Journal Article (382)

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Grundtner, R.; Dornmair, K.; Dahm, R.; Flügel, A.; Kawakami, N.; Zeitelhofer, M.; Schoderboeck, L.; Nosov, M.; Selzer, E.; Willheim, M. et al.; Kiebler, M.; Wekerle, H.; Lassmann, H.; Bradl, M.: Transition from enhanced T cell infiltration to inflammation in the myelin-degenerative central nervous system. Neurobiology of Disease 28 (3), pp. 261 - 275 (2007)
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Hajjar, E.; Korkmaz, B.; Reuter, N.: Differences in the substrate binding sites of murine and human proteinase 3 and neutrophil elastase. FEBS Letters 581 (29), pp. 5685 - 5690 (2007)
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Hoffmann, L. A.; Krumbholz, M.; Faber, H.; Kuempfel, T.; Starck, M.; Pöllmann, W.; Meinl, E.; Hohlfeld, R.: Multiple sclerosis: Relating MxA transcription to anti-interferon-β-neutralizing antibodies. Neurology 68 (12), pp. 958 - 959 (2007)
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Hohlfeld, R.; Dornmair, K.: Revisiting the immunopathogenesis of the inflammatory myopathies. Neurology 69 (21), pp. 1966 - 1967 (2007)
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Hohlfeld, R.; Kerschensteiner, M.; Meinl, E.: Dual role of inflammation in CNS disease. Neurology 68 (3), pp. 58 - 63 (2007)
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Hüfner, K.; Arbusow, V.; Himmelein, S.; Derfuss, T.; Sinicina, I.; Strupp, M.; Brandt, T.; Theil, D.: The prevalence of human herpesvirus 6 in human sensory ganglia and its co-occurrence with alpha-herpesvirus. Journal of Neurovirology 13 (5), pp. 462 - 467 (2007)
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Jarius, S.; Eichhorn, P.; Albert, M. H.; Wagenpfeil, S.; Wick, M.; Belohradsky, B. H.; Hohlfeld, R.; Jenne, D. E.; Voltz, R.: Intravenous immunoglobulins contain naturally occurring antibodies that mimic antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies and activate neutrophils in a TNFα-dependent and Fc-receptor-independent way. Blood 109 (10), pp. 4376 - 4382 (2007)
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Jarius, S.; Franciotta, D.; Bergamaschi, R.; Wright, H.; Littleton, E.; Palace, J.; Hohlfeld, R.; Vincent, A.: NMO-IgG in the diagnosis of neuromyelitis optica. Neurology 68 (13), pp. 1076 - 1077 (2007)
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Jarius, S.; Friedemann, P.; Franciotta, D.; Aktas, O.; Hohlfeld, R.; Zipp, F.; Vincent, A.: Revised diagnostic criteria for neuromyelitis optica-incorporation of NMO-IgG status. Nature Clinical Practise Neurology 5, pp. 2774 - 2783 (2007)
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Jenne, D. E.; Aries, P. M.; Einwächter, S.; Akkad, A. D.; Wieczorek, S.; Lamprecht, P.; Gross, W. L.: The low-penetrance R92Q mutation of the tumour necrosis factor superfamily 1A gene is neither a major risk factor for Wegener's granulomatosis nor multiple sclerosis. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 66 (9), pp. 1266 - 1267 (2007)
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Junker, A.; Ivanidze, J.; Malotka, J.; Eiglmeier, I.; Lassmann, H.; Wekerle, H.; Meinl, E.; Hohlfeld, R.; Dornmair, K.: Multiple sclerosis: T-cell receptor expression in distinct brain regions. Brain 130, pp. 2789 - 2799 (2007)
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Kessenbrock, K.; Raijmakers, R.; Fritzler, M. J.; Mahler, M.: Synthetic peptides: The future of patient management in systemic rheumatic diseases? Current Medicinal Chemistry 14 (26), pp. 2831 - 2838 (2007)
