F.; Gaitanos, L.; Alcala Morales, P. L.; Goulding, M.; Klein, R.: Identification of spinal neurons contributing to the dorsal column projection mediating fine touch and corrective motor movements. Neuron 104 (4), pp. 749 - 764.e6 (2019)
Journal Article
Peters, A.; Wekerle, H.: Autoimmune diabetes mellitus and the leaky gut. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116 (30), pp. 14788 - 14790 (2019)
Journal Article
Pollak, D. J.; Feller, K. D.; Serbe, E.; Mircic, S.; Gage, G. J.: An electrophysiological investigation of power-amplification in the ballistic mantis shrimp punch. Journal of undergraduate neuroscience education: JUNE: A publication of FUN, Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience 17 (2), pp. T12 - T18 (2019)
Journal Article
Rehm, S. R. T.; Smirnova, N. F.; Morrone, C.; Goetzfried, J.; Feuchtinger, A.; Pedersen, J.; Korkmaz, B.; Yildirim, A. O.; Jenne, D. E.: Premedication with a cathepsin C inhibitor alleviates early primary graft dysfunction in mouse recipients after lung transplantation. Scientific Reports 9, 9925 (2019)
Journal Article
Sayin, S.; De Backer, J.-F.; Siju, K. P.; Wosniack, M. E.; Lewis, L. P.; Frisch, L.-M.; Gansen, B.; Schlegel, P.; Edmondson-Stait, A.; Sharifi, N. et al.; Fisher, C. B.; Calle-Schuler, S. A.; Lauritzen, J. S.; Bock, D. D.; Costa, M.; Jefferis, G. S. X. E.; Gjorgjieva, J.; Grunwald Kadow, I. C.: A neural circuit arbitrates between persistence and withdrawal in hungry Drosophila. Neuron 104 (3), pp. 544 - 558.e6 (2019)
Journal Article
Schilling, T.; Ali, A. H.; Leonhardt, A.; Borst, A.; Pujol-Marti, J.: Transcriptional control of morphological properties of direction-selective T4/T5 neurons in Drosophila. Development 146 (2), dev169763 (2019)
Journal Article
Schmidt, F.; Dahlke, K.; Batra, A.; Keye, J.; Wu, H.; Friedrich, M.; Glauben, R.; Ring, C.; Loh, G.; Schaubeck, M. et al.; Hackl, H.; Trajanoski, Z.; Schumann, M.; Kuehl, A. A.; Blaut, M.; Siegmund, B.: Microbial colonization in adulthood shapes the intestinal macrophage compartment. Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 13 (9), pp. 1173 - 1185 (2019)
Journal Article
Schubert, P. J.; Dorkenwald, S.; Januszewski, M.; Jain, V.; Kornfeld, J.: Learning cellular morphology with neural networks. Nature Communications 10, 2736 (2019)
Journal Article
Shainer, I.; Michel, M.; Marquart, G. D.; Bhandiwad, A. A.; Zmora, N.; Livne, Z. B.-M.; Zohar, Y.; Hazak, A.; Mazon, Y.; Förster, D. et al.; Hollander-Cohen, L.; Cone, R. D.; Burgess, H. A.; Gothilf, Y.: Agouti-related protein 2 is a new player in the teleost stress response system. Current Biology 29 (12), pp. 2009 - 2019.e7 (2019)
Journal Article
Sigmund, F.; Pettinger, S.; Kube, M.; Schneider, F.; Schifferer, M.; Schneider, S.; Efremova, M. V.; Pujol-Marti, J.; Aichler, M.; Walch, A. et al.; Misgeld, T.; Dietz, H.; Westmeyer, G. G.: Iron-sequestering nanocompartments as multiplexed electron microscopy gene reporters. ACS Nano 13 (7), pp. 8114 - 8123 (2019)
Journal Article
Stanley, C. E.; Mauss, A. S.; Borst, A.; Cooper, R. L.: The effects of chloride flux on Drosophila heart rate. Methods and Protocols 2 (3), 73 (2019)
Journal Article
Štih, V.; Petrucco, L.; Kist, A. M.; Portugues, R.: Stytra: An open-source, integrated system for stimulation, tracking and closed-loop behavioral experiments. PLoS Computational Biology 15 (4), e1006699 (2019)
Journal Article
Stuerner, T.; Tatarnikova, A.; Mueller, J.; Schaffran, B.; Cuntz, H.; Zhang, Y.; Nemethova, M.; Bogdan, S.; Small, V.; Tavosanis, G.: Transient localization of the Arp2/3 complex initiates neuronal dendrite branching in vivo. Development 146 (7), dev171397 (2019)
Journal Article
Teichert, M.; Isstas, M.; Liebmann, L.; Huebner, C. A.; Wieske, F.; Winter, C.; Lehmann, K.; Bolz, J.: Visual deprivation independent shift of ocular dominance induced by cross-modal plasticity. PLoS One 14 (3), e0213616 (2019)
Journal Article
Trigo-Mourino, P.; Thestrup, T.; Griesbeck, O.; Griesinger, C.; Becker, S.: Dynamic tuning of FRET in a green fluorescent protein biosensor. Science Advances 5 (8), eaaw4988 (2019)
Journal Article
Wekerle, H.: Secondary progressive multiple sclerosis and the gut-brain axis. Brain 142, pp. 838 - 840 (2019)
Journal Article
Witte, M. E.; Schumacher, A.-M.; Mahler, C. F.; Bewersdorf, J. P.; Lehmitz, J.; Scheiter, A.; Sanchez, P.; Williams, P. R.; Griesbeck, O.; Naumann, R. et al.; Misgeld, T.; Kerschensteiner, M.: Calcium influx through plasma-membrane nanoruptures drives Axon degeneration in a model of multiple sclerosis. Neuron 101 (4), pp. 615 - 624.e5 (2019)
Journal Article
Yashina, K.; Tejero-Cantero, A.; Herz, A.; Baier, H.: Zebrafish exploit visual cues and geometric relationships to form a spatial memory. iScience 19, pp. 119 - 134 (2019)

Review Article (1)

Review Article
Hees, J. T.; Harbauer, A. B.: Calcium dysregulation and mitochondrial dysfunction form a vicious cycle in Parkinson’s disease. American Journal of Biomedical Science & Research 5 (3), AJBSR.MS.ID.000920 (2019)
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