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Kramer, E. R.; Aron, L.; Ramakers, G. M. J.; Seitz, S.; Zhuang, X. X.; Beyer, K.; Smidt, M. P.; Klein, R.: Absence of ret signaling in mice causes progressive and late degeneration of the nigrostriatal system. PLoS Biology 5 (3), e39, pp. 616 - 628 (2007)
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Krishnamoorthy, G.; Holz, A.; Wekerle, H.: Experimental models of spontaneous in the central nervous system. Journal of Molecular Medicine-JMM 85 (11), pp. 1161 - 1173 (2007)
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Krumbholz, M.; Pellkofer, H.; Gold, R.; Hoffmann, L.; Hohlfeld, R.; Kümpfel, T.: Delayed allergic reaction to natalizumab associated with early formation of neutralizing antibodies. Archives of Neurology 64, pp. 1331 - 1333 (2007)
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Krumbholz, M.; Theil, D.; Steinmeyer, F.; Cepok, S.; Hemmer, B.; Hofbauer, M.; Farina, C.; Derfuss, T.; Junker, A.; Arzberger, T. et al.; Sinicina, I.; Hartle, C.; Newcombe, J.; Hohlfeld, R.; Meinl, E.: CCL19 is constitutively expressed in the CNS, up-regulated in neuroinflammation, active and also inactive multiple sclerosis lesions. Journal of Neuroimmunology 190 (1-2), pp. 72 - 79 (2007)
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Leder, C.; Schwab, N.; Ip, C. W.; Kroner, A.; Nave, K. A.; Dornmair, K.; Martini, R.; Wiendl, H.: Clonal expansions of pathogenic CD8+ effector cells in the CNS of myelin mutant mice. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 36 (3), pp. 416 - 424 (2007)
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Lisak, R. P.; Hohlfeld, R.: Neurodegeneration, neuroprotection, glial cells, and myelin in multiple sclerosis. Neurology 68 (Suppl. 3), p. S1 - S1 (2007)
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Lyakhovich, A.; Canals, F.; Nosov, M.; Surralles, J.: A DIGE-based approach to study interacting proteins. Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods 70 (4), pp. 693 - 695 (2007)
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Mathey, E. K.; Derfuss, T.; Storch, M. K.; Williams, K. R.; Hales, K.; Woolley, D. R.; Al-Hayani, A.; Davies, S. N.; Rasband, M. N.; Olsson, T. et al.; Moldenhauer, A.; Velhin, S.; Hohlfeld, R.; Meinl, E.; Linington, C.: Neurofascin as a novel target for autoantibody-mediated axonal injury. Journal of Experimental Medicine 204 (10), pp. 2363 - 2372 (2007)
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Odoardi, F.; Kawakami, N.; Klinkert, W. E. F.; Wekerle, H.; Flügel, A.: Blood-borne soluble protein antigen intensifies T cell activation in autoimmune CNS lesions and exacerbates clinical disease. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104 (47), pp. 18625 - 18630 (2007)
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Odoardi, F.; Kawakami, N.; Li, Z. X.; Cordiglieri, C.; Streyl, K.; Nosov, M.; Klinkert, W. E. F.; Ellwart, J. W.; Bauer, J.; Lassmann, H. et al.; Wekerle, H.; Flügel, A.: Instant effect of soluble antigen on effector T cells in peripheral immune organs during immunotherapy of autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104 (3), pp. 920 - 925 (2007)
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Paul, F.; Jarius, S.; Aktas, O.; Bluthner, M.; Bauer, O.; Appelhans, H.; Franciotta, D.; Bergamaschi, R.; Littleton, E.; Palace, J. et al.; Seelig, H.-P.; Hohlfeld, R.; Vincent, A.; Zipp, F.: Antibody to aquaporin 4 in the diagnosis of neuomyelitis optica. PLoS Medicine 4 (4), e133, pp. 0669 - 0674 (2007)
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Stich, O.; Jarius, S.; Kleer, B.; Rasiah, C.; Voltz, R.; Rauer, S.: Specific antibody index in cerebrospinal fluid from patients with central and peripheral paraneoplastic neurological syndromes. Journal of Neuroimmunology 183 (1-2), pp. 220 - 224 (2007)
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Weber, M. S.; Hohlfeld, R.; Zamvil, S. S.: Mechanism of action of glatiramer acetate in treatment of multiple sclerosis. Neurotherapeutics 4 (4), pp. 647 - 653 (2007)
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Wekerle, H.: L'énigme de l'entrée des lymphocytes T auto-immuns dans les tissus nerveux centraux et de leur attaque contre les structures de myéline. Comptes Rendus Biologies 330 (1), pp. 1 - 12 (2007)
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Chevrel, G.; Hohlfeld, R.; Sendtner, M.: The role of neurotrophins in muscle under physiological and pathological conditions. Muscle & Nerve 33 (4), pp. 462 - 476 (2006)
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Gold, R.; Hartung, H. P.; Hohlfeld, R.: Monoclonal antibodies improve therapy of relapsing multiple sclerosis. Molecular basis and clinical results of anti-VLA4 (natalizumab) therapy. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 131 (1-2), pp. 31 - 34 (2006)
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Hoffmann, L. A.; Kümpfel, T.; Heer, I.; Hohlfeld, R.: Pregnancy and immunomodulatory therapy in multiple sclerosis patients. Nervenarzt 6, pp. 663, 666, 670 - 664, 668 (2006)
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Hohlfeld, R.; Kerschensteiner, M.; Stadelmann, C.; Lassmann, H.; Wekerle, H.: The neuroprotective effect of inflammation: Implications for the therapy of multiple sclerosis. Neurological Sciences 27, pp. S1 - S7 (2006)
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Jenne, D. E.; Kuhl, A.: Production and applications of recombinant proteinase 3, Wegener's autoantigen: Problems and perspectives. Clinical Nephrology 66 (3), pp. 153 - 159 (2006)
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Kirchberger, T.; Wagner, G.; Xu, J.; Cordiglieri, C.; Wang, P.; Gasser, A.; Fliegert, R.; Bruhn, S.; Flügel, A.; Lund, F. E. et al.; Zhang, L. H.; Potter, B. V. L.; Guse, A. H.: Cellular effects and metabolic stability of N1-cyclic inosine diphosphoribose and its derivatives. British Journal of Pharmacology 149 (4), pp. 337 - 344 (2006)
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Krishnamoorthy, G.; Lassmann, H.; Wekerle, H.; Holz, A.: Spontaneous opticospinal encephalomyelitis in a double-transgenic mouse model of autoimmune T cell B cell cooperation. The Journal of Clinical Investigation 116 (9), pp. 2385 - 2392 (2006)
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Krumbholz, M.; Theil, D.; Cepok, S.; Hemmer, B.; Kivisakk, P.; Ransohoff, R. M.; Hofbauer, M.; Farina, C.; Derfuss, T.; Hartle, C. et al.; Newcombe, J.; Hohlfeld, R.; Meinl, E.: Chemokines in multiple sclerosis: CXCL12 and CXCL13 up-regulation is differentially linked to CNS immune cell recruitment. Brain 129, pp. 200 - 211 (2006)
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Kurschus, F. C.; Oelert, T.; Liliensiek, B.; Buchmann, P.; Wraith, D. C.; Hammerling, G. J.; Arnold, B.: Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in mice expressing the autoantigen MBP1-10 covalently bound to the MHC class II molecule I-A(u). International Immunology 18 (1), pp. 151 - 162 (2006)
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Martin, R.; Bielekova, B.; Hohlfeld, R.; Utz, U.: Biomarkers in multiple sclerosis. Disease Markers 22 (4), pp. 183 - 185 (2006)
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Meinl, E.; Krumbholz, M.; Hohlfeld, R.: B lineage cells in inflammatory central nervous system - Reply. Annals of Neurology 60 (4), p. 487 - 487 (2006)
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Meinl, E.; Krumbholz, M.; Hohlfeld, R.: B lineage cells in the inflammatory central nervous system environment: Migration, maintenance, local antibody production, and therapeutic modulation. Annals of Neurology 59 (6), pp. 880 - 892 (2006)
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Seitz, S.; Schneider, C. K.; Malotka, J.; Nong, X.; Engel, A. G.; Wekerle, H.; Hohlfeld, R.; Dornmair, K.: Reconstitution of paired T cell receptor α- and β-chains from microdissected single cells of human inflammatory tissues. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103 (32), pp. 12057 - 12062 (2006)
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Wekerle, H.; Kurschus, F. C.: Animal models of multiple sclerosis. Drug Discovery Today: Disease Models 3 (4), pp. 359 - 367 (2006)
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Wekerle, H.; Linington, C.: Organ specific autoantigens and the autoreactive T cell repertoire: The case of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein. European Journal of Immunology 36 (3), pp. 512 - 515 (2006)
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Wiendl, H.; Kieseier, B. C.; Gold, R.; Hohlfeld, R.; Bendszus, M.; Hartung, H. P.: Revision of McDonald's new diagnostic criteria for multiple sclerosis. Nervenarzt 10, pp. 1235 - 1245 (2006)
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Bade, B.; Boettcher, H. E.; Lohrmann, J.; Hink-Schauer, C.; Bratke, K.; Jenne, D. E.; Virchow, J. C.; Luttmann, W.: Differential expression of the granzymes A, K and M and perforin in human peripheral blood lymphocytes. International Immunology 17 (11), pp. 1419 - 1428 (2005)
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Bradl, M.; Bauer, J.; Flügel, A.; Wekerle, H.; Lassmann, H.: Complementary contribution of CD4 and CD8 T lymphocytes to T-cell infiltration of the intact and the degenerative spinal cord. American Journal of Pathology 166 (5), pp. 1441 - 1450 (2005)
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Derfuss, T.; Hohlfeld, R.; Meinl, E.: Intrathecal antibody (IgG) production against human herpesvirus type 6 occurs in about 20% of multiple sclerosis patients and might be linked to a polyspecific B-cell response. Journal of Neurology 252 (8), pp. 968 - 971 (2005)
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Diehl, S.; Bruno, R.; Wilkinson, G. A.; Loose, D.; Wilting, J.; Schweigerer, L.; Klein, R.: Altered expression patterns of EphrinB2 and EphB2 in human umbilical vessels and congenital venous malformations. Pediatric Research 57 (4), pp. 537 - 544 (2005)
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Farina, C.; Krumbholz, M.; Giese, T.; Hartmann, G.; Aloisi, F.; Meinl, E.: Preferential expression and function of Toll-like receptor 3 in human astrocytes. Journal of Neuroimmunology 159 (1-2), pp. 12 - 19 (2005)
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Farina, C.; Weber, M. S.; Meinl, E.; Wekerle, H.; Hohlfeld, R.: Glatiramer acetate in multiple sclerosis: Update on potential mechanisms of action. Lancet Neurology 4 (9), pp. 567 - 575 (2005)
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Hohlfeld, R.; Wekerle, H.: Drug insight: Using monoclonal antibodies to treat multiple sclerosis. Nature Clinical Practice Neurology 1, pp. 34 - 44 (2005)
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Jenne, D. E.; Kley, R. A.; Vorgerd, M.; Schroder, J. M.; Weis, J.; Reimann, H.; Albrecht, B.; Nurnberg, P.; Thiele, H.; Muller, C. R. et al.; Meng, G.; Witt, C. C.; Labeit, S.: Limb girdle muscular dystrophy in a sibling pair with a homozygous Ser606Leu mutation in the alternatively spliced IS2 region of calpain 3. Biological Chemistry 386 (1), pp. 61 - 67 (2005)
